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  Nov 2017 Jaz
I guess it was obvious to an outsider looking in
These rose colored glasses nearly blinded me
My personal psychic predicted down to the hour
I took it as a suggestion
                                      And not the best lead  i've ever had
I think an upstream swim is fun
nearly drowning is my specialty
Jaz Nov 2017
For some I am
Too much
For others
Not enough

But all that matters
Is that for me
I am
the perfect fit
Jaz Nov 2017
I could feel the darkness
Spilling out of your head
And consuming all of you

I wanted to be your light
The one to show you love
And become your home

They're telling me I'm better
Than this, than you
They sound like a broken record

The truth is
I love your pain
The one you inflict on me, anyway

I like the fact
That through my pain
at least
We're connected

— The End —