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 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
You paint a perfect picture.

Full of firey reds
and deepest blue.
A sprinkle of gold
adds the final touch
to this masterpiece of 'you.'

But I've learned my lessons well.
Between the brush strokes,
the color choices,
the vibrant subject,
and opinionated voices.

A deeper inspection finds
a glaring exception.
The missing shadows
and darkened hues.
A blackened soul conveniently
hidden from view.

Most likely.

Deceit is your brush,
vivid lies fill your pallete.
A habit common among
those whos veneer
is as thin as your canvas.

 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
pluie d'été
she watches the boy
with green eyes
nursing his drink
meeting peace
when he looks up

a cigarette smoldering
between his *******
and the one he uses
when he wants to say
he's okay

he slurs

and you're not sure
and he's not sure
if he's talking to his reflection
in the mirror
behind you
or if he's
trying to reach an empty
grey sky

pour him
some more
burning gold
steady his hand
when he raises
the glass
with the imprint
of his silent lips
and smile
expecting him to give you one

he says again
i'm ******

and you deduce
that he must
be talking to the sky
beyond this ceiling
weighed down
with mood lighting
capturing the shadows
of lovers
becoming friends
and friends becoming lovers

aren't we all?

he smiles
he's given in
to the ignorance
he supposes
you have

let's go home.

in his weighted touch
at the small of your back
like the glass
that falls
from his hand
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
Spring grapes die on withered vine
Wine of wrath flows bitter red
Isis' son seeks Babylon
Avenge by death the deed of Set

Along Euphrates course they fled
From march of madmen to the throne
And wine of wrath flows bitter red
Eagles flock to hawk by drone

Hung within a garden high
Black masks the march of death
Give new life to Levant's lie
And wine of wrath flows bitter red.

r~ 6/17/14
   |     ISIS march to Baghdad.
  / \
 Jun 2014 Hayleigh
Fuji Bear
There is a kindness in your eyes,
Always hidden by dark lenses.
It bleakens your world by only a shade,
But hides the beauty
Waiting inside
A tenderness in the wonder,
Behind those eyes
You have so much to give the world
Yet Held back only
by your own worries of self worth
Do not think that you aren't good enough,
Because acceptance starts with yourself.
The world will value you,
Only as much as you value yourself.
I hope this helps anyone who needs it
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