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Who can get out the charm

the belle of the chilled

glacial waters of heavenly sapphire

love dipped, sanctity filled


I sat beside them

which impervious to express

like the occult hallucinations of one

compelled me to sob

To cry beside the waters

not on my sins

but on my known viles.
Mansarovar feelings
Life is so wretched
You are not effectual
You are bound to desociate
If not today than some day
If not now than then
So why not enjoy today?
Why not enjoy now?
So is it? Life so miserable....
All you can think about life is here
Yesterday, I wore a ring
a gilded placid ring
and I went through my day
ulterior .
I gave a norchalant
Visage towards my left dactyl
when i found a golden
stuff pendant on .
I drew it and gazed at it
Wow! It is a sign of eternity
a thing which never outsets nor sets.
Symbol of eternity
A Tree
------------------------by Hrishikesh goswami .

A tree does not give you fruit
nor does it gives you ravishing flower .
It gives you no oxygen
and no shadowiness
then why to sustain a tree ?
Keep it off , get it hacked ,
Clean off your lawn
to aqnise the grandness and
to feel the insufficiency of a mere tree .
No one values a tree as much as the tree deserves
Who sat on my Valley of Desolation
and made me sick out of superbia
and gave me the hit of rueful living .

The scene of meadows and woods one
far more better than the of life .
I cried for my place and incapacitatedly
ran down the footprint of commoner.
The edge of the cliff made me perceive
the demarcation between life and death .
Between grief and relief .
Life Death is common to all and nature accompany us is this journey

— The End —