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Mar 2024 · 129
Life raft
Kate Millar Mar 2024
That love once enveloped her every being
He was in her bones
Every breath she took was for him
Intoxicating obsession
He said they were forever
She hung on to those words
Like she hung to the edge of a cliff

Her life raft
Her familiar
His mastermind
His game
Mar 2024 · 1.8k
Born again
Kate Millar Mar 2024
Her smile
Your smell
Her nerves
Your kiss
On her neck
It was all she ever needed
Untill it was the one thing that broke her
Kate Millar Mar 2024
A dress draped around her carefree
No painted doll face
Crazy hair frames her soft innocent eyes
Imperfectly perfect
She loves her inner beauty
Her sense of self
Creative, quirky , funny
She knows what she is capable of
A voice so paper thin
But loud enough to sing
Her skin is delicate
Green eyes
Though she cannot see
As she lost her sight
When she met him
Love is blind
Mar 2024 · 740
Kate Millar Mar 2024
A sense of freedom
No thought circling around
An unfamiliar feeling
The pure rush of a fire that engulfs a wild forest with no limit.
Mar 2024 · 708
Unknown narcissist
Kate Millar Mar 2024
I see a glimpse of the past
I see the trouble
Ignore the sensible
Invite the unknown

Leap into the warmth
It’s inviting
You can’t resist

The pain it will bring
Pretend it doesn’t exist

Something doesn’t feel welcoming
Yet alluring at the same time

You have just been experienced a narcissist

Your pain is his gain
Jun 2020 · 144
Faith in thee
Kate Millar Jun 2020
A faint hope
A glimmer of faith
Wishing and wanting you
I don’t want to wait

I thought fate bought us together
Different meanings for you and I
A song on the radio
The memory of your smile

Different scenarios rush around in my head
Why do I long for something so much
I can’t have
The pit in my stomach
The dread

I don’t want to forget
Yet it’s getting harder to remember
Those summer nights
We spent together
The look you would give me
Shivers down my spine
Me asking questions
The price I paid for your time

If only those hours were days
And days turned into months
If only I knew there was a limit
I would have treaded carefully
And wouldn’t have jumped

Right into the unknown
I felt so positive you would be there
There to catch the broken pieces
Of my heart
I can’t even tell you how I feel now
It’s all to hard
Jun 2020 · 132
Love herself
Kate Millar Jun 2020
There was no noise
It was her there alone
She enjoyed the peacefulness
Once she needed the sounds of laughter
Attention and excitement
Now she was content
Blissful and enlightened

She loved who she had become
No need for second guessing
This was her home
Her space
She had come into her own

Those would soon entice her
Try to get her to come and play
She now was wiser
A path she had been sowing the last few years
Strengthening her good points
Knowing herself
A force to be reckoned with
Jun 2020 · 103
Kate Millar Jun 2020
An empty chair
A shallow pool
A glass half full
Call it what you will
It’s a feeling of your presence gone

Those warm sunny days
When your laughter filled me with joy
My heart was full

Those blue eyes like the blue of the clearest ocean
The dark hair and stance on you
Your so regimented stiff
Was nice to see you carefree
Jun 2020 · 106
Kate Millar Jun 2020
A blank canvas
There for you to write the story
You can pause for awhile
Just live in the present

Take a chance
Be bold
Be brave
You can take a second glance

Don’t re live old loves
It’s a shoe that doesn’t fit anymore
The wrong size or style
Keep your heart open
Dream it’s worthwhile

Celebrate your wins
And accept your darkness
Days may seem good
Others will have you guessing your path

Trust in the unknown
Don’t worry about tommorow
Or 2 years from now
It isn’t worth the sorrow
Jun 2020 · 124
She is the sun
Kate Millar Jun 2020
She bought him into lightness
Showed him happy and bright  
Once nights full of coldness
No need to fight

Engulfing him into the warmth
Soaking in all her rays
Now he’s back in that dark place
No more comforting days

This is now his place
Some sort of zone he feels safe
Dark is where I met him
Where he remains

The stomach flip
The way he looked at me
It never went away
Now I have to be the sun all over again
It won’t be you
I’ll be over it someday
May 2020 · 127
The twinkle in her eye
Kate Millar May 2020
A twinkle in her eye
She doesn’t seem the same
Her once longing stares
Are few and far between

She is glowing
She shut the door
Embarked on a new journey
Knowing she deserved more

He has her for now
He thinks
I will get her back
But the twinkle remains
She made her pact

Those eyes sparkled for you once
A flicker of hope
She had to blow out the candle
Or walk the tight rope

No balance
No promise from you

The twinkle won me over
And there’s nothing you can do
May 2020 · 108
Kate Millar May 2020
An empty chair
A shallow pool
A glass half full
Call it what you will
It’s a feeling of your presence gone

Those warm sunny days
When your laughter filled me with joy
My heart was full

Those blue eyes like the blue of the clearest ocean
The dark hair and stance on you
Your so regimented stiff
Was nice to see you carefree
May 2020 · 144
The mistaken prize
Kate Millar May 2020
To pretend I’m not affected by the absence of you in my life
Is becoming so easy to do

Don’t talk of your name
Smile and move on like it never happened or was

You can’t turn back a clock
Nor change a persons feelings
An inkling of hope you may return one day
How would I react

Shut you out so abruptly
So final no explanation
Follow in your footsteps
Give you no validation

I looked at you like you were a prize
Not meant for me
Different worlds we live
Yearning for a slice of happiness
Not meant for you to give

Constant reminders of the gestures you gave surround me
I have to just block it out
As it wasn’t meant to be

There’s part of me missing now
A piece of a missing puzzle
One I can’t put back together
May 2020 · 216
Memory undone
Kate Millar May 2020
A memory is under rated
What felt so right at one point in time
Now just minutes or a glimpse of what might have been

It’s like a dream that your mind created
A scene from a movie
That keeps playing in your mind

I have to pinch myself now to keep that memory alive
No longer real or present
Just a scene
To be forgotten

A memory that will soon be erased
It didn’t happen
It was all make believe
May 2020 · 90
Full moon
Kate Millar May 2020
Lions don’t lose sleep
Over the opinions of sheep
They uttered pure nonsense
Which was all hearsay

She raised her head
As she strode away
Those words couldn’t affect her
Maybe once they could
She knew who she was
She was misunderstood

It made her laugh and
Feel a gloating down below
How little did they know
She didn’t need to show

Prove anything to the masses like it was
Life or death
She knew her worth
She could look herself in the mirror
Come so far
Though you wouldn’t believe
Your out there in the fields
With the sheep that clearly lead
It isn’t your fault you’ve clearly been misled

Her roar like the sound of a thousand wolves
Set free from the leashes
Bolting through the woods
Those wolves don’t hunt sheep
They have better things to do
Her fierceness and bravery
Nothing to prove to you
Her head rested soundly on her pillow
Another day is done
Her voice is silent
The full moon has begun
Apr 2020 · 121
Rose Coloured Glasses
Kate Millar Apr 2020
Rose coloured glasses
Her outfit of choice
Designed by the experiences of her past

Seeing what she wanted to see
A little niave
An open book
For anyone to read

Her heart balanced on her shoulder
Though it weighed her down at times
A brain that rushed around with thoughts
Many she couldn’t explain

Often misunderstood
The glasses deceived her
When she finally took them off
It all made sense
The glasses were misleading
It wasn’t that intense

She is now aware
And her sight is now clear
Her heart and head work as one
No one can interfere
Apr 2020 · 114
Four Walls
Kate Millar Apr 2020
Four Walls

I sat between 4 walls
With nothing but the sound of my own thoughts
Some I really don’t want to think about
Others I embrace

The pure ness of who You are
A true friend in a time of sorrow
I bared my true self to you
What is left to follow

Those walls are very dangerous
I feel like they could swallow me whole
You probably wouldn’t realise
I would just become another lost soul

Trapped in the white and stark stale place
Never would I be with you
Lost without a trace

Come back they said
It’s not too late
I’m sorry my friend the walls are my fate

— The End —