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 Jul 2021 Josh Cooper
Ciel Noir
I want to

T    E    A   R

you from my heart

but the roots have grown so deep

I'm scared it would

T    E   A    R

me apart
His shadow moved like smoke,
released from the fire

Fading in the night air
—never to return

(Searching For Crazy Horse II:  July, 2021)
 Jul 2021 Josh Cooper
Cait Harbs
I will love you with a soul on fire
With my spine as the wick;
I will love you as long
As my days are quick.
I met a woman
brutal in her mercy.

Her embrace was a clinch
to prevent hard blows.
She pulled me close to push me away.
Seeing my nakedness
she leant me a dream
of chainmail and shield.
Taking love from me she gave a reprieve
to a mind resigned to the slow death of feeling.

Ignoring my words she heard
my faint silent heartbeat and
understood that it was music
too quiet for the world to hear
and turned it up louder
than I could stand.
I wept in my deafness
as she danced.
Suicide... It's entered my mind.
I'm thinking about it...
I don't want to die.
I'm not ready... I'm not there yet.
But when I am it could be the most glorious thing.
For now I will wait.
I am an atheist.
A spiritualist.
A confused child.  

I was raised on
“God does not exist.”

Still, I find peace in
Comets and cosmos and creation.

I am unsure
Unsteady in my faith.

Yet every time
A child asks me
What thunder is,
I repeat the saying
I always heard.

“God is bowling.”
 Jul 2021 Josh Cooper
It’s hard to keep writing
My story
When I know our chapter is already over
 Jul 2021 Josh Cooper
You don't have to hesitate
Cut them off.
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