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Ariana Robinson Sep 2016
I still have those moments where I don't feel anything at all
Just numbness
My head resting on a pillow
My eyes staring blankly at a wall
And then I snap out of it
And I busy myself with doing something to make me feel
I refuse to feel nothing ever again
Ariana Robinson Aug 2016
I used to be a damsel in distress until I decided to rescue myself...
Waiting for Prince Charming to come and save you from your tower is a waste of time. Climb down the tower yourself...
  Aug 2016 Ariana Robinson
I can't wash the smell of you off of my body.
I can't rid your touch from my hair.
The way your tongue wraps around mine,
About everything else... I just don't care.

The feeling of your face won't escape my finger tips.
Your eyes staring into mine...
Some sadness behind them still.
I want to hold you until they shine bright again.

You touch my collar bones.
I hold your hand.
We hardly talk.
We communicate through bands.

I see the images her all around your place.
But I forget it all when you look into my face.
"Let's go to bed."
That's fine with me.
We can pretend we don't cause each other misery.

When you hold me in your lap.
Regardless of who sees.
Is it alcohol or loneliness that fuels this need?

I can't escape your touch.
I can't forget the sound of your breath.
I can't wash away the scent of you.
I can't dismiss your touch.

Do I love you so much?
Or is it all about  a chase.
A love I'll never have...
I guess it has an exotic taste.
  Aug 2016 Ariana Robinson
b for short
He smiles kindly
and with a steady hand
dips brush into color,
decorating every inch
with precision and care.
He paints no two souls alike,
but yet leaves his distinct mark,
so bright and profound;
touched and, without question,
we’ve been bettered.
Each of us now proudly stretched,
on display for the rest of a lifetime.
A work of his art, never caged,
but free to come and go,
free to be.
© Bitsy Sanders, August 2016

For Kibwe Lee
Ariana Robinson Aug 2016
I wake up with this body
That has a new ache in a new place
But mainly in the heart and mind
With its bumps and curves in some areas
Spots that won't go away in others
But there's a simplicity to this body of mine
I love every inch of it
My body shows the years that have and haven't been pleasant
Every pound of flesh on my body
I adore
From my thighs and ****
To my gut
My body is my temple
And I shall dwell in it for the rest of my life
My body is mine and I will take care of it, protect it, and love it. Look in the mirror naked and appreciate what you were given. Mold your body if you want but not to the point where you're hiding who you are.
Ariana Robinson Jul 2016
I'm sure it hurts the same
When an angel falls from Heaven
And when a demon crawls up from Hell
And us humans being stuck in the middle on Earth
I'm sure it hurts the same
I was watching the show Supernatural and it just popped in my head.
Ariana Robinson Jul 2016
"Why would I wish Death upon my worst enemy when I can just **** them myself?"
- Quoted by me
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