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6.1k · Feb 2015
Katy Rosentch Feb 2015
Sight is light
Sight is color
Sight is amazing
Sight is an illusion


Sight is a trap
Sight blinds you
Sight lies to you
Sight shields you from reality
Sight only lets you to see what it allows

Sight is an illusion
Sight is amazing
Sight is color
Sight is light

Close your eyes
It's dark, right?
Now you can see
Sight isn't all that it seems. Like your ears, you can't trust everything you see. Looks, they can be decieving.
2.5k · Feb 2015
Katy Rosentch Feb 2015
We're stuck within these bodies that we're dying to change
We are ashamed because we want to be different


We cannot escape being called by "her" or "him"
It may not seem like much, but titles matter,
As do appearances.

"I want to be this", I say
"But you're not that." Society barks


We crave to be that,
The opposite of "who we are"
We're stuck, truley
We feel as if we can't escape this, containment,
This restriction,
This prohibition.

That defines us.

We didn't choose to be WHO we are,
We didn't get a choice to become WHAT we are.

I am a "he".
I am a "her".

We are confined to be one gender, "ourselves"

How can we be ourselves if our looks are so decieving?
Are we not judged by our outskirts?

I want to be "that", On the outside
I already am, on the inside

Though, I'm jammed,

We linger in these false corpses
They burn at our courage and tear at our hearts
They puncture and pierce and leave scars and bruises in our souls
Because we cannot run from ourselves.

When society is against us
We remain still
What can we do if our skin is a lie?

I am a "he" on the inside, a "she" on the outside
I am a "she" on the inside, a "he" on the outside

I can't escape alone.

I think I'm trapped
This poem is about Gender identity disorder, and being transgender. I am not, but I feel sympathy for those who are crushed because of societies unforgiving ways. I hope people understand the meaning to this story.

— The End —