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 Oct 2017 Skylar Keith
 Oct 2017 Skylar Keith
her touch was soft,
mapping out the constellations of freckles on his shoulders and back,
pale skin,
blue eyes and golden hair against the dark sheets of the bed,
words of honey left her lips,
spreading warmth throughout his body,
she was the sun he had been chasing for years,
too bad eclipses only last for a few brief moments.
The embers of the sky,
Telling myths, a winters night,
Winds blowing, trees bowing,
Often, they whispered a voice,
Warming toes, a freezing nose,
An aurora, a sight out of coast.

Each glory of design,
Sparkles wooingly outshine,
An epitome of colors playing,
Often seeking its own grand,
Forming from an artist hand,
Someone will but no one can.

As memories out spores,
Bound of keys, tied with thee,
A Moet of an enduring heart,
Sprung out of an idled dream,
A man-woman of abstract art,
Weaving as embers sky depart.
#Ember #Sky #Love #Inspire #Behold

(NCJ)POETRYProductions. ©2017
 Oct 2017 Skylar Keith
 Oct 2017 Skylar Keith
Don't go so fast
You forget to look at the stars
IDK I just fall in love with the nooks and crannies of the world and wish more people would notice them
 Oct 2017 Skylar Keith
I am lost in a world where griffins fly and the faries flutter through the trees,
I am lost in a world where mermaids inhabit the lake,
where dragons are curled around mountains and magic is complete real

I am lost in a world where I am free, a prince/ss that does not need saving because I have saved myself

I am lost in my own mind,
so please, do not disturb
 Oct 2017 Skylar Keith
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah*
a cry you hear at night (my nighttime vocabulary), the same repertoire as the daytime residents, yelps and screeches, groans and screams, bleating whelps and yelps, grunts and curdling silent  low moans and pierced wails, crues du cœur, (cries from the heart)  but at night when these orchestral sounds are released without modification, freed from the governor of self-consciousness, the embarrassment of waking mirrored witnesses, atonalities as raw as a violin string snapping, the terrible sounds, twice as harsh as the scrape roughened roaring sound of the  hoarse word, raw, when spoken out loud but I count them all as friends, these then my nighttime vocabulary companions.

each deed, each sin, committed, lifelong repetition, dances in a chorus line, across my eyelashes, each demanding my punishment with a different matching sound; the reciprocal noises of the lives I shed, the lives I've taken, the forsaken forsakings, the blatant ones done with no excuse, no pretend rationale, these are my very own
songs of the night, conductor, musician, audience, one for all,
all for me, my torment of endless and relentless unforgiving sonality
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Leonard Cohen
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