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 Mar 2020 JASMINE
Dark Beauty
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
This woman, she did all that she could..she never went far, she bloomed where she stood.  There was rain, but seldom was there any light. So she lived as a flower that bloomed in the night.
Sometimes the best things are born out of the worst circumstances.
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
John Destalo
the past was
not perfect

and everyday
will be the past

the world is
not perfect

and we are
the world

I am broken
and maybe

I broke you

and if I say
I was wrong

will you

let me live
and learn

will you

let me be
a human

being doing
the best that

I can
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
Kafka Joint
I will take my car,
And I will cross the continent with my car,
I will come back with my car,
And I will tell to my car, that I am very sorry.
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
Kafka Joint
Your old emails
Laying on my imaginary table,
Waiting for a wind to be scattered.
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
We are all soldiers
Fighting famine and sadness.
We’re fighting ourselves too, I think.
What a painstaking task
That we assign ourselves.
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
Max Neumann
 Mar 2020 JASMINE
Max Neumann
neon-green skin
steely cold chin
x-breed terror creatures
a strong and ancient kin...

they are here to win
Today is a spacy day.
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