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Lostling Feb 5
T h e   d a y s   s e e m   t o o   l o n g
A  n  d     t  h  e     y  e  a  r  s     e  v  e  n      l  o  n  g  e  r

Funny how quickly
A life can be-
Cut short.
Lostling Feb 4
I’m tired of feeling everything all at once
They fight, I take the wounds.
I smile
A mask to hide my tears
While my heart rots with the tortured corpses

They’ll never know I’m dying
Or understand
Or care
And yet I’m scared to close the doors
For what is one moment of respite if I lose the key again?
Emotional exhaustion due to being over sensitive. It’s like I feel too much and it gets overwhelming.
Lostling Feb 3
I sit
Behind a blank screen
S     c a   tt e    r  e       d
Like dandelion seeds in the wind
A swirling mess of fluffy white
I can’t help but think they look beautiful
What a gift it would be to share this beauty!
But I can’t catch them
They s
Right through my fingers
Laughing and dancing around me
While the white screen
And the blinking text cursor mock me…
Angry bees buzz in my mind,
Itchy and hot
  j        p,
I             and swipe
Trying to grab anything, ANYTHING!
But I fail to fly with them
Harsh hands only chasing away the seeds
Like parting water

I stop
Hope d r a i n i n g out of my body
I’ve broken and spring a leak
Condemned to the ground
I can’t do this anymore

The sun sets
And the dusts settles
I sit among among the dandelions drifting down
Wait, what?
I can finally hold them
Funnily, I write this as a practice while having writer’s block on another story. I really liked how it turned out =)
Lostling Feb 3
With twin oranges
Welcome blessings for new year
Relatives around
Happy Chinese New Year!
Lostling Feb 2
I sit on a hill
Grass poking into my palm
The night air woven in ice
The sky is filled with glittering stars
Nestled within the frozen void
Like little jewels in black velvet

Such beautiful corpses
The light of stars will still be visible from earth for a long time even after they die.
Lostling Feb 2
Behind the screens
They cannot see my tears
Or hear my silence
Through the words they do not shout
I cannot bear to read
For harm befalls my heart in silent weeping
Lostling Feb 1
Always searching
For a reason

Always looking
For a sign

Always seeking
For an answer

Always hunting
All my life


What If
I’m the one who’s lost?

What if
I need to be found?

What if
I’m the one who’s dying?

What if
I’m the one who’s drowned?

Nah… that’s impossible
Loves helping others but never asks for help because they’re convinced they can do everything and don’t need help if they try hard enough? Couldn’t be me.
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