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 Sep 2015 Kea
Kathryn Paige
It's hard to hear,
"I love you"
when it's only
lies that spill
out of your mouth;
a bittersweet moment that
I would rather sit in silence to
then witness.

And you'll never care that
I'm drowning,
only that I
hold your head
above the waves
as I sink a little deeper
with every break in the sea.

But I will continue
to love you
with every ounce
of my being
because my heart
holds no sympathy
over me.

-k.w//worlds apart
 Sep 2015 Kea
The Saddest Part
Is That I Messed Up

But You Just
Didn't Have To Leave!
Why Couldn't You Just Stay!
 May 2015 Kea
 May 2015 Kea
You Mysteriously Appear In My Dreams,
With Different Appearances. Intensely
Seducing Me, Convincing Me To Feel Like We Have Something Beyond Love.

I Don't Know Why You Chose Me.
But,What I Do Know Is That You Won't Stay Long. You'll Just Leave Anyway.

But Then When You're Around, My Dreams Are Vivid.
We Travel Through Different Dimensions More Than We Exchange Lips.
They Burn More Than Rocks Sink On Lava. You're My Lover.
The Lover That Exists In My Dreams.
Afraid To RevealĀ  Yourself In This Cruel World We Live In.

But If You Just Give It A Chance, We Could Sit In My Tree House
And Talk About Completely Nothing.

Because The Silence Screams Out All We Need To Say To Each Other.

But The Silence Is A Killer Too.
 May 2015 Kea
 May 2015 Kea
She Layed Her Head On His Chest
And Her Thoughts Wondered Why
His Heart Screams Out So Silently.

Why. It's Always Banging On His Chest. But No One Seems To Answer.

And He Replied: It's Been Trapped In This Sad Body Since The Beginning Of My Existence.
It Wants To Escape. But No One Seems To Set Free Into The Light.

It Finally Gave Up.
Made Friends With The Darkness.
Shared Ancient Stories.
Shared Emotions With The Razor.

And The Razor Understood All Its
The Razor Then Smiled At The Sad Wrist.
And After A While, It Said.
Look, You're Smiling Too. :)

— The End —