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  Jun 2016 Izzy
I am not a woman
No, not a man either
No flesh so keep shush
Crossing borderlines
Of love and hate

Through letters
Perfectly distorted
By motion of emotions
Spilling ink through papers
I am born free to wander

My body is a story
Of pain and pleasure
Slipping through time
Yet keep sailing away
From oblivion*

-I am a poem.
Lately I have this strange feeling of not being a human anymore.
I feel like my biological composition is fleeing and what's left are pure emotions.
And it's actually good, I can be anywhere, be anyone, genderless but still has an identity..
-Equality and Freedom-
Izzy Jun 2016
What makes me different?
What makes you stare me down with hate?

Is it the hand I hold?
The one belonging to whom I love?
This heart of my own, is it not allowed to beat for another?

Is it the fact that I don't fear your god?
His callous eyes, always watching.

The fact that my music isn't what you like?
It has been called satanic time and time again.
But it has also saved many lives.
Including my own.

I walk the same line as you.
Admittedly, my path may be different.
My passions completely my own.

I may be young, but I, like many others, will face ridicule, just for who I am.
At my own hands, along with the hands of others.

I've been born into a world of chaos, battles raging all around me.
Battles that are not mine to fight.
Ones I have no desire to win.

Is that why your eyes are filled with hatred?
Because I am not a mindless soldier like you wished?
Because I have an opinion?

I will fight my own battles, the ones I wish to win.
I will walk with my head held high.
I will carry the wounded and help bury the dead.

I am me.
I am different.
I will not cower from your eyes.
Izzy Mar 2016
We set out on our journey, that one fateful day
The winds of ****** shrieking angrily above our heads, filling our sails
Our ship tossing from Poseidon’s restless sea, sending us astray

As our journey wore on, and as night soon fell  
We found ourselves awash upon the Isle of Gael

Venturing from our ship, now sunken
We were met with fearsome creatures, their faces twisted and scarred

Escaping from death, daylight soon broke
The sky turning grey
The thunder rolling in, showed the might of Zeus
His anger flickering with jagged lightning, bringing tales of what once had been

A guide approached us, his face sunken and pale
He begun to tell us the fears of the Earth
A time when titans roamed and the mountains burned

As he finished his tale
He stood and led us through to Mother Gaia’s fortress
We walked, hearing Polyhymnia sing her chorus

The art lining the walls, long forgotten
Depicting tales of battles raged long ago
Between the family that ruled
Four elements would battle for control, the throne would be held by the mighty Zeus

Our journey had soon begun to close
We had learned the history of our past

As we returned home, our minds alight with new history
We found the battles had not ceased
We dragged our travel worn bodies upon the shore
Only to have to fight for our lives once more

As our battle on ground wore on, the gods became angry
The mountains rose up and the tides crashed
Sending the world into darkened chaos once again
We would fight the never ending battle
Until all the wrongs were righted
Izzy Sep 2015
You're perfect, you're beautiful, you're so ******* gorgeous the stars are jealous. Everything that has lived before and will live, its all rooting for you. the world wants you to live and your spirit to thrive. Our bodies are only a temporary temple. You are a god/goddess and your body is your temple, your temporary resting place until you reach your destination. Life is a journey full of demons trying to rip you off your path and make your soul feel mortal. You need to ignore them; the ones who take physical shape and those who have made their home in your mind. They're testing you. Trying to tear you down. Don't listen to them.
Izzy Sep 2015
She was the poet, her hands stained with ink
He was the soldier, his hands stained with blood

The gentle hands of a dreamer intertwined with the rough hands of a fighter.
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