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  Aug 2017 Darius
The sun is bright outside
But, I swear, it isn't shining

Thoughts are racing inside
My resolve is successfully hiding

On this sad, broken carnival ride
There exists no desire to cease crying

No one in which to confide
Empty rooms, blank walls presiding

I'll be melancholy's bride
So, the loneliness isn't subsiding

Searching for the bright side
Something this life isn't providing

Yes, I'll be melancholy's bride
In my brokenness, I'll be hiding
  Aug 2017 Darius
I wanna frame your every flaw
Hang them like paintings on my walls

I wanna capture your laugh
Before the wind carries it to the past

I wanna freeze your bright smile
To keep it with me for every slow mile

I believe you're worth it
To me, you're picture perfect
Darius Aug 2017
I'm just a boy who is infatuated by stars
Looking for stories in everything that I see
An undeniable warmth that glows in every creation
A brilliance that basks your soul with a feeling you know should exist
Like it is a law of this world and the next.
Darius Aug 2017
" It's okay.
Even the stars collapse into themselves when they've burdened too much.
So fall into yourself,
Endure yourself,
Learn what makes you shine.
  You're ready. A star is being reborn. "
  Aug 2017 Darius
For the longest I was confused
I wondered who I was
And what I wanted too

But now that my love has gone unused
I know exactly who I am
And what I want is you

Sadly, if I bring that up to you
I know that I'll be rejected
And given some type of excuse

This has got to be emotional abuse
Even if it's being done by myself
And not caused by you

Sadly, I do feel quite used
The question sits in my mind..
Should I let go of you?

I need to hear something from you
That's exactly what I'll do..
Darius Aug 2017
Yes, I'm hurt. No, I am not okay. My heart is still healing, and I do not want your help. The same way a beast attacks to show resentment, refusing to let its wounds be touched or hurt even further.
Darius Aug 2017
I am emotionally drained
Comfortably numb
I sit on this throne with a crown made of thorns
Lose my name, lose my touch
Isolation is the gift for saying too much
But not acting enough  
A jester donned in king's ornament
Isn't this fun?
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