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When I was small,
I had the idea that I wanted a fairy tale love story
with a brave prince to save me,
take me in his arms and ask me to be his,
but I don’t want that anymore.
I want the imperfections,
the awkwardness.
I don’t want you to be my prince charming.
I want you as you are.
I want my awkward white boy from the Midwest
who likes video games, sports, and sings like an angel.
So sing to me,
because if eyes are the windows to the soul
then your voice is a door flung wide open.
And when I thought all my doors where closed
you invited me in for Chick Fil A and lemonade.
It just wasn’t going through my thick head.
You were dropping hints harder than boulders
and it took me awhile,
but I finally cracked on a Pokémon poem,
which you didn’t write,
but the words were just as sweet as ones of your own.
I was oblivious to your advances,
but they say love is blind.
So I want to be lost
like Helen Keller in an Ikea.
And while I am there,
I will pick out a bookshelf for him to build
and we will share stories by the glow of the fire.
The essence of your presence is like smoke
and as fleeting as a dream on the precipice of sleep.
You are like the ‘Q’ words in Scrabble.
You don’t come around often,
but when you do, it’s pretty rewarding.
I wanted to learn every combination of your letters,
but I was careful of my spelling
because I knew your grammatical ways.
Show me chivalry is not dead.
Prove the world wrong, stare it in the face,
turn the other way and take me in your arms.
Instead of a superman in tights,
you will be my savior in gym shorts
because that is much more real
than a dragon slaying demigod.
up and down,
Circles and forms,
I write,
Your name,
On my chest,
On your's,
A dilemma,
Up hold,
I want you all to myself,
Just mine,
Keep & stored away,
Buried treasure,  
hidden away,
My own,
personal paradise,
Only I can discover it,
I shall be selfish and greedy,
To those you are called,
taunting predators,  and dare to touch,
My prized possession,
Love is familiar,
with me and you,
Love will remember,
Love can only grow,
Ever more,
Escaping nor leaving is not allowed,
Only preserve,
All that I ever knew
Need to know.
 Aug 2013 Sunshine Girl
I retired as a colonel and am aged 64 years now.
My son was enrolled in the army two years ago.
He turned 32 years & got married only last year.

Today I looked at the lawn and it needed a mow.
So I picked up the lawnmower and started to go.
A man in military fatigues was coming near now.

Not my son but another soldier from his row.
I was looking at his face that had said a big no.
The soldier came near & stopped to inform in a low but calm voice, 'Sir, I've brought his luggage,'

The words seared through my chest like a bullet.
My HP Poem #400
©Atul Kaushal
My mind continues to wander through my imagination once again creating more Mind Associations....
now..we wonder how humanity will take its final bow
an endless cycle like the dawn of a new day, the birth of an idea, doing it a new way
solid foundation of ideas made into law people don't read it is our greatest flaw
part of minds corruption warmonger's can't resist its **** seduction
I am what I seek, for I have no peak, all I do is evolve through these words I speak
a force we follow gladly, leaving fate to chance and hoping things don't end sadly
Is what we bleed, our hunger is fed, but still we feed
is still alive? nourish it to grow, through many and it will thrive
a sickness of humanity, we become inflicted then not treated, compounding societies calamities
a path through obstruction, a place where we meet all and discover our function
souls intertwine beyond reality and time, creating a bond which cannot be defined
some refuse to live it, while those who are not ready continue to give it
can't live without it everything has value don't ever doubt it
a collective that's reflective of common in ideal and blood, shared in location and inner love
an entrance to the path to potential, having a vision is fundamental to see what is essential
our demons excursion, a fornicating site to the minds immersion
abundance of silence interrupted by the sunlight which in turn is interrupted by the moonlight
never just given over time is truly earned, it also can be twisted and burned
is what I strive to be, to be able to blast through the problems that plague humanity
followers in the ideas of spreading fears, inflicting selfish pain for many years
hand and hand together we can make and execute a plan as one people we can take a stand
sometimes you gotta take the time, hit the road let your soul unwind
a force very strong often misunderstood and usually taken wrong
part of genes that makeup the female scheme, science's version of Mother Supreme
filled with mistakes, foundation breaks ,solidify your destiny through life's earthquakes
*no damage done equals none, does nothing really exist under the sun?
7-9-13 M.A.N. lol O.M.G I did it again this time I forgot "S" I should have made "S" for sleep every since this poetic demon has possessed me I get very little of it lately. lol
 Jul 2013 Sunshine Girl
Who am I?
I'm a dreamer. I'm hopeful. I'm a bag of bones interconected with emotions, through my veins runs as much excitement as blood.

I am messy hair, small eyes and steady hands and my hair is as wild as me, and my small eyes catch all the  beauty hidden in the corners, and my steady hands become an earthquake when I'm about to be kissed.

I'm in my twenties. I'm a teenager in matters of love and I'm a grandma when taking care of my friends. I'm a beast when it comes to fighting and I'm the weakest when it comes to crying. I feel too much and show too little.

I'm a daughter, a sister and a friend. I'm worried. I'm anxious. I'm happy. I'm a rave as much as I'm a book and coffee. I talk until my voice fades but my mouth is a tomb for secrets.

I'm a writer and a reader. I'm a dancing machine and a shower singer.

I'm raising an eyebrow when I don't believe you. I'm a random kiss on the shoulder when I love you. I'm cafuné when I care for you.

I'm optimistic. I'm cautious. I'm becoming what I always wanted to be. I'm strongheaded and lighthearted. I'm in constant wait for the world to show me this is not it and fairytale endings exist.
 Jul 2013 Sunshine Girl
A jar of honey
Lies next to basket
Holding a pitcher
And some unfinished lace
A bouquet of clover
Tied together with a
Greenish-yellow ribbon
Lays next to a glass of water
'Tis yet another still life
That I quite enjoy!

A flower only grows
When love is there
It can stretch its long stem
High into the sky
Soft, beautiful petals
Are then bright, warm and reach out
That flower is now wilting
Magnificent petals curl and dry
Its stem, its backbone bends in sadness
A flower can only grow
When love is there
But for this night and more
Love will not be there
Such a simple word
With grand appeal.
Something humans lose
Through the course of time.
Age continues,
And the real world hardens us.
But look here,
true innocence is there.
The face of a child
Whom is wise and pure.
Unscathed by the monsters of reality
Not a single shadow across their face.
What have we become?
Are we cowards to stray
From the things that make us humble?
Or have we
Just grown up?
 Jun 2013 Sunshine Girl
i hope
that the next time she sees me
it's on tv
and she'll be like
who is that
he's ****
and then she'll see the name
flash on the screen
and realize
that it might be
oh yes it is
she can't disguise me
she may despise me
but at least she sees me
on the tv
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