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 May 2014 morgan
Embarking upon
a saner
wired mind.
We track
seconds upon
minutes upon
hours upon
days upon
years upon
decades and
(arms, legs)
lost centuries,
do we
ever have
the time?
Everyone is
hopping, skipping
sprinting, flying
everyday growing
closer to
the final
moment, dying.
All of
these people,
supposedly succeeding
to be
more than
like me,
but in
the end
of the
day... Are
they really,
truly happy?
just a thought. society's pretty ****** yknow
 May 2014 morgan
Rebecca Paul
I wanted to drink until I forgot
your scent lingering on my shirt when you would hug me.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
all your empty promises and bitter words.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
your cold gaze piercing my back when you said to leave.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
those apathetic eyes and self-righteous taunts.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
myself begging you to let me cry in your lap.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
how many times I apologized for my abuser's actions.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
the sound of my own voice.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
the sight of my tear-stained face.
I wanted to drink until I forgot
the scars branding my body with "failure".
I wanted to drink until I forgot
you were my mom once.
I ended up drinking myself to
 May 2014 morgan
Amanda Kyara
I always fail in expressing how I feel

The closest I can come to a concrete explanation
Is comparing myself to situations
That will somehow make me feel
like I am not alone
in the way I feel
 May 2014 morgan
Nowhere has felt so right as Atlanta
once did
I would give anything in the world
to have those experiences again
and I wouldn’t change a ******* thing
but I know now
Atlanta is but a husk of what it once was
the life has left it
merely meaningful memories remain

And I can only hope that I’ve learned from Orpheus’s folly
maybe this time I’ll not try to rob the grave

When Robert comes back
We’re gonna go visit Jacob
he left too
and pretend like its old times again
I’m terrified to see them
because I haven’t been cleaning the wounds
or taking my medicine
And I know.
we’re only passing through
to look back
and say goodbye
 May 2014 morgan
Lone Wolf
I hate you more
With every breathe you take
Every word you say
Every bruise you leave

I try so hard
To avoid hurt
I don't talk to many people at school
I don't stray far from my own little world

Just to come home, every day
To you screaming in my face
Your words linger in my ears
"I wish I didn't have you" ringing the most clear

I'm worthless, and lazy, you say
I'm selfish, because your sick
And I don't do enough to help you
By cooking the meals, and cleaning the house

Your injured, you say you fell,
So I need to step up,
And do more, to keep the stress off you
And help you heal

But you don't sound sick
When you yell at me
And you don't look injured,
When you hurt me

See? Your standing now
Yelling as you come near
Screaming right in my ear
The same old, tired words.

And as you push me,
And I fall
Only one thought rings clear
"You don't look sick, anymore, mommy dear"
I wrote this quickly, last night after me and mom got in yet another argument. About laundry.. I didn't have internet so I'm posting it now.
 Mar 2014 morgan
Raphael Uzor
Forgive and let go
You need it more than your foes
**It's a selfish goal!
When you forgive, you're doing yourself a favor ;-)
 Mar 2014 morgan
Natalie Przybyla
You answered just a little too fast.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing I've missed you.
It surprised me.
The last time I saw you,
And the time before that,
You were intoxicated.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing what you are to me.
It surprised me.
You are a dress without hems or seams.
I hardly know you but you are beautiful.
You are the bullet in the rotating cylinder of the gun to my head.
You dig through my skull and explode my amygdala.
And force me to love you.
You are the jam in the barrel as I pull the trigger.
I fell to the ground in realization:
You both killed me and saved me.
It surprised me.
Follow me on Twitter: @laniate

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