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Ariana Robinson Oct 2015
I can't help but be curious of him
Of wanting to know more of him
Wanting to explore the depths of him
Wanting to know how he does what he does
The mere thought of wanting to know isn't enough to satisfy me
I want more than my thoughts and imagination conjuring up ideas
I want to feel, I want to do
Very curious indeed am I
He's on my mind
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
Pushed past the breaking point
A line that shouldn't be crossed
Passed the point of no return
The final threshold
There's no going back now
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
There was once a little girl
Called Little Sorrow
There was never a smile that grazed her face
Nor a moment of happiness in her life
She learned to live with the silence
Learned to embrace the solitude
Cried her tears alone until one day she stopped
There wouldn't be a place big enough for holding all the tears she cried
Little Sorrow simply watches with blank eyes and an immobile face
As the world around her passes
Yet she remains still
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
You talked a good game
And I believed every word you said
Did you really mean any of it?
Or was I just a convenience for you?
A distraction from the chaos you call life?
Funny how your words mean nothing to me now
And neither do you
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
The multiple monsters of my mind
Each telling me a different thing
Each have a life of their own
The one I call "Heartbreak" says you'll never have love
There's a hole where her heart should be
The one named "Broken" says you'll never be good enough
Pops bitter pills with slits on her wrists
Then, there's the final one
Who I call the "Dark Angel"
Causes the dark swirl of thoughts in my head
She embraces herself with a sinister glint in her eyes
Her smirk full of mischief
All have black eyes
Surrounding the human me
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
Broken wings
Humming my last song
Trapped in a cage
Abandoned all hope
Of being set free
Free from a prison
A prison I created myself
Never to sprout my wings
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
Petals drenched in crimson
Delicate to touch
Has its own defense
Stem covered in thorns
***** pale fingers
Draws blood when grasp
Both a beauty and a danger
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