Whatever happened to “with liberty and justice for all”?
You say all lives matter, but you have never known when yours hasn’t
No, because you were born with an invisible knapsack full of privileges
While I was born with imperceptible shackles around my feet
And the system, praise the political system, because it has done you right
Because your self-worth, and your value in society was assigned to you at birth
But you claim you cannot see color,
And the truth is, I believe you
With your white schools, paid for by your white neighborhoods,
Embraced by your white government, sheltered by your white police force
How could you?
But I can see color.
For our jails are darker than the northern Atlantic sky,
While our government is lighter than the hoods slung up by the KKK,
We must embrace the permeation of a rigid political system
Segregation. Cannot. End. Without. Integration.