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heart for an heart

soul for a soul

honesty from the start

if marriage is the goal

even if it’s only friends

i wanna see it flourish
before it ends

for everything i am, i
need all of you

love ain’t love if i only
have half of you  -king pencasso
I’ve got these scars on my fist, invisible cuts on my wrist
never thought I’d come to a moment like this
a broken image in the shattered mirror to which I’m looking through
while crying my eyes out cause I’m thinking of you
how you were so depressed yet angry with the universe
feeling like a loner cause no soul understand the curse
of being a fatherless child while seeing your mother painfully surviving
the abuse of another broken lover from the arguments & fighting
not only from his rage but from the hatred felt from a family root
gone rotten after the death of the King & Queen that started it all
only to see a once beloved kingdom take a devastating fall
& there you was in the mix seeing it all unravel without knowing what’s taking place
trying to cope with knowing the truth years later after life turns 19
to know that everything was a lie you were exposed to as a teen
you were doubted & isolated since you come outta the womb
of the very mother that was blessed the second you came to
but her tears were imprinted in your heart & they became a part of you
So face to face as I let you go so you'll know what happiness feels like
as you carry on, no longer putting this dark cloud over your life
that makes you feel like you won’t feel peace until you’re buried
so go be happy, I can’t bring myself higher to make your future more scary
- Poetic Venom
It’s crazy how the one thing we used to desire is now something we fear
And every time we get a taste of it, things begin to disappear
Can’t get attached to anything cause it’ll eventually drift away
Trying to see the good in people but everyone’s not who they betray
We fear Happiness due to things going bad after a while
So destroyed from the let downs that we pretend to be cool & fake a smile
Crying became a perfected routine & trying doesn’t work anymore
You just wanna know what can be done so you don’t hurt anymore
Anytime you see the light to a better day, you stray away from it
Happiness caused more pain so you easily fall back from it
High expectations always lead to severe disappointments
Push anything away that gets too close, you don’t wanna risk trying enjoy it
Fearing Happiness the most, who knew it would cause so much pain
Suffering from a shattered heart & coping with the pieces that remain
We Fear Love;
fearing the thought of getting attached
just to give it everything we have
to a heart that never does seem to match

We Fear Love;
fearing getting close to someone who seems different
fooled by their claims & words
only for them to use us right before they become distant

We Fear Love;
for the many painful lessons the past taught us
trusting the one to be there
when we needed them to cease our fall but they never caught us

We Fear Love;
turning away all chances to find
the one thing we’ve always dreamt of
but it’s always led to being nothing but a waste of time
you fear the rain & the thunder
in silence where you suffer
sunshine for the masses
inside you’re shattered
rain drops dance from the eyes
causing the soul to keep dry
the rain describes you as weak
so you share it for one
that’s who you trust
don’t fear the rain
let it shower you
for its whole purpose
is to empower you
- Pencasso
tired of not loving myself enough

tired of not giving myself enough credit

tired of not seeing the greatest within

tired of not loving me overall

tired of not appreciating who i am

tired of allowing others to use me

tired of allowing others to abuse me

tired of not loving me
tired of being tired

tired of crying

tired of feeling unappreciated

tired of wanting to disappear

tired of wanting to die

tired of being frustrated

tired of being sick & tired
I fell outta love with you but what was I supposed to do
trying to make it all work but I hit a dead end trying to love you
What’s a man to do when the love he wants walks away
& no matter how many attempts, it doesn’t wanna stay
You told me you loved me but I was a fool to believe it
gave me your heart just to force me to leave it
Hooked me up with someone else when you wanted me
just to prove you’re like the rest, you disappointed me
You told you didn’t wanna be loved but still wanted to get acquainted
that’s a difficult picture to look at & your heart couldn’t resist to paint it
Making me hate myself for being the man that I am
when in reality, you really didn’t give a ****
Putting me through all these emotions I hate most
sending my heart to find yours but yours became a ghost
How could I fall in & outta love with someone at the same time
trying to set me up for the worst just to fall off line
We were meant to be apart, away from each other & it’s sad
how I did so much to love someone that my heart never had
Every time I give “us” a chance, you make me walk away
I can’t trust someone who’s never there to make my day
All we do is fuss but yet I refuse to quit on you
Still I care & have yet to give up on you
Are we best friends or strangers with stale feelings?
Got me listening to sad songs & staring up at the ceiling
You said you’d always be there for me but you’re always missing
I constantly question your reasons & I kept entertaining the excuses given
Guess falling outta love was meant for us, who knew?
Should’ve known it was end now I gotta deal with losing you
Gave you more chances than you deserved, my mistake
Still you took me for granted & I drowned in self hate
Asking myself what I did to deserve what you gave me
Gave you everything but your love was incomplete & lazy
We both broke my heart, but I did the most trying to love you
Cause I saw myself clearly from your point of view
What’s meant to be is meant to be & you wasn’t meant for me
Now I see the picture clear, you were never there for me
Fell outta love with a dream but I guess this our destiny
Things aren’t the same between us, I don’t know what changed
No need to talk about it, this trouble can’t be saved
I’ll be okay, just drifting away from who I loved most
Falling back & taking my love from the one I loved most
You’re a stranger in my eyes now, don’t even look at you the same
Non stop tears & broken hearts, guess we’re the blame
Never thought I’d fall outta love but here I am saying goodbye
Letting go of what my heart became attached to before I let it die
I don’t wanna walk away but it’s best for us both
Feeling like a joke & your laughter played the host
Tried to fix what’s damaged but it made things worst
Don’t wanna see you cry no more when I’m believed to be the reason
Look into the mirror & look at us, that’s the reason I’m leaving
I fell outta love from the love of a lifetime
Deuces to the love I once dreamed of, this is my final farewell this time
i see how some flowers may
bloom in the dark

portraying themselves as roses

when it’s only like a dolphin with
the intentions of a shark

ease you in with its looks
only to bite when
you get too close

so if i told you flowers bloom
in the dark, would you trust it?

without knowing it’s origins or
why it’s afraid to come to light
king pencasso
If I told you a flower bloomed in the dark, would you trust it?
Not knowing its background or the contents within
would you still desire to become its friend?
Appealing to the eye but will it appeal to your mind?
Will it blossom after its showered in the rain
or slowly begin to die out overtime?
There’s a mystery beyond its image but are you willing to explore
the roots of its foundation to see where the journey leads
Either you discover a path of something magical
or it leads you down a path of regret & misery
a twist of fate or fairytale ending
I’ll learn how to fly again
when the sunrises upon me & my soul has risen
above all self hatred built from the past
to which I’ve buried myself in since youth
never knowing how to accept thyself
causing me to neglect love for myself
I’ve been deprived from my wings but i continue my journey in search of the one
who i used to know before this thing called life took a turn for the worst
& I’m there staring in the shattered glass mirror but it hurts
when i realized the one thing I’ve been missing has been here all along
reminding me that I’ve been physically weak & forever mentally strong
I was that eagle in the sky held down by depressions cry
as I’ve yearned for help but never got it
got up again but the confidence in my soar was forgotten
so I flew above ground breaking every momentum I’ve had
Now here I am on the edge of it all, ready to take flight once again
but hopefully with this leap of faith, I learn how to fly again

- Poetic Venom
If you're a fan of my writings or just love what I can create, please follow my social media accounts

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every kiss I cherish

every hug I embrace

dwell every time we vibe

feeling butterflies all over

cause any second it'll be over

thoughts of you in every song

you're mine, that's where you belong

love for the moment cause forever ain't that long
When time finally runs out
& the world comes to a halt

When the sun ducks behind the moon
& darkness comes our new light

When the rain stops falling
& the lighting fades away

When there’s no more words to say
& all there’s left is silence

Right here is where I’ll be
with you for all eternity
for all i need in this world
is just you & me   - Pencasso
Back down this road we go
reliving memories that nearly died long ago
Back in your arms I foolishly fall
back to love as we crawl

If this is what’s meant to be
let this be the last straw
for with you I feel free
from all faults & any flaw

It’s never a right time to say goodbye
& I know why you still cry
from the lack of love that made you fly
but in your heart forever is where I’ll reside
- Poetic Venxm
I’ve tried taking this away cause it was too much
been at war with myself since my world was crushed
Tell me why a man with a good heart has to be so dark
& only feel safe when he’s talking through his art
it’s like I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’m confused
trying to find a way to the light & follow the tunes
of happiness but each time, I come to a dead end
looking for my peace in these temporary non friends
who claim the same thing as the last person before them
& I’m stupid for given a chance or to even believe them
I wanted to throw life away cause it didn’t mean anything
do me a favor & let me join my family if anything
I know I’m selfish for taking away what you created
but the gift of words or being a loner couldn’t save it
a good heart turned cold being mixed in with the wrong world
picture perfect in your eyes but it’s my vision that’s blurred
So forgive me for not appreciating what you took the time to make
flawless in a way & it’s honestly my mistake
threw my life in the trash, the only thing besides my dad I hate
but I understand now that the greatest stories ever told
have the worst nightmares before the beauty unfolds
attached with a few storms from tornados & hurricanes
with the rainbow shining right behind the depressing rains
of life when the sun decides to fade away
& everything aligned becomes a disaster before we see the replay
of the carnage left behind when happiness no longer exists
with pain being the only way to end a story like this
Forgive me, for not appreciating life for what it’s worth
being blind by the lies, deceit, & the hurt
the disappointments led by false expectations
of those who cause harm without hesitation
using our fear of letting go to bring more misery
further making our self worth feel like an unsolved mystery
I stand here in tears as I plead for another chance to get this right
to embrace the lessons that come with life
never again shall I question your reasons
even if I’m overwhelmed when fighting demons
All faith placed in you through hell or water, my friend
as you guide me to peace & further protect me, Amen
dark clouds
i desire to free

to one day fly
be happy, no more will i cry
repaired from the past
I just want to be Free
We all wanna be Free from pain & Free from hell
Free from the sadness & Free from that mental jail
Free from depression & Free from the Anger
Free from the fears & Free from self danger
Free from the one thing we run from the most
Free from self destruction & hurting those we love most
What’s the price from freedom? What are the steps to be taken?
How much can be build up before one begins to lose patience?
What’s the destination to freedom? Is it worth being free?
If the truth lies within existence, how long before they begin to see?
Free every Lost Soul from themselves & from the harm they’ve endured
Reveal the light & show them a new world that’s waiting to be explored
Do you wanna Free or forever exist within the pain that traps you?
Do you seek Happiness or forever remain with the hell you’re attached to?
Seek Freedom or remain a slave to what you’re afraid to depart from
Be Free from the chains on your life or continue to be controlled by the mind
Be Free or forever pay the price for the same uncommitted crime
Slaves to the mind, slaves to that addiction, & slaves to the pain
Suffering the most due to commitment & it’s ourselves that we blame
What’s Freedom? How long does it take one to find it?
Silence speaks very clear for the scars that rest behind it
Just wanna be Free, free from everything that you’ve been running from your whole life
And if Freedom is really what they make it out to be, is there a sacrifice?
We all wanna be Free from pain & Free from hell
Free from the sadness & Free from that mental jail
Free from depression & Free from the Anger
Free from the fears & Free from self danger
Free from the one thing we run from the most
Free from self destruction & hurting those we love most
What’s the price from freedom? What are the steps to be taken?
How much can be build up before one begins to lose patience?
What’s the destination to freedom? Is it worth being free?
If the truth lies within existence, how long before they begin to see?
Free every Lost Soul from themselves & from the harm they’ve endured
Reveal the light & show them a new world that’s waiting to be explored
Do you wanna Free or forever exist within the pain that traps you?
Do you seek Happiness or forever remain with the hell you’re attached to?
Seek Freedom or remain a slave to what you’re afraid to depart from
Be Free from the chains on your life or continue to be controlled by the mind
Be Free or forever pay the price for the same uncommitted crime
Slaves to the mind, slaves to that addiction, & slaves to the pain
Suffering the most due to commitment & it’s ourselves that we blame
What’s Freedom? How long does it take one to find it?
Silence speaks very clear for the scars that rest behind it
Just wanna be Free, free from everything that you’ve been running from your whole life
And if Freedom is really what they make it out to be, is there a sacrifice?
Freedom isn’t Freedom when
we’re still fighting amongst ourselves
all because one race feels superior
& the others still fight for equality
to be seen as human & not animals

Freedom isn’t Freedom when
we’re divided by hatred & political beliefs
the past still being taught to the youth
by those who hold on failed objectives
that got us here in the beginning

Freedom isn’t Freedom when
certain sexualities are seen as a disgrace
in the eyes of those that follow religious practices
preaching “love thy neighbor” but the 1st to judge
as if we’re not God’s children on different paths

Freedom isn’t Freedom when
we’re still at war with inexcusable deaths
committed by bullies with badges who serve to protect
freedom will never be Free
even Peace comes with a Price
I resulted in doing things to cope with the pain
washing away the sorrow
watching my soul break down in the rain
living every day with a heart that’s hollow

I mixed all that anxiety powder with liquor to keep my leveled
listening to the voices within my head
stepping further away from God & closer to the devil
not caring if I live to see tomorrow or if I end up dead

Life took too many turns for the worst & I wasn’t ready
losing myself thru the feeling
looking death in the face & telling it I’m ready
pills & alcohol was my only source for the right healing
I’m only free from pain when I’m intoxicated
can’t cope with what’s killing me, life & emotions never fully cooperated
Never wanted to admit I was an addict until life was almost cut short
but I guess when you back is against the wall, death seems like the only resort

☆ Poetic Venxm ☆
I’ve experienced enough pain, I’m trying to seek what brings me happiness
so i no longer have to beat myself up & live with so much anger & madness
It took 25 yrs for me to love the man i kept seeing in the mirror
but after realizing a few things, a lot of qualities became clearer
I gave my love to a lot of toxic people which inspired the self hate that i grew attached to
telling myself over & over that I’m worthless & no one really loves you
It’s crazy how anxiety can make you feel like you’re a burden to most
even those who you’ve opened up to & eventually became close
I’ve been at war with myself for all this time, the war between my heart & my head
with my head convincing me that I’m better off dead
I’ve been hurt a lot in the past so the flashbacks tend to weight heavy
on my mental pausing me from believing in myself so I’ve been declining steady
As I’m transitioning from my former self to a new version of the man that I’ve doubted
i see a new man full of self appreciation & I’m completely astounded
Though the war is far from won, i keep fighting hoping victory is within my grasp
trying to steer clear from the mind tricks within mind that tend to often run laps
I see a great man who’s been shattered but slowly he’s pulling himself together
while learning to love & accept himself 10x better
No longer looking at the world thru anxiety
but thru the view of his own reality
From never cracking a smile walking with his head down
to gracing life with a new found happiness, refusing to let toxic energy ignite a frown
I stand proud of the man I’m becoming & grateful to the man i used to be
for he taught me to appreciate thyself before allowing others to love me
-Poetic Venom
It’s been a while since you were mine, since that spotlight was mine
Since you placed your lips against, since our love last intertwined
We ended things way too early without knowing how great we could’ve been
not knowing the memories awaiting from the times we’ve yet to spend
You want us to be close but not the way I’d wish us to be
guess I’m the only one that wants to see how great we could be
I should’ve played the fool for you, should’ve went hard for you
but now I’m just forced other guys loving you
which very much breaks my heart in 2
pieces & it’s all because of you
having this illogical mindset that you do
failing to realize my heart beats because of you
so when that day comes & you’re walking down the aisle looking beautiful
staring into his eyes as he looks back at you
it’ll become my funeral when your heart says “I Do”
- Poetic Venom
when you're done blaming me

crying over or hating me

begging or persuading me

stressed over dating me

tried ******* saving me

but the pettiness was killing me

for the moment I was fortunate

but in love, we're total opposites

no hate but vibes are moderate

my departure hurts but you'll get over it
I’ve seen you weather many storms without breaking a sweat
& the Devil’s trying to break you but you ain’t gave up yet
I know you must be overwhelmed & tired although you won’t say it
helping those around you more than yourself though you’re not obligated
to put anyone over you but you still do it
just for the same ones to make you feel stupid
Through all the betrayal, not once have you thrown favors in the face
of those who’ve spat it back in your face
to make you feel like loyalty should be your reason
when that word is more of a tattoo & they’re only good for leaving
you in the dirt once they’ve used you for their personal convenience
But please, give yourself some credit for having the heart that you do
& I know ***** to feel unappreciated for the things you do
to be overly loyal to many but most do nothing but mistreat you
take you for granted & completely ungrateful
You’re a rare breed, there will never be another you
Give yourself some credit, you’re entirely too unique & special
- Poetic Venom
in the circus with the clowns
in the bins with the trash
in the clubs seeking flesh
in the streets dying slowly

they say good men don't exist
truth is, we exist within plain sight
often overlooked due to preferences
that only lead to broken hearts

questions of our existence have no answer
we appear where eyes don't look
but when least expected
once our presence is felt, it's magical
loyalty overlooked
love unappreciated
affection never accepted
locked in for too long

when do you let go?
when is enough enough?
when do you get fed up?
how much pain can you suffer?

you cried one too many tears
too many sleepless nights
you've hated yourself far too long
for a fool that doesn't appreciate greatness
The grass is greener on the side, let’s compare the two

I bring Life to you while he takes the life outta you

but you ain’t the only female he’s giving pleasure to

while you ignore me whenever he’s in the mood for you

With me, you feel complete without crying when you feel defeat

wanting love from someone who steals your peace

Love is complicated enough & I’ve enabled you to use me

when you need to feel alive cause his love makes you feel lonely

so yea the grass is greener & I won’t be upset if you leave

You seek Peace but settle for Chaos combined with Toxicity

but who knew the best love I’ve never had would become my biggest enemy
Ever meet that one person in life
feeling like they’re meant to complete your life
Been knowing each other for years
but every time you turn around, you’re causing each other tears
Barely speak like you used to but you’re too caught up to love another
can’t love anyone else cause you’re too in love with each other
You’d rather suffer the storm with them
than to enjoy a sunny day without em
Can’t move on from them cause you’d be miserable without em
Throughout all the fuss & fighting, the feeling of making up makes you forget
that this relationship is like a roller coaster with overwhelming twist
If you didn’t miss em so much, you’d **** em off mentally
Feeling your heart break every time you say good bye
Missing em every minute & can’t help but cry
If you could survive life without em, you’d try
no rehab needed, their drug is the perfect high
Laying in a bed built specifically for your guns & roses

☆ Poetic Venxm ☆
"Happy Birthday"

the 2 words I never Heard

from the man that gave me Life

but Look me in the eye & say Goodbye
Could we just take a second to just wish me a Happy Birthday, it would be mean a lot

Happy Valentines Day to all

- Dre Venxm
What can I say about the man who's taught me a lot
the one person apart of his life that he forgot
someone that needed him the most
but his presence forever remains a ghost
& for the longest time, I've hated you for leaving
the last thing you told me is that you loved & I believed you
If there's anything you taught me the most, never be like you
never create a blessing but toss it aside like you
so for you dad, this is my fathers day thanks
to the Father I never had but always wanted
who's love failed to accept me & the memories forever haunt me
but I forgive you for walking away, I understand now
that it's more about you than it ever was about me
thanks for making my mom struggle to raise me
just off lousy child support that was $80/ week
Happy Father's Day, I became a man without you
- Poetic Venom
You’re trying to love me but don’t know what you’re in for
You don’t understand why I tend to push away before
Things go south & I’m left alone with no one to hear my cry
Or to understand the reasons why I wanna fly away
I tend to push those away if I feel they’re getting too close
Protecting myself of disaster from the heartbreak waiting to be diagnosed
I tend to drink more than I should & test your trust in me
Avoiding the love that you tell me you have for me
I’m lost as to why you still try to gain access to something so disturbing
Still insist on giving your love to someone undeserving
I’m hard to love, it’s a roller coaster of emotions
Causing you frustration just to see your mental explosions
I’m paranoid & I push you away time after time
Yet you see right thru my reasons & still desire to be mine
Love is about compromising & understanding, you define it perfectly
Healing a heart that’s been scarred by the corruptly
Short tempered with a short fuse & no patience
Being adored by an angel possessing a love that’s gracious
I don’t wanna make a million mistakes & take your love for granted
Just a troubled man with a broken heart & having issues trying manage
I couldn’t walk a mile in your shoes, I don’t see how you do it
How can one put up with so much & still not lose it?
I know I’m hard to love but I thank you for still holding on
Still having faith in what we have instead of dropping it & moving on
You’re trying to love me but don’t know what you’re in for
You don’t understand why I tend to push away before
Things go south & I’m left alone with no one to hear my cry
Or to understand the reasons why I wanna fly away
I tend to push those away if I feel they’re getting too close
Protecting myself of disaster from the heartbreak waiting to be diagnosed
I tend to drink more than I should & test your trust in me
Avoiding the love that you tell me you have for me
I’m lost as to why you still try to gain access to something so disturbing
Still insist on giving your love to someone undeserving
I’m hard to love, it’s a roller coaster of emotions
Causing you frustration just to see your mental explosions
I’m paranoid & I push you away time after time
Yet you see right thru my reasons & still desire to be mine
Love is about compromising & understanding, you define it perfectly
Healing a heart that’s been scarred by the corruptly
Short tempered with a short fuse & no patience
Being adored by an angel possessing a love that’s gracious
I don’t wanna make a million mistakes & take your love for granted
Just a troubled man with a broken heart & having issues trying to manage
I couldn’t walk a mile in your shoes, I don’t see how you do it
How can one put up with so much & still not lose it?
I know I’m hard to love but I thank you for still holding on
Still having faith in what we have instead of dropping it & moving on
I’m having one hell of a week before I made that drastic decision
to send a text to that one person I regret missing
Our pride won’t let us communication, at least that’s what I thought
& the ego of a man is the toughest battle a man had ever fought
Somewhere deep down, I knew the signs weren’t lying to me
but I was hoping it wasn’t what I thought it would be
It took a turn for the worst when she said she had something tell me
I knew she was leaving since it couldn’t be a pregnancy
So how do you cope with the person you love most falling for someone else
& them being too “afraid” to tell you so they keep it to themselves
It was like the Titanic hitting that iceberg & my heart was the bottom of the ship
punctured & wounded causing my soul to sink
She didn’t wanna go back to the past but you can’t go back to what never existed
so let’s be realistic, you didn’t want me but couldn’t tell me so you fed me the bullsh*t
The last woman I had faith in, the last woman I fell in love with
the only woman I made love to & the only woman I could see a future with
You met me when I was broken, fixed me up, just to leave when he came along
then to have me thinking we were going to build the home that our hearts belong
You fooled me once but I forgave you, you fooled me twice & that’s all my fault
but knowing someone could easily replace me, that’s your biggest loss
-Poetic Venom
king pencasso

im not

i just use my
Heart less
i'm not heartless

but i use my heart less

very picky with my love

& learning how to love less

the game will always change

my love remains the same

love like pain doesn't exist
I used to show mad love
Used to put every soul before me
but the same ones showed no love
& the ones I went hard for, ignored me
I cared more for them than I did myself
even loved them 10x harder than I loved myself
Would’ve taken a bullet if fate needed a life as a sacrifice
but doing so only leads to a betraying price
I pulled that knife outta many backs
only to have that same knife thrown in mine, now I see how evil attacks
I never wanted to be this way but what do you expect
when I’ve been through so much pain, disappointments, & neglect
I showed more love than I was supposed to
only because I was chosen to
by the same ones that I walked thru the storm for
pushing me closer to that edge that I was headed to
I pretend not have a heart just to keep from being broken again
& I choose to stay alone just to avoid the realization of knowing you don’t have friends
This world is a game & depending on how you play, you either end up eliminated or hurt
so I’m not heartless but use my heart less being in a world so cursed

Poetic Venom
Help Me Understand the tears of a lady & how to wipe it
Help Me Understand how to find the perfect heart & repair what’s inside it
For years I’ve searched for the answers that most men question
Trying to overcome the challenge of loving a rare blessing
Help Me Understand her mentality & how I can prove my worth
By giving her something she’s never had but always wished for
Remove her fears of being torn & hurt
And proving this journey is something to which my heart was built for
Help Me Understand how I can turn her mentality around from hating men
Or how can I put a smile on her face just by the times we spend
To be the Man of her Fantasy & not the Nightmare that keeps her awake
To be the Husband of her Dreams & not the inspiration for her self hate
Help Me Understand the ways of making her feel electric by my actions
Bringing the pieces of her heart back together but not for my satisfaction
Help Me Understand how can one make it pass every test
Until she sees that I’m the blessing delivered from a lifelong request
She’s afraid of me & I’m afraid of her, an understanding mutual fear
Of being left alone after feelings were involved but never sincere
Help Me Understand that smile to which she keeps locked away
How can I be that guy who she smiles for every day
Help Me Understand a woman of her standard & what it takes
To be the rest of her life & avoid being the man she’ll eventually hate
From her head to her toe, from her heart to her soul
She’s a rare Work of Art that only one true man can inspire to glow
Help Me Understand how to be the man that she’s waited for her whole life
And how I convince her to fall in love without having to think twice
Here’s to the Woman;
whose smile speaks volumes & says so much
still managing to be strong although the pain is too much
her presence maybe silent sometimes but it’s always felt
she wants to be loved but has never felt her heart melt
her smile reminds you of the sunset, so beautiful & picture perfect
but her waterfall tears sing the melody of something that feels worthless
the heartbeat that matches the ballad of the broken hearted
& the spirit of one who’s been forgotten & departed
a heart of gold, the kiss of an angel, & a gracious presence
the personality of a rarity with the soul of many blessings
she brings joy to those who come across her
& unforgettable to those who’ve lost her
she knows exactly what she wants out of life & what she has to offer
though she’s cried a million tears, with each tear shed, she grows a bit stronger
-Poetic Venom
What you know about sleepless nights cause you brains have dispersed?
Getting back time & interest that will never be reimbursed
Keep running into roadblocks everywhere I turn
Having interest in these women but never getting the same love in return
What’s the use of trying to find something different when it doesn’t exist?
When every female you meet, there’s no loyalty that consist
She believes she’s special when she ends up in my bed
Feeling on top of the world due to something that I said
Are you still gonna ride even when things get tough?
Are you really about that life? Is your love the one I can trust?
Trying to be a better man but I’m battling bad habits
Hard to be faithful when the loyalty is absent
Back & forth with my emotions, some days I don’t care if you’re mine
The sad reality is that I’m loving you blind
Dealing with a heart that’s mentally unstable
Not ready to love you & I know you feel the betrayal
Who can love you better than me? I won’t lie
Let the gun go baby, I don’t wanna see this love die
Here we go again. Why can’t you let it go? I don’t wanna fight anymore
Why can’t you let it go? Just want this love to be restored
Her heartbeat is more than just melodic to me
When it details what she sees in me
And it’s amazing to see but it hurts me
How we’re both trapped souls but she’d rather see me be free
While she stands behind & sheds a tear
Wanting to follow my lead but it’s that fear
Of going back after getting away
So i pray that one day, she’s no longer a mental slave
And she finally sees the sunrise of her happiness & what it awaits
And when the sunsets, i look back as she fades away
But every time i reach out & grasp for her, i can never find the right words to say
Just so she’ll know how much she means to me & how she’s the sunrise of my every day

- Poetic Venom

when it’s all said & done

when I perish & gone

all that is left is my words

my only prayer is for the masses

lost within society

bleeding from within

razors as their only friend

swimming in a alcoholic sorrow

of tears waiting for the end

may my words serve as their friend

for i could never be it

but my gift will forever their hero
bad love
doesn’t determine
       the future
of what your real
    love could be

     behind every
   is the best think
   you’ve ever had

        allow love to come in
     pain made you a prisoner
  set your heart free
we're bound to crash if love is ego driven

blinded by pride using tunnel vision

fast without being furious while in poor condition

soon to be halted due to a bad transmission

trying to repair what's broken without seeing the parts missing

speeding into danger waiting for a collision

who's to win if we're both playing to lose

speeding into love when love is better if we cruise
Death Race for Love
Changes in your ways;

    we don’t chill like we used to
    talk like we used to
    already have a bond established
    & you allowed him to pursue you

Who do you love?
    is it me or someone that you just met
    why the sudden desire
    to create a remix to the perfect duet

Him or Me?
    I can’t bother to give you a decision
    at the end of the day
    I see that the love for me is already missing
    So I’d rather leave it alone & let him have you
    I couldn’t fix this love even if I bothered to try to

- Poetic Venom
There you are again, sitting by the window crying with the rain
Gave your everything once again & feeling that never ending pain
Doubting yourself & feeling like you’re not good enough
Although you gave your all & it didn’t seem to be good enough
Heart shattered again singing that same melody
Wanting to try harder but love doesn’t have the perfect remedy
Can’t win for losing so you question what it is that you’re doing wrong
Every time you bounce back, your heart gets placed back to where it doesn’t belong
It’s those same rehearsed tears that’s had one too many encores
And a severely wounded heart that continues to get knocked off its course
Eager to give up, say “**** it” once & for all
And I for one am tired of seeing you stand up but constantly taking a fall
Hearing your tears loud & clear but it’s heartbreaking to listen to
I just hope you don’t give up, I know True Happiness is missing you
It’s not that you’re not good enough, just haven’t met the one who deserves you
Just running into the same disguised jokes that continues to curve you
It’s like seeing the perfect image being tarnished by every presence it meets
Being used just for the moment & placed back after it’s defeat
Love’s a game of chess but it seems like no one is protecting this Queen
False advertising a world that only exist in her dreams
Forgive me for the pain

& any errors I’ve created

for I know you’re pure

& full of love, yet I’ve

underestimated your Greatness

Willing to put others 1st who’ve only used you as a Replacement

You stayed true no matter I put you through

& truthfully, I don’t deserve you

for all the things you do

Loving unconditionally & making many lives beautiful
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