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Feb 24 · 328
Dear Daughter:
KieraYale Feb 24
I pray that you can stand at the edge of the ocean admiring the stars above, as if God himself strung them up just for you.

I pray that foreign lands and language flow through your blood so that you can feel all the pieces that you're composed of when you feel alone.

I pray that you only ever look down on those you are helping up, and that  you can lend light when the world only seems to offer darkness.

I hope you find happiness in life's oddities. May you fill our home with jars of tadpoles, feathers filled with germs, and wet puppy paw prints from a dog we "didn't want".

My little girl  I pray that you never know heartache that your Daddy can't fix, but most of all I pray that you find a love like the love that made you.
Jan 30 · 148
The Professor
KieraYale Jan 30
Veins through leaves,
Through rivers,
Through wrists,
With so much complexity to life,
I find it hard to believe death is so simple.
Sep 2023 · 81
Why is guilt so heavy?
KieraYale Sep 2023
I wish I could set her down.
For she weighs on me, and what could I be?
If I ignored the talk of the town.
Aug 2023 · 171
Writer's Block
KieraYale Aug 2023
Sometimes writing is terrifying
Words come out like long legged spiders
Gross and impossible to work with

But you have to push to create
Face the fear of mediocrity
Allow fiction to sit with reality
Invite grammar for a cup of tea
Criticism arrives like a knight, blood of red ink
But the battle will be won
Aug 2023 · 677
Native Island
KieraYale Aug 2023
Language drips from his tongue like honey,
skin kissed by the light of God.
May 2023 · 105
My Cats Make Me Happy
KieraYale May 2023
Pink beans to the light
you tretch like noodle
Bird passes, a call to action
Mar 2023 · 158
Bad Day Today?
KieraYale Mar 2023
Each day of our lives is but a page in the book, do not treat it as if it were the whole story.
Feb 2023 · 462
Ripe Pear
KieraYale Feb 2023
Enjoy the fruits of your labor,
or the fruits shall become labor.
KieraYale Oct 2022
slow dancing against you
with the lazy waves against our feet
i feel so weightless
Oct 2022 · 857
Eye to Eye
KieraYale Oct 2022
I stopped writing
because I was happy.

The part of me that wanted to rip my heart from my chest
like the jaws of life just to watch it writher on the black top was gone.

Gone with it my desire to slash the caverns of my mind for some inspiration, bloodletting pain into something that could resonate with myself and maybe someone at Denny's at 4:15 a.m.

Yet like an addict I always seem to slither back to an old friend.
Jul 2022 · 172
KieraYale Jul 2022
Love sits next to you
Like warm sun on summer swing
And I thank God for morning light
Next to your calm heart beat
Jun 2022 · 226
Red Sky in Morning
KieraYale Jun 2022
i wondered once, upon the sea
in search of something beyond me
and in the storm i made my plea
please take me God, and set me free

but bow did rise against the wave
whistle of wind oh so grave
and storm of black she did brave
to new morn light the path she pave
Apr 2022 · 795
Dead Men Tell No Tales
KieraYale Apr 2022
when the smoke clears
and silence rings like static
Oh, shotgun in September
to my broken heart

crush my breath
like coal canary
Leave me gasping

red claws on your wrist
Was it truly her you kissed?
Feb 2022 · 156
KieraYale Feb 2022
And at some point
we begin to understand
as familiar hands
become soft with age
this is all we have-
and we are grateful.
Jan 2022 · 246
My Friend Winter
KieraYale Jan 2022
Is a *******
If seasons were people
He'd be Gregory House
Vicodin hungry
Volatile, Pins, and ******* Needles
Nov 2021 · 294
KieraYale Nov 2021
gotta get my **** together
embrace the change like the weather
simply move on like a feather
but pain holds me as a tether
maybe i'm a boat docked forever
waiting sails up for the zephyr
Nov 2021 · 335
KieraYale Nov 2021
you're a sunbeam in a box
i am lost in summer equinox
taste like candy, look like gold
waiting on you to hold
Oct 2021 · 178
KieraYale Oct 2021
quarter til noon
maybe ive come too soon
and seems im waiting for Godot
just waiting for him to show
"on this ***** of an earth"
but for what it is worth

you made it tolerable.
KieraYale Sep 2021
is that there has to be a top.
Sep 2021 · 85
KieraYale Sep 2021
we forget who we were
when we become who we are
some build walls of concrete
as if to keep out toxic memories
but they seep between the mortar
the lies we told drip like thick blood
and we turn cold at the sight
as if she doesn't have blood
upon her hands, upon her teeth
it as if the unspoken progression
reaps deep and unfathomable fear
fear in which the past anchors her fangs
prehistoric and sharp
rip flesh from bone
Aug 2021 · 145
KieraYale Aug 2021
Sleepless nights comfort wounded souls
And I ask God why you left a hole
Perhaps love is not ours to control
But ******* does it hurt.
Aug 2021 · 131
KieraYale Aug 2021
read: 337am
Aug 2021 · 108
KieraYale Aug 2021
"You can't run from your problems".

Watch me.
Aug 2021 · 112
Cyclic Scythe
KieraYale Aug 2021
hurt me
so i can say i told you so
Aug 2021 · 441
KieraYale Aug 2021
Life’s a game.
I am about to flip the table.
Aug 2021 · 95
Switch the Timezone
KieraYale Aug 2021
Power will always
reside within the depths of
our own existence.
Aug 2021 · 69
The Maid & The Milkman
KieraYale Aug 2021
Morality is flexible,
Like my body against yours.
We’re all lost between the "I shouldn't"
But “I really want to"
Searching for some kind of virtue.
Aug 2021 · 75
KieraYale Aug 2021
Cursed are the over thinkers
Not much worse than day drinkers
Aug 2021 · 92
KieraYale Aug 2021
Rage will fill my limbs
Like spring Rapids through narrow bends
Aug 2021 · 76
KieraYale Aug 2021
we strike with venom
when we fear pain.
Aug 2021 · 75
KieraYale Aug 2021
Relax me like a rainy Sunday morning.
Honey at the back of my throat,
divine like Saturday wine
Aug 2021 · 102
KieraYale Aug 2021
thought you were different.
KieraYale Aug 2021
illusions of grandeur
oh you're the master
wana get inside that mind
become entwined

just to see the gears
know your fears
do your synapses fire
as quickly as your comebacks?
Jul 2021 · 119
KieraYale Jul 2021
Antique bookends holding it together
and pain holds me down
like skeletal shadows
only threatened by morning light

maybe i should drink the cool aid
play along in the masquerade
oh, you know the tools of the trade?

maybe *** doesn't solve our problems
but I sure feel at home here
Jul 2021 · 97
cutting ties
KieraYale Jul 2021
thunder rolls
like the sleeves on your sweater
here I am hoping for better weather
I had a conversation with God
he told me he didn't know
and that just didn't seem right
but maybe if I hold on just a little longer
my future will look a little more bright
Jul 2021 · 102
KieraYale Jul 2021
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Will he catch me if I fall?
Will he even care at all?

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Hit you like a cannon ball
Shattered glass and alcohol

Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Reflect my fate, the curtain call
Jun 2021 · 110
Seven Sisters Springs
KieraYale Jun 2021
shutter white canoe
on tropical spring waters
sways with two otters
Jun 2021 · 98
KieraYale Jun 2021
pain sits on the rib cage like a soaked white feather blanket
once light and airy, comfortable
now clings to bone like the beginning of fresh decay
arms feel like honey when brushing the weight aside

"are you alright?" she asked sweetly, blush as rose from the sea's reflection

"I think so" her wife feigned a smile, but then ashamedly resumed her true form

in that moment nothing seemed alright
each breath seemed to tighten like a corset
the death of a parent leaves child wayward


the riptide carried sea foam back to where it came from
and seagulls continued to inspect the shore
Mira was livid that time didn't stop

but the redolent smell of BBQ was what turned her stomach
how could people be eating when her mother was gone?
it was repulsive
an artist's nightmare
the trivialities of food and water
when such a deep hole existed.
May 2021 · 299
Daddy Issues
KieraYale May 2021
Harley Quinn in Pop-Deco,
in padded rooms her nightmares echo.
Apr 2021 · 161
Lighter Load
KieraYale Apr 2021
The people we love the most, may wish nothing more than to hurt us so that they can feel a modicum of control and power in their own lives.
Like the black king, we must navigate the board with precision
We can choose to move with grace, or resentment
We can choose to set boundaries and demand self respect
Or we can allow them to continue to psychologically destroy and manipulate us out of fear
Fear that the relationship will disintegrate like a figment of the imagination
Fear of the thought of being alone, truly and unfathomably alone
And while we understand their traumas and their pain,
when we accept abuse,
we allow a scythe to cross our throats
because the substance itself is heroine
soon the pain and suffering, seeks out its kind
the kind of jaundice skin that clings to fragile bone
when we choose grace, we choose the lighter load
when we set boundaries and respect ourselves
we can begin to heal
Apr 2021 · 85
Butterfly Effect
KieraYale Apr 2021
when a wolf's hackles raise
nobody dare ****
for beast may bound upon thy neck
well sweet boy please understand
watch the ground upon your trek
for karma runs within the water
and when the river runs dry
lambs will face an unknown slaughter
blood on wool
you fool.
KieraYale Apr 2021
"count the ceiling tiles" the nurse joked
I wanted to joke
say I'd rather die
but seeing as I had just attempted that
perhaps I'd better lie
Apr 2021 · 97
KieraYale Apr 2021
when the world is against you,
hold yourself closer.
Apr 2021 · 122
KieraYale Apr 2021
warm salty water crashes against sunned ankles
black shepherd gallops in wisps of water
as child toddles where the sea kisses white sand
KieraYale Mar 2021
as the tendrils of the night fog
slither around thick oak
bull frogs sing  and croak
when grey dove coo
the morning sun stretches
and fawn bed close to mother
all peckers begin their work early
with red robins following suit
today red fox trots to the river
as honey bees rouse beneath quick feet
Mar 2021 · 95
Coffee Shop on Fifth Ave.
KieraYale Mar 2021
Love doesn't die,
It rests like dust.
Mar 2021 · 213
KieraYale Mar 2021
was "Broad Ripple burning"?
or am I insane?
wonder what life is like
without disdain
Mar 2021 · 185
KieraYale Mar 2021
There is nothing he can give to you dear girl,
that you cannot give yourself.
Feb 2021 · 88
KieraYale Feb 2021
she was a wild one
free as the sweet Alaskan air
heart of red poppy
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