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 Jan 2022 Khaab
I am a dreamer
 Jan 2022 Khaab
I am a dreamer.
I vision things that don't yet exist.

I am a stubborn believer.
I believe my visions come true.

I am limitless.
I dream big dreams.
 Jan 2022 Khaab
blind eye
 Jan 2022 Khaab
You never expect it to happen do you?
or do you just choose to turn a blind eye to something you wish wasn't happening?
to all the people who should have noticed something wasn't right
thank you for ruining my life.

thank you for never thinking twice about why a child might wet the bed till the age of 11
for not releasing how scared she was to be alone with the man
for asking you to sleep with her and telling you clearly she was scared

oh well... it happened now...
because you chose to turn a blind eye..

May our beloved Tiranga, our Indian National flag, always, for ever fly very very high;

Higher than the great Himalayan heights, in independent India's, wide open sky

Accept my salute, my respect, as you, our revered Tiranga, rise into an azure blue sky, to fly.

Our soldiers with their blood protect you at the cost of their life; no one can you, ever buy

A soldier's brave parents, wife, siblings, children soberly accept n don't even openly cry;

When our brave hearts sacrifice themselves; when for Bharat Mata, our shaheeds die.

Wrapped they come stately in this Tiranga grand, as they quietly in their coffins lie

We owe a lot to this Tiranga; on this Republic Day let's pray forever the Tiranga flies high


Armin Dutia Motashaw
 Jan 2022 Khaab
आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!
सुबह सुबह उठकर, कुर्ता पजामा पहनकर, साथ में चश्मा लेकर एकदम हम नेताजी बन जायेंगे |
9 बजे मैदान पहुंचेंगे, 2-4 सेल्फी लेंगे, फिर Insta, facebook पर status update कराएंगे...
आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!

बस आज की मजबूरी में ई तिरंगा को सलामी दे  जायेंगे |
देखा देखी में हम भी जन-गण-मन ख़ुशी का ढोंग करके गायेंगे ||
आज ई सब बड़े दिखावे के साथ कर लेंगे लेकिन कल फिर से भगवा लहराएंगे |
भले हमें खुद नही आता लेकिन दुसरो से जबरदस्ती वन्दे मातरम गवाएंगे ||
आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!

बड़े प्यार से आज हम "जय भीम" का नारा लगाएंगे |
खूब शौक से आज संविधान की कश्मे खाएंगे||
"छोटा बड़ा कोई नही, सब एक बराबर है", आज हम जोर जोर से चिल्लायेंगे|
भीड़ को इकठ्ठा करके, बाबा साहेब की तारीफ के कशीदे पढ़वाएंगे ||
लेकिन बस आज ही करेंगे, कल फिर से इनको इनका औकात दिखाएंगे |
ई भीमराव जो किया है, उसके लिए उसे फिर से गालियाएंगे ||
छोड़िये आज इन सब बातो को, आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे!

आज भाषण देने के लिए एकदम बढ़िया मंच सजवाएंगे |
भाषण ऐसा देंगे की सब मंत्रमुग्ध हो जायेंगे ||
नागरिको के संविधानी अधिकारों को अपने भाषण द्वारा उन तक पहुचायेंगे |
सत्ता विरोध और प्रदर्शन के अधिकार को भी उनको समझायेंगे ||
आज तक तो ई सब ठीक है लेकिन कल से जो सत्ता के विरोध में बोला, उसपर UAPA का धारा लगवाएंगे...
विरोध करने का उसको मीठा फल दिलवाएंगे, देशद्रोह का charge लगवाकर उससे जेल में चक्की पिसवाएंगे ...!

आज हम थोड़ा liberals वाला देशभक्ति दिखाएंगे...
कल से फिर दोबारा हम असली राष्ट्रवादी बन जायेंगे!
लेकिन फिलहाल, आज 26 जनवरी है, आज हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाएंगे...!
Truth of modern India...

This is a poem written in my very own regional accent, i.e. Bihari accent... So even hindi speaking people may also face problem while reading this...

My very first hindi poem 😅😅

Happy rebublic day 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
 Jan 2022 Khaab
Eshwara Prasad
Every single word you said spun a web around my heart, trapping me to your whims. I'm like a spider trapped in its own web.
I let the death follow me
I do not care if he runs faster than me
So I let the death take the lane we race together
And I hope we can be a friend in the end after

He may finish and win the race
And I may still fight and never know what I face
I realize that the life is not about competition
So I find my own way to know my passion

It is not about I am too young to die
It is about I am a human as long as I can give a beautiful goodbye
Yes, the life is too short to hate
So I practice how the love works and I try to bet

I do not let myself die in pain
And I do not let myself be suffer without gain
I am not afraid if I die now
And I am not afraid if they don't impress me without say, Wow!

Because God flows through my vein
and dances around in my brain
Indonesia, 25th January 2022
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
 Jan 2022 Khaab
R N Tolliday
But where is she now,
V'been looking around,
Can't seem to find,
What I've - been searching for.
But there's, still a chance...
That she's, in France!
I'm a believer of anything good...​
That’s my romance.
 Jan 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
 Jan 2022 Khaab
Caleb Kyme
She is amazing
My morning star
The gods bow down to her
In her presence, all I can say is your Highness

She is nothing like the Universe has seen
Born one week before Christmas
She must be the one that guided the Maggi to Jesus

She walks majestically
The birds just can't help but sing
Nature itself is proud of her creation

She must have come from heaven
Coz she has divided my heart and thoughts
Almost to the bone and marrow

Galileo was amazed of her
He must be lucky who that shall have her
I already consider myself lucky falling for her

Space and time conjecture
Just couldn't help but let me be with her
For some time
Around her space
Is little heaven to me

Her eyes are like two golf *****
Marked with the cutest pattern of iris
Brown with shade of black
Or is it vice versa
That's the mystery of her

Not even Romeo and Juliet
Solomon in all his wisdom
Can explain the fire that is rekindled
Everytime I look into her eyes

I love her
She  loves me, maybe
But all I know is
My kingdom is void without her
For she completes me in a way like never before
Noel Sorophine
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