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 Dec 2015 LifeBeauty13
Stumbling into reason
The settling dust recedes
Stars so bright and brilliant
So much to know and be

The answers of the universe
Clustered within the mind
Simple state of chance
The emergence of divine

Hope is but an invisible rope
Tethered to our fear
A glow within the darkness
Draws a silent tear

A tear for those who pass
Into the great beyond
Fear shall slowly fade
Cause soon we'll all be gone...
 Dec 2015 LifeBeauty13
Their eyes
Will always
Look down
On you
Their hearts
Will never

So warm
Your hearts
In solitude
A hearth
Of poetic  
Traveler Tim
30 Syllables
To those with such family drama
Hang in there HP
re to 07-2017
 Dec 2015 LifeBeauty13
You're too young to be in love.

You're too young to want to end your life, you've barely lived it.

You're too young to have any real troubles.

You're to young to know what's reality and what's not.

You're too young to make rational decisions on you're own.

You're too young to know the meaning of true beauty.

You're too young to have your own opinions on this modern day society.

You're too young to know what it feels like to truly be happy.

You're too young to know what it feels like to have been through hell and back.

You're to young to know what true disappointment feels like.

You're too young to know what it feels like to be completely heartbroken.

You're too young to understand what I'm talking about.

Well if I'm too young you should know having knowledge about life isn't measured by how long you've been alive, but by the experiences you've faced.

And you wouldn't know what I've had to go through to know the things I know about this lovely thing we call life.

My youth has nothing to do with you.
So many times I've been told that I couldn't do things, that I wouldn't understand things, that I shouldn't have certain thoughts or feelings just because I'm too young.
You write every chapter of your life
Don't be afraid to erase some things
And start over.
 Dec 2015 LifeBeauty13
Kalon R
I had a girlfriend who loved me like a wife but I hurt her over and over.

So... I let her go.

You know what really hurts?

Letting her go. Because you know she will keep coming back over and over no matter what. So you use her for all she has and lash out at her when she questions you. She's there for you at your darkest times and all she wants in return is a hug.

What kind of person would do that?
Someone who deep down hates themselves, and wants control of their emotions and of someone else's life, so they can displace the pain onto someone else.

But you only intensified the pain because you never quit, even though you were dying. Why the hell didn't you just leave when I told you to leave. Why would you stay? What is wrong with you?

You know the biggest lie I ever told myself is that "I don't love you" and the biggest lie I've ever told you is that "I never did". But you're free now and I hope to never see you again. I never deserved your love.

And I hope you never change.
 Dec 2015 LifeBeauty13
What I want
For Christmas is
Just the barest
Of necessities

All my teeth
Not just two
So when I eat
I can chew

A skip and jump
Back in my step
So each morning
I have some pep

A pair of glasses
Which self defrost
A set of keys
Which don’t get lost

All my hair
Put back in place
So I don’t have
That barren space

A pair of shoes
With self tie laces
So I don’t have to
Reach those places

A set of arteries
That don’t plug
A nice cold beer
Which I can chug

To have someone
My brain equip
With that new fangled
Memory chip

So it can tell me
My intent
When I stood up
And why I went

A bunch of prunes
Which are pre dated
To work just when
I’m constipated

A gizmo that will
So to speak
Turn off my wee wee’s
Little leak

So I don’t have
I’ll just be blunt
Those little dribbles
In the front

A cork that fits
My *** hole, please
So hemorrhoids don’t pop out
Whenever I sneeze

A longer arm
That would pass
Behind my back
To wipe my ***

On this I’ll end
My little list
I don’t want Santa
To get ******
 Dec 2015 LifeBeauty13
•a long time
ago in a galaxy far away
•the saga continues with fancy
new droids•characters in outland-
ish costumes put on display•impo-
ssible new crafts that  dart and slice
through vacuumed voids•armed to
■■■■   the teeth with impressive weapons•   ■■■■
■■■■■   spectacular battles between gargan-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   tuan cruisers• never ending fight b-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   etween opposing factions•where d-   ■■■■■
■■■■■   ark and light wield fantastic sabers•   ■■■■■
■■■■■   oh i love it... i love it!  the day draws   ■■■■■
■■■■■   near • where my childhood pangs...   ■■■■■
■■■■■   would begin to smart•in a week, the   ■■■■■
■■■■■   long anticipated day would be here•
■■■■■   where the sith in my veins meets the   ■■■■■
■■■■■                     jedi in my heart•                     ■■■■■
■■■■■                                                      ­                  ■■■■■
■■■■■■                                   ­                                  ■■■■■■
■■■■■■■                                                                   ■■■■■■■
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII             ­                                             IIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Concrete Poem 28 of 30

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