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rite aid was out of maverick red 100s;
they only had shorts.
i had to buy a pack of newports
and the thought of shedding you
made me tremble as i slid my card.
yes, i switched from your menthols
back to my reds and yes, i kept your brand.

the other day i walked into my room
and the scent of cigarettes took me back,
back to the times of us sharing cigarette
after cigarette and i began to cry.
i called my therapist but she didn’t pick up.

the thought of quitting smoking crosses my mind
on at least a weekly basis, but i refuse to let you
ruin an agent of death i held in my hand
even before you came along.
i will not stop and i will continue to shed
the strongest tears for you.
I came from my mothers womb
flesh & blood
but I am made from dust
a moulded clay,

I know I came with nothing
naked & bare
and I am going back the same way.

I came soaring,
through this journey of life
going to my permanent home
that I never knew,
but I know how you lay your bed
is how you lie on it
I just want to live something behind.

My legacy is freedom
In between silence and thoughts,
words, noises & distraction,
It takes only understanding
to separate all emotions accordingly,
to fetch out some clean water
Out of deep streams.

We are one,
but then again we are many,
because of the different color of dust that covers our skeleton,

Even though it is by one breathe
we are all living.

although now we say we are equal
but we still fight for our freedom
but true freedom lies within us
without a price but not cheap

swing, spread your wings
elevate your mind
emacepate yourself
from mental toxicity,

Meditate free yourself
time travel beyond space
to your eternal abode,

become your perfect author
of forever,
free from lost & lust.

Follow the original Will,
your creators eternal script design,
tighten your grip
own your wheel,
everlasting drive.

If I were a principle and you're a kingdom
I'll make sure your foundation is never ruined.

If I were summer
and you are my flower,
I'd  watered your seed with my tears for you when it runs dry,
Just so you can survive the heat
when there is no downpour.

If you were a sealed seal
with a covenant of blood
I'd not hesitate to apply mine for you,
just to see you glow
yes, to see you grow.

I enjoyed watching you sprout out of the soil beautifully,
and I smiled
more than one who won a lottery,
because my effort was worth it.

Listen to advise than white wine
yes choose enlightenment
than silver and gold.

You're my living sacrifice
an eternal prize
your love is my life,
 our love will never die.

I promise my counsel
are as boundless
as the bounties of the sea
and your listening heart
as the cool breeze.

Seek freedom as your legacy
through this journey of life
do not be like the multitude
it is those who have failed to reason
that stumbled before the ark.

then shall we rejoice everlastingly
as a student & a teacher
a father & a son
a guru & a genius
a spirit & his words

For counsel is as deep waters
& they who have a drink of it
atained insight.
Brightly colored sky
blinding kindly through a ***** windshield
Warm hands contrast the cool night air
Soft and soothing
Gently smoothing away all the rough edges of me

Driving into the sun and surf and quiet
The sleepy salty sand dunes cast dancing shadows
against an indian summer night
My melting mind is rarely quelled, but quiet tonight
A welcomed brake from a broken week

and good company go well with friendly photos
A marsh bird flies and rolls the credits
while the others gather for the night's jovial laughter

But me?
I drive home alone
smiling still somehow with a sense of hope
that all will end well....
in this
        of limbo
          the distance rises
               in curls of smoke
        a prairie fire
siphoning into
crisp edge
           of forest
          Inside my
uncloaked ventricle
primeval forces
turn my blood into
dusted gold
as they pump
        sacred texts
into my oxygen
      They roll your quintessence
upon my fingers,
            playing inside
     my psyche's  
wild ache
a spread of orifice
in spellbound mantra,
       as I spit out
            hairy thorns,
a holy purge of
Somehow ---
like a miracle,
I grow ripe seedlings
from deep within
            my womb
as I trip into
a universe rising
I take wisps
of your grace
as it brushes
the jut of my
astral collarbone
You are always
         grounding me
                    like this,
               my tongue
         over velvet
stance of warrior
        assuaged into silk
        Without you,
I might be
whisked off into
the periphery
of chaos
but instead
       I am simply
tied to
      the urgency
of the little novas
about to

While I wait
            I tend to
              the wildfires.
     to make sure they
                   are still burning
I keep my honey
wet and fresh
upon your
let my pores
drip moonpools
    into your glistening
wet of mouth
and only when
          it is time
I let the whole of
           me burst
into the
      fire -wrapped
tips of
suits the mood!!
Tonight there're no stars, no moon
in my painful sky
Maybe they're done
talking to me
and caring about me
Because my love is gone!

This darkest night loves me,
loves to make me sad
Maybe night is done
making me sleep
and cooling me down
Because my sweetie is gone!

This morning has no flowers
to smell pretty all day
Maybe they're done
making me happy
and charming me forever
Because my darling is gone!

The birdsong has none left
to give to me for the new day
Maybe they're done
waking me up
and making me ready for the day
Because my sweetheart is gone!

The oceans have no love for me
to make me waves
Maybe they're done
letting me stream
and playing waterskiing
Because my dreams are gone!

The rain has stopped falling for me
at this moment
Maybe it has done
singing for me
and dancing with me
Because my life is gone!

Today I have nothing left
to love myself anymore
Maybe everything is gone
Because my love is done!
You had my heart
You tore it apart
I gave my all
I catch you when you fall
I gave you kisses
You gave me bruises
I stood by you
I was true
I was in deep
You left when I was asleep
Didn't know how bad it was
Until a knock at the door
It was the Fuzz
I don't want no more
Leave and don't come back
I will wear black
Im in mourning
The death of our love
Has my tears pouring
thought u were sent from above
All lies
Now our love dies
Found out the truth
You lied through your tooth
I now know what is real
Being alone is ideal
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