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we don’t live the same life
don’t share the same belief
you feel I’m lying a lie
my lifestyle you don’t agree
but we sin every day
& every day we pray
for God’s forgiveness
just in a different way
you live by the book
I live by my own views
just because I don’t follow the path
doesn’t make me any less than you
I am of no religion
but God is the Greatest
holiness or spiritual
for the final say so, we’re all adjacent  - Pencasso
Tell me where things went left, we’re supposed to be happy
Tried fighting for it but it’s going downhill sadly
Although we may need to part ways, my heart won’t let you go
Still deep down, I feel like this love could possibly grow
We’ve had our ups & downs but still I fight to keep this love alive
Sometimes, it’s just best to sit back & let time decide
It’s never a right time to say goodbye but I might have to
I see all of those good times & it’s something I wanna go back to
I haven’t lost faith in this love but maybe I should let go for a minute
Maybe we’ll meet again down the road, I’m sure this love hasn’t reached it’s limit
I gotta make a decision soon cause if I don’t then we’ll eventually get detached
We were flying high but unexpectedly, everything crashed
I listened to my heart & it told me it was time to leave
The pain I’m feeling within, it just can’t be relieved
I don’t want you to think it’s someone else, I just need some space
For me to gather my thoughts & get my head back in the right place
Stressed out & unable to think straight, mentally I’m losing it
Requesting my heart back for a while, tired of people misusing it
No love lost between us, this is what’s best for us both
And we never know, maybe this time apart will later bring us close
I don’t wanna break from this love & I don’t wanna walk away from us
And it hurts me to depart cause deep down, I indescribably love us

-Poetic Venom
Feelings were invested,
honesty highly requested

Loyalty was given,
mistakes were unforgiven

Affection was a bonus,
good deeds went unnoticed

Communication was nonexistent,
we became distantly inconsistent

Trust was never established,
a breakup beyond tragic
Fraud happiness, can no longer pretend
Alone in this world, no real friends
Living within a dream, can’t wake up
Giving in to life, no way for a shape up
Losing balance with thyself, no living purpose
Demolished by close ones, everlasting feeling worthless
See into your soul, how can one be this empty
Trying to move on but death is tempting
Rivers cried, pain overbearing
Existence died, life over whelming
Eyes open outside, soul’s dead asleep within
Unable to understand, most impossible to convince
Nothing without you, the lifeline for my heart beat
Lost for so long, awaiting the perfect eye to see
We were separated as kids & life was never the same
no more around my best friend but who's the blame
because you were disabled mentally
& left me alone with mama, that was killing me
growing up in a house without you
forcing me to get out of the house & come up without you
with you gone, we only allowed me & moms to get close
so as an apology, here's my heart in my note
I know I've done things to you that I can never undone
but it wasn't with ill intent but I guess that's when the hell begun
had a bike when you was 6, I ran it in the ditch
lied to say it was you only for mama to get the switch
dynamic duo, me & you but that slowly died out
saying goodbye to my twin cause I'm forced to stay down south
I've always wanted a brother just to have that connection
not realizing that with you, there was a blessing
although you shared more similarities with mama
I was always jealous of your connection with mama
being that you're the oldest with a 3 year lead ahead of me
making you feel like you were obligated to watch over me
my protector when we were little until we got older
then I became the big brother & my heart got colder
you can say I'm mean as hell but it was for the best
so my apologies for the miscommunication & the stress
It’s been almost 6 years since I’ve went back to my roots
living life on Red Top Road where my mental sustained abuse
I was just a youngin trying to figure this world out
thinking of ways to make this dream come true with all this doubt
of never making it out of this place that slowly became a hell hole
& I was the only one being naive to never know
that the kingdom in my head wasn’t exactly the same show
that kept me tuned in for so many years admiring the lies
of a legacy that died shortly after the King & Queen went home in the sky
The Home of Haunted Memories only makes me remember the kid who never saw the sun
just the trouble of a family tree that would soon be overrun
by the evil within egos that couldn’t patch itself together for the creators
that placed everything into one place that brought us all together
I miss the home I thought I knew when times were worth holding on to forever
but somewhere on this dark road, generations of love & family lost its power of measure
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
In the beginning, they ask you the same thing
all these empty promises that don’t mean a thing
Conversations about everybody that left them
but hope that you will accept them
heard the words “I love you” more than enough
confide in them because they’re the ones I can trust
but here’s the craziest part of all
they all left with me standing alone after helping them crawl
there was never any love, I was a stepping stool
investing real love like I always do cause I’m a fool
everybody isn’t the same, that’s what they say
but I see no differences just the same games they play
Granted, I’ve had my fair share of breaking hearts
situationships ending with me walking away, I played my part
but when I chose to love I was met with the same outcome
& people question why I always tend to doubt them
Love was always given out, way more than I gave myself
with my only regret being the lack of love for myself
when the sun goes to sleep
& day turns to night
you lay back to kick up your feet
once more, I make you feel high

all the right vibes
intimacy & romance
the excitement in your eyes
as we slow dance

make this last forever
everlasting pleasure
one dance meant for you & me
perfect symmetry when love collides
Love & Poetry
It pains me when I think about it
The love I once had & how I’m lost without it
Used to be that match made but things changed
Your heart was falling but I desperately made the save
I can’t lie, I’m still partially in love with you
Still wishing I could share another moment with you
What you see in me? I’ll never know the reason
And if you told me, I probably wouldn’t believe it
I miss the reason I smiled & the days I heard your voice
Taking me into a daze & how it made me rejoice
Miss seeing myself in your eyes & knowing why you smiled
But it’s heartbreaking to take in that you haven’t smiled in a while
We both made our mistakes, why the fighting?
We both know you love me, what’s there to be deciding?
You love me & I love you yet we’re drifting apart
While still holding to our hearts before it gets torn apart
These tears I cry for you make me hate everything that went down
Our happy days are no more, our love only seems to frown
I brought us up, failing to realize the sound
Of us moving separately & here we are now
Can’t really be friends when you still have my heart
Can’t find a new inspiration when you’re the passion of my art
You give me the oxygen I need when I can’t breathe
The lullaby to my soul whenever I can’t sleep
The comfort I feel whenever I feel lonely
Why make me move on when you’re my one & only
That smile I miss, those lips I used to kiss
The happiness that guided me & the feeling that I miss
We can’t be just be friends when you mean so much more
Hurts to be friends with someone that my soul adores
Don’t wanna cry anymore, don’t wanna die anymore
I look up in the sky & don’t wanna fly anymore
I’m tryna be everyone’s hero but I’m the one that needs saving
On the verge of falling apart, i can feel my heart breaking
Many see me as their savior but I’m far from it
They show me this angel in me & i struggle trying to become it
Using poetry as a key to bring light to the pain hidden in darkness
And the power to heal the wounds of the hearts used as targets

I don’t wanna die anymore, don’t wanna cry anymore
I look up in the sky & don’t wanna fly anymore
If i walk away now, who’s life would i jeopardize
Seeing an inspiration give it all up to watch his soul fly
Save me from the tears, save me from the scars
Save me from the misery that leaves me resting with the stars

I don’t wanna die anymore, don’t wanna cry anymore
I look up in the sky & don’t wanna fly anymore
This is my purpose so i can’t give up what’s kept me alive
Can’t pretend to be happy with the obvious pain i try to hide
I don’t wanna die anymore, don’t wanna cry anymore
I look up in the sky & don’t wanna fly anymore

- Poetic Venom
I’ve met many women who’ve said most men should be like me
but if they knew about my mistakes, would you think they’d still think highly of me?
I’m not perfect by any means, I’ve had my fair share of mistakes along the way
falling short of being King worthy just to see if the phony acts would make a way
I was under the impression that being a man with a boy’s mentality
was the best way to go but I was only thinking selflessly
I know the man I was raised to be & the charm that God genetically blessed me with
& when you erase all the good from the bad, you’d realize that I still ain’t ****
I often feel the need to settle down but still manage to fall into the hands of temptation
wanting to wait for Mrs.Right though I’m not a person who’s very patient
My heart’s bigger than my body & I’ve fallen for some of the worst types
so to keep from being lonely, I talked em all into laying down with me for just one night
I know it ***** to see someone who has his head right above his shoulders
stoop so low to such a despising level just so he can mess any girl over
So before you think of me as the Prince Charming, just know that I’m a man of great mistakes
who’s learned from all the wrong choices but building to get his life straight
I was blind to the guy that other women saw in me & now I see
that I have something worth falling head over heels for, I’m a King indeed
Take a look into the structure within my castle walls before you begin to adore me
cause I promise you, I’m not a man with any less mistakes than the ones who lack your glory
☆ Poetic Venxm ☆
You’re expecting me to chase your love
    put in more effort into this love than you do
    but when you think about it
    how can love be love when I’m the only one working to love you
You’re looking for me to do the most;
    blow up your phone when you barely respond
    steady getting pushed back
    & I question why it’s worth fighting for my spot

I can’t chase your love;
    I won’t allow you to make me out to be the fool
    when I’m getting nothing in return
    but a waste of time & for this phase to conclude
It’s complicated to find a Queen of my generation who isn’t caught up in the hype
of getting likes over selfies & pictures
I’m no Martin Luther King but I need a Coretta
that loves me for the man I am & does her best to make me better
I’m not an easy person to love but sometimes I question if it’s worth the patience
that women go through when they want my love but always catch themselves chasing
after just to feel what it’s like to be close to someone like me
or to know how it feel if a man of my value would consider making them wifey
It’s funny how I’ve never had a chance to love before but I always seem to panic
when a woman says she’s into me but that love is hard to manage
when you take none serious due to the same games being played
in exchange the interest being given then I’m left feeling betrayed

Love’s gotten too complicated. It’s either that or maybe I’m looking in the wrong places
Searching for the lady in my dream world in all the wrong faces
I keep ending up with these temporary players who do nothing but cause doubt & stress
which will eventually lead to the right woman coming along but I’ll no longer have a heart to invest
Why would you want a man like myself, I’m damaged goods with an expired interest in love
Tired of the let downs & failed expectations from those who only care to judge
Me cause I’m different from the way I walk & how I talk or how I carry my presence
Yet you see through it all still trying to love me pointing out the essence within this broken heart of mine

- Poetic Venom
I really can’t explain the thoughts running thru my mind
or the confusion that have grown with time
Thinking of you & wanting to work things out
but going back to you won’t exactly bring my happiness out
Yes, you’re the one that I’ll always love more than the world
it’s just the fact of me loving someone else when you’re supposed to be my girl
I’ve had many times to fall in love but I can’t love someone else
when my heart still rest with someone who made me appreciation myself
A friendship that’s turned into the unknown from what used to be a fairytale
& me not giving anyone a chance to love me knowing their love won’t prevail
So how do I move on from someone that has my heart in its entirety
someone who’d go to the end of the world for me & give their last for me
A part of me is ready to be loved for the 1st time
but I can’t let someone else love me when you’re supposed to be mine
A part of me wants to stay single just to wait for you
since I’ve fallen so deeply knowing that my heart adores you
You know you’re more than just a best friend but I can’t wait around forever
& who’s to say that we’ll end up together
Love is complicated especially when the one you want probably isn’t the one you need
but loving someone else just seems wrong which makes it harder to leave
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
We could’ve been that dream
Could’ve had the greatest love we’ve ever seen
Love at 1st sight isn’t my thing but this is what I believed
Our words say we’re “just friends” but our chemistry call us lovers
even those who witness what we have say we’re beautiful together
A lie is nothing for us to tell so why continue
to keep performing on that stage when we’re the only fools in the venue
We fuss & fight then make love like a married couple do
cause when we bite the bullet, no one loves us like we do
I made a wish years ago & you became just that plus more
We could’ve been the Dream Team, that’s what I wanted forevermore

Poetic Venom
As i sit here next to the sound of peace
i drink away my sorrows as my heart speaks
I don’t know what’s gotten into me
but I’ve been feeling like the enemy
A stranger to a best friend & home isn’t home to me
Losing sleep & can barely eat
Contemplating on the blade use or for God’s blood to rain down on me
I’m getting calls & messages from people concerned
Even the main one who decided to kick your baby boy to the curb
I’ve been lost for a while now, heads up in the cloud now
Getting drunker by the minute, the end won’t be long now
I lay down by this tree as i daze up into the sky
Counting the stars above only wishing i could fly
Tears running down my eyes & my thoughts run a marathon
Heart’s tired of screaming for help just for no one to respond
I walked away from home without saying a word of my whereabouts
It’s 9:30 at night but i haven’t come back, I’ve risen some questionable doubts
Don’t know if I’m ok or unresponsive, the anxiousness begins to rise
As questions begin to play out as the suspense fails to die
Not sure if i wanna go back home or stay lost in the woods
Go back to a mental prison where i feel lost & misunderstood
Can’t explain what’s running thru my mind but in the end, does it matter
Cause the more my feelings are ignored, the more my soul dies faster
I often wake up in tears but can never explain it
I hate myself in every form & I hate it
sometimes I see myself on this mountain looking back
at everything that’s happened prior getting here
then ask myself, “Why am I still here?” when I feel incomplete
& the only time I vent is in my sleep causing me to cry endlessly
I feel like I’m by myself although I’m surrounded by love
but in the end, would they love me more if I wasn’t here
I bring joy to those I love to hide that I’m not okay
but they have enough on their plate so I remain silent
then at night when I close my eyes & drown in the waterfalls of my sorrows
I wanna be happy but happiness doesn’t come without sadness
& unfortunately, I’m trapped in a world that’s full of evil & madness
I could share my tears with one of my close friends
but who cares enough to keep me from putting this life to an end
I’ve been at war with my own mind since I was a kid
I keep looking for an escape but every turn is a dead end
& I’m tired of calling on alcohol & sleep aid as a friend
If only you knew how many times I’ve driven my fist into a wall
or how many times I’ve tried to consume more than 150 mgs of sleeping pills
still wishing for an overdose cause I don’t wanna wake up again
to face that demon in the mirror that I’ve called my friend
with the only thing stopping me is the pain it’ll cause my mother
can’t bring it to myself to hurt her way worse than the others
Self conscious
broken heart
waterfall tears
soul torn apart

Self esteem low
verge of quitting
tired of being tired
tears speak but all fail to listen

All claims sound the same
same clowns, same game
fake smiles, pretend to be okay
Too many Crying Queens
too many tears been washed away
- Poetic Venom
I gotta show you the real me before you rest your presence
Am I a beautiful disaster or just another rare blessing?
See I’m slow to gain interest but I’m quick to lose it
& I see your heart waiting to be caught but I won’t jump up to pursue it
My heart is in the right place, my head just won’t let it settle yet
feeling like this isn’t my dream for life & I can’t settle yet
I’m more focused on getting married than making the mistakes to meet my Queen
so I unintentionally break hearts along with shattering sweet dreams
Like a nightmare of reality that refuses to walk away
but with this irresistible charm, I make it harder for you not to stay
I’m alone but never am I lonely
Real love, I’ve never had anyone show me
& being that I’m already broken, do you think you deserve me?
Why do you even want me?
Save yourself from a heartbreak, you’re much better off on your own
loving someone like me ain’t easy & you’ll sometimes feel alone
It’s hard to focus on one when my head isn’t fully ******* on right
but I still miss the presence of one laying next to me at night
I’m a pro at cutting ties when something just doesn’t feel right
& I’d rather let you go before I break you again all because I can’t love you right
☆ Poetic Venom ☆

In my room late at night
I’m constantly in a fight
in the middle between my head & my heart
convincing my heart that it’s worthy
& my head not to go off the deep end
what would my family do if I’m no longer around
if I take myself out due to stress from the demons I’m around
you see me smile endlessly but you never ask if I’m okay
or why I choose to sleep just to avoid seeing the day
up all night, intoxicated off liquor & caffeine
& I promised myself that I wouldn’t become a 2nd time fiend
but I became way worse than my own nightmare
I don’t even talk anymore, just a ****** that catches a stare
when I remain silent & refuse to socialize
but you don’t get how I see the devil in so many eyes
I’m either hallucinating or just traumatized from the past
thinking one day he just might just try to **** my ***
then my heart tells me “Don’t open me up to anyone else
I’ve been abused too much to love anyone else
you let the last one get a taste, I ain’t been the same since
& the new one wants me so bad but I’m playing hard defense
one more let down, I promise you it’ll be the end of it all
I’ll make sure you’ll get an early date when your life falls
I can’t take it no more, I’m on the verge of saying goodbye
if it means getting the love from above & we go live in the sky”
as I lay
on this floor thinking
of you, of us
what we could've been
together as one
experience life together

best painful lesson
it's never a right time
to say goodbye
to what used to be
your meant to be
love eternally
Not everything can be discussed
but assure me that everything will be okay
I'll tend to push you out
but promise me that you'll stay

Although you can't relate or understand
just lend an ear whenever I need to vent
you provide comfortability & that's like home

If I do become distant
refrain from taking it personal
but space is required for me sometimes
especially when my demons are winning the battle

I am my biggest enemy
with my mind being my worst villain
& even the brightest days
everything will begin to go dark

I am NOT Okay & this is the Only way I know to Say it
For the life of me, I just can’t figure it out
I’m always headed down the right road
but outta nowhere, I’m forced to stop
with the emotions & feelings within
that were invested in someone before I hit a dead end
Here I am thinking we’re side by side
but when I look around, she’s not there
I’m just standing there all by myself
trying to figure out what I did wrong
so I can resolve it & get back to where I belong
You were waiting for me to make a mistake
but it never happened, my ways never changed
& you saw how my heart was designed
I gave you all of me but there was never an exchange
Our road ends here with no happiness being captured
No love being the focus & no mutual happiness to be shared
Becoming distant & falling outta interest even faster
Watching everything fall apart in front of me but I don’t try to fix it
Saying goodbye to what used to be knowing deep down, I’ll probably miss it
- Pencasso
Dear my angel to be, I need you to do more than just listen, feel me
as I allow my heart to speak for me & I hope you actually hear me
I often ask myself if she even loves herself the way she loves everyone else
to make others happy but is she even happy herself?
Now I don’t mean to assume things but I hear the melodies your heart sings
you’ve never been loved the right way & the ones you wait for never seem to change
Oh, my Angel, I know it’s been a minute since your love has been replenished
now I watch you waiting for your King but I guess I am the only witness
who sees someone destined for greatness with a heart that’s been forsaken
trying her best not to give up but when it comes to love, you’ve lost motivation
& I get it, I understand, how you really wanna be loved by a faithful man
someone that relates to you on many levels & your intellect that no one seems to understand
There’s 2 minds you need for a man to get but we’re so full of it
that we only sweet talk the mental just to get the one thing we’re dying to hit
then split & I’m sorry if we’ve messed up so many times, all the lies
claiming to be different but we cause too many cries so let’s fly
fly away until it’s the clouds that we rest within & then
we’ll dream into that world where we’ll never be awaken again
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
If i perish before the roses fall from those I love most, let one thing be remembered of me until the end of time. Not the way I impacted those I cared for but my mission to spark the change to which I was inspired to be & the change I wanted to see. My upbringing was nothing worth glorifying but it made me the man I became before those who chose to worship the very grounds I graced & those who chose to travel the same path to which I paved. I know in life, death comes before people reveal how they feel about you or how much you meant to their lives but what’s the use when I’ll no longer be around to hear these heartfelt letters of grief. So if I shall perish before I know the capacity those true feelings from the masses, let it be the one that allows my soul to rest peacefully but my legacy will be admired for generations yet to arise. I’m a man of plenty mistakes but nothing short of outstanding & my message will always be the same, Be Great By Any Means
- Pencasso
She has the Presence of an Angel;
personality of a devil
body of a goddess
but what lies within is everything but special

Diamond Eyes;
voice of the heavens
smiles of the favorites
but what lies within threatens

Work of Art;
dig within the surface
discover what’s hidden
you’ll discover this beauty is worthless
Is this the life you want?
Is this what you wanna settle for?
Are you happy? Are you sad?
Are you depressed? Are you mad?
You smile on the outside but are you smiling internally?
Are you willing to admit you’re not okay?
I know you’re sad but is it worth throwing your life away?
Will it bring you peace or just ease the pain?
When the sky sheds a tear, will your tears get washed in the rain

Decide if you wanna live or give up
be happy or let others control your emotions
If you wanna be better or stay the same
Cry every night or smile like it’s no tomorrow
******* to evil or cut at your sorrow
Happiness or Misery, the choice is up to you
but your decision won’t be just affecting you

Poetic Venom
i didn't ask to be this way

i didn't ask to feel this way

i didn't ask to rage out this way

but the pain & frustration made me this way

the target of several jokes, the fuel to my insecurities

the hell within the rage & the birth of many personalities

putting me at war with myself to fight the demon within

but i embraced the dark side till it became my only friend

i'm not me anymore, that part of me died long ago

i feel like a monster, that little kid doesn't exist no more
in the dark, i fight my biggest battle

not the sadness or need of sleeping pills

but the monster that resides within

in the mirror or in my head controlling the rage

willing to cause havoc, seeing only red

with pain being its only motivation

violence in the aftermath, no words said
We were meant to be, meant to be free
free from each other, free to love someone else
in the end, it’s just me
standing here alone questioning myself
As I say goodbye to that star in the sky
I ask why I cry or why I wasn’t meant to see it fly
so much time wasted, why did I still try
when it died years ago before my very eye
We’re meant to fall, fall right out of love
no longer friends going our separate ways
you’re happy with another lover
while I’m just here crying away my days
- Poetic Venom
rose from the country roots

deep within the woods

& fields that stretch over a mile long

from the early morning sounds of roosters

to the late night sounds of crickets

where poverty is expected to take over lives

there resides, a young poet with fire in his eyes

with the hopes of changing the world

or inspiring the spark that further changes it
a best friend
the creation of endless smiles
& the glow of its compliments
the spark that lights up the sky
the sweetest hello
the hardest goodbye
& when my world goes dark
you’re the diamond in my sky

- Pencasso
I confess to you what I can’t say out loud;
the hidden thoughts buried in mind
the unspoken feelings trapped within
you’ll understand my world in due time
& soon you’ll become my best friend

I admit the things that no one else knows;
the secrets I feel ashamed to share
the pain no meds can numb
unnoticed tears that'll cause a stare from
the unhealed wounds from a war I’ve departed but haven’t won
They say time heals all wounds, I beg to differ
Especially when you once had a love for someone with a lifetime of memories to remember
And how do you let someone else come around & love you better than the last one
When your heart still hasn't repaired from the last love, still very much in love with your last love
Traumatized from what transpired, not allowing anyone else to love you even if it is true
You just want the one person you gave your all to be the one that truly loves you
Sometimes willing to settle for loneliness, loving someone else will only break their heart
For trying to love you but loving you is going to tear you both apart
Heart is still the same condition from the past but you’re too afraid to love again
Fearing that a new love will never replace the love of a former love interest & best friend

☆ Poetic Venxm ☆
Don’t you give up, don’t you give in
Don’t you lose faith, you’re due for a win
No matter the struggle, no matter the fail
Continue to be Great & you shall prevail
The Beginning & End is all in his hands
the trouble along the way, you may not understand
Every day won’t be great, every day won’t be bad
pick yourself up, dust yourself off, & get in your bag
Don’t be overwhelmed by hurt, don’t be let down by pain
learn from your hardships & let it motivate your reign
Your star will shine, your struggle will progress, you will have your time
with God’s grace, you’ll reach the finish line

-Poetic Venom
Though I’m all smiles when you’re around me
it’s only a fraud to hide the pain that surrounds me
I can’t deny the fact that I’m one of those souls who’s sheltered
still battling the pain from the past that I still remember
Not too long ago, I was involved in a situation that’ll affect me forever
causing me to be paranoid & failing to put myself back together
There are some things about me that I’ve never shared with you
including how I contemplated on living without you
And I know when you read that last line, you maybe confused
but the fact of it all is that I almost took my life away from being abused
Trapped in a hell hole where every day felt like it could’ve been the end
just the subject of someone’s rage & unable to reach a friend
Didn’t even tell my mom until years later when I moved away
but deep inside, those heart shattering events took pieces of my life away
Thinking about the nights I spend in the bathroom with a razor in my hand
crying my eyes out & asking why I’m being punished by this man
Thought I escaped Hell by moving away from my family
but I moved closer to it which later became my biggest tragedy
Even with you in mind, I still felt like I was in this world so alone
feeling the fire from the evil of a household whose heart was born cold
So I write this letter to you in requesting that you don’t give up on me
& just allow me to paint the picture of the real me
Although I’m still that guy you love, there’s many things behind closed doors
that I try to bring to light but refuse feeling like it’ll be ignored
Just please don’t give up on me if I feel like I’ll never be the man in my reflection
that changes the world through a God given poetic blessing
Don’t give up on me even if I feel the need to hang it all up
if I feel like it’s impossible & I choose to give this all up
I don’t just write for myself or based on myself but for those who express their pain
being that poetic umbrella protecting them for their emotional rain
And I’ve never told you anything before cause you’ll tell me to pray
but that doesn’t work for everyone at the end of the day
I’ve never done self harm, just turned to music & art as a result to cope
with the emotions to which most would take as a joke
So as I attempt to make myself a better person, keep your prayers raining down on me
& no matter how long it takes me, please Don’t Give Up On Me

☆ P e n c a s s o ☆
A relationship that began 4 years ago, lead to many stops
even seeing someone else love you & I cried as my heart dropped
There was something in me that kept holding on to you
like I was missing something or maybe felt incomplete without you
I strongly believe you’re one of the branches that can easily break
but you keep holding on no matter how hard our relationships shakes
I don’t know where we went wrong & I don’t know if we’re meant to last
but what was hurting me was seeing you back there in my past
Above all the toxicness & the heartache, you provided light to my life
& without you here sharing life with me, it doesn’t feel right
Watching you leave would be like watching the sunset in the South
it’s beautiful yet painful when the most beautiful creation goes down
We’ve been on & off but I must be honest, I don’t love you the same
I love you from a distance, so far that you’re nowhere near my heart & it’s a shame
because you meant the world to me but sometimes, some people aren’t to
remain forever or always stay attached to you
- Poetic Venom
I don’t wanna hear that I’m amazing especially when you’re the same
telling me all these things to manipulate me when you’re just running game
You say I’m a great guy, funny of you to say such a thing
sounding no different from the last girl who said the same thing
I’m not like most guys? Please explain why you feel that way
Because I say all the right things that never fail to make your day?
You question why I don’t take compliments or why I don’t believe anything
but fail to realize that women always want a King but don’t appreciate Kingly things
I’ve been told the same things over & over again, never seeing any difference
but as soon as I try giving one a chance, things begin to get distant
It’s not to punish you for what you’re trying to do
but you’d be upset too if someone kept feeding the same lines but under appreciate you
So don’t tell me that I’m an amazing person if you’re not gonna show me
& don’t try giving me your heart if it isn’t holy
☆ Poetic Venom ☆
you dream a world

free from heartache & heartbreak

just you & your meant to be

without the world, the feeling of free

no tears or long nights that keep you restless

candle light dinner, morning awakes with breakfast

heaven on earth without the hell

dance with the sunshine with the rain in your rearview

vibe perfect for me
smile perfect for me
in love & unbreakable
that’s what we’re supposed to be
blonde hair, blue eyes
thick thighs, but it’s all disguised
cause although you’re the one I want
you’re not the one I need
real love I still believe
but looks are deceiving me
broke my heart already
we never even met before
& what kind of man would I be
if my heart’s being ignored
already working on my heart
trying to forgive myself
for falling for something
that’s not meant for me
why do fools fall in love?
I got that Dream Love, the love that you never heard of
That fairy tale type of love that you’ve always & forever dreamed of
Let me pursue your wildest dreams & motivate your ambitions
Put me in this maze for your heart & I’ll show you what you never thought was missing
This is that different type of love, that love of you never thought you’d meet
The type of love that you can’t wait to wake up next to from the night previously
The type of love that you’ll go to the moon for
The type of love that only a certain type of queen would be a fool for
This is that Dream Love. The type of love that’ll sweep you off your feet
Please all the right areas right before I love you back to sleep
The type of love that awakens you from that dream
That you were living in but you never fell asleep
You just got lost in my heart & fell in love with my peace
This is that Dream Love. The love that will have you walking down the alter
The love that will have me on my knees begging permission from the father
To have, to hold, to cherish, & to forever be attached to the daughter
Love so good that it’ll make a man walk on water
This is that Dream Love. The love that will make me swim in your tears
The love that will have me forever thanking the man upstairs
The love you never had so good that no other one can compare
This is that Dream Love. The love that you kiss goodnight to
The love that rolls over in the middle of the night & cuddles next to you
The love that will rub your foot while you express the stress of your day
The love that will realize what a blessing you are as he prays
The love that will stare you within the eyes right before he begins to cry
Cause you’ve been in love before but never with a guy like I
This is that Dream Love
Crazy how your dream come true can soon become a nightmare
looking for the heart where home is but no one is there
existing within a blank space, falling hopelessly
waiting for it to end & maybe it’ll set you free
Who knew love would hurt so bad or turn you into a rebel
not wanting to feel it anymore

After the heartbreak, the rain no longer sounds the same
it’s just the sky crying for you & cleansing you from the pain
Unable to express how you feel so music becomes your soundtrack
& the emptiness within makes you want the memories back
Heartbreak of a full moon, feeling lost with nowhere to go or an exit to seek peace
just dead black roses that resemble a torn love by your feet   - King Pencasso
Yo Excuse Me Miss but I saw you from across the room
Thinking about all the ways that I’ll be Into You
cause I Need a Girl who’s willing to give me the Difference
of love to which my heart has been missing
Me, Myself, & I   is    All I Have
Even being Foolish & still upset with a heart broken aftermath
I don’t wanna Be Without You when No One else
can make me feel the way you do & it’s All Because of You
for every reason that I’m Still in Love With You
I used to have an Ice Box where my heart used to be
but I got Caught Up being in your Spotlight which is unlike me
& I Can’t Let You Go cause you’ve got me Feenin’
but I won’t start Frontin’ & Blame it on the Alcohol
We Belong Together cause when it comes to love, you give the true meaning
If you're not a fan of R&B from the early to mid 2000s then you won't get this poem but for those that do ... I did my best referencing popular R&B hits from Chris Brown to Beyonce to Usher to NeYo
Not happy or sad
Not enraged or mad
Not confused or lost
More so incomplete & empty
& today I cried feeling like no one can feel me

Frustrated or irritated
i can’t seem to tell which one
but i broke down hard, it was one of those days
& even thru the silence, not a soul asked if i was okay
I used to envy these guys, I wanted to be these guys
They got all the attention from the girls & they loved these guys
I wanted to walk like these guys & talk like these guys
And although they ain’t worth it, women fell hard for these guys
They carried the swagger, the presence, & the confidence that I wish I had
But always lacked but to see how women would chase em made me mad
What’s so special about these guys that’s making em irresistible?
When they don’t have any feelings & be flipping more than reciprocals
For all this time, I’ve been looking for what I was missing
Only to realize the big picture that never gained my attention
I was that guy on the sideline watching all these good girls fall short
Then trying to make em smile again but provide comfort support
I never was the average hood guy that they all seemed to adore
Just another joke to their eyes that their egos chose to ignore
What’s the benefits of being like one of these guys?
Breaking hearts & being a **** boy like these other guys
I’ve always wondered if it was worth the risk
To have random broads playing with my joystick
Wasting their time for my own pleasure & amusement
They know I won’t change but they still anticipate an improvement
Mess their heads up to have them think that we’re actually gonna be together
When in reality, I’m just occupying my time until I make her thighs wetter
It seems like that’s the new trend that’s attracting all the women
Fall in love with a fool whose only interest is to go swimming
Yet I still envy these guys cause I wanna be like these guys
Not for the ***, but to get the love that women give these guys
I’m travelling thru this journey to escape the mind that used to be
shaped around the terror of life & what’s been mentally abusing me
People think I’m weird because my poems are based on the depression within
but it’s hard to fake happiness when sadness has been my only friend
The Mind of Terror only contains the constant thought of paranoia
so I’m fighting to escape the only source that’s been my life’s destroyer
I can’t go out in public alone without the feeling of people staring at me
as if they can see that I’m a sad individual who’s afraid to be happy
I still dance with the tears that I’ve hidden from my past
thought I left em all behind but the experiences forever last
Even the bruises on my fist from the rage punching the walls
& the long dark nights I’ve cried to God yet he doesn’t answer my call
I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel so I’m running towards that day
when I’m finally happy with who I am watching all my sorrows go away
But until that day arrives, I’m just a poetic mental explorer
existing within the mind of a mental horror

☆ Poetic Venom ☆
To fall in love with a writer, you must be true
for everything written is because of you
whether good or bad, happy or sad
you’ll never perish

- Poetic Venxm
It took everything in me to walk away
It took everything outta me to stay
It took everything in my pride to say
that i love you with everything & that you’re the light to my every day

It took everything in me to fight
It took everything in my pride to make things right
It took everything in my power to set it aside
& it took every single crack in my cold heart to even decide
that this isn’t what it needs to be, my forever that means you & me

It took everything in me to not break down
It took everything in me to not make a sound
It took everything in me to forgive myself for the damage unknowingly caused
& everything inside of me to cope with this devastating loss
-Poetic Venom
Falling in love took everything outta me
only to see the love of my life move on without me
I loved you with everything in me
& it’s unfortunate we went from best friends to enemies

- Poetic Venom
Everything will be okay but I won’t tell you to pray
cause that’s the same thing they all say
when they don’t have the time of day
to hear your tears or save the day
being that they don’t understand
why depression is hard to shake
so they pretend to relate
to why you’re trapped in self hate
& why self harm is all you contemplate
but what I really wanna say
is that I’m here any time of day
for as long as I’m alive, everything will be okay
Poetic Venom
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