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 Dec 2017 Jaya
Book Thief
She rises and falls like a reposed breath
before an entire world's visage
in her encircled arms.
The incandescent glow of the stage
has an intoxicating quality to it,
the music being
something liquid, viscous.

As notes thrum in tender and soothing caresses,
her legs supple, twirl like petals
cascading under the weight of raindrops,
giving way to a lush surrender
steeped in a language of love and need.
Her very fire
and impassioned soulfulness
lifts her up above the crowd itself,
burning for all to see.

In this moment now
her timelessness enraptures me.
Another part of myself awakens to her grace
and renders me
gratefully whole.
A sense of euphoria slow dances its way
from her being to mine,
consuming every piece of my body
in a fiery bloom—
charging me with
a crackling, electrifying force
unlike my mere own.

I can see now
that this is what she was born to do—
to be on pointe, seeing everything.
Any instances of worldly fear
is left to the dying.
The rhythms of her old pains,
tribulations of past destructions,
are now buried beneath her feet.
And her radiant smile while she dances
still speaks to me gently—
that to be free
is to be wonderfully lost
in her waltz with destiny.

© BT
I'm finally back!! :) The past two months have been crazy hectic with a lot of work, so I apologise for the long hiatus. Here's a longer piece for you to enjoy. As always, thank you for reading dear friends! BT x
 Jul 2017 Jaya
Chloe M Teng
 Jul 2017 Jaya
Chloe M Teng
The line halts to a stop
and the heart goes
Short quotes, shortpoems, sadquotes, verses
 May 2017 Jaya
Ryan Holden
I used to ride by every day
Making my paper round worth while,
Your beautiful hair, and your beautiful smile,
Kept me breathing the air,
Oh, how wonderful, how rare.

I would see you in corridors at school
Trying to be calm, trying to stay cool,
But we talked for hours about you,
It was then, it was how my love grew,

My sweet darling please stay here
In these memories, in my fear
Of losing you my darling,
You'll see, what you mean
To me.

I've loved you forever and always,
And you know that this is true
So please stay with me,
And tell me, you love me too?

Love me till I die
Please look me in the eye,
And tell me that
You love me too
And that the best part of my life,
Was the moment I met you.

Because I'm scared to tell you,
How much you mean to me,
Because I'm afraid you wont call,
As you're my everything, after all
I'm just fearing the worst
Because I think I'm cursed,
trying my best not to misconstrue,
I've never met a women,
Near as perfect as you.
A love song I wrote. About being scared to tell someone you like them.
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