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 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Carsyn Smith
Don't tell me he's a bad boy,
Because I already know.
Don't tell me he'll hurt me,
Because I already know.
But how could you,
You of all people,
Know how this feels?
To know he's a tool,
But loving when he smiles at you;
To hear him ask about how you are
And knowing you're not his only one;
To ache for him to whisper your name
With the idea he'll break your heart?
I know these things
As clearly as I know the sun raise,
But all notion and reason escape
When he meets my eyes…
As soon as I look at him I can feel my innocence waver
Standing in the cold,
Afraid to wave,
Afraid to look.
I wish that I could
Wait in the freezing with you.
Maybe to bring warmth,
But instead I move past.
Instead I try to forget,
And I wonder,
Was there something left unsaid?
I think sometimes we all get caught off guard by how things in the past remain in the present. I suppose that even though I've given up, I won't give up
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
your worth is in pieces
doesn't mean you can't be healed
world we live in isn't worth it
i can breathe it
i can see it
i can see you really mean it
i'm not the angel
i'll act like it
you don't know enough of me to get behind this
it's all so wrong
we're both so strong
you're not holding me back
i gave you a lifeline and i'm holding on
and you're right
you are nothing

nothing more that:

the good don't shield the bad
but they get you through the night
your worth is in pieces
and as long as i'm alive
i'll help you find it
did you really think you would get rid of me that easily?

the judge of fair
is the God of mercy
the God that stands with you and me
don't make excuses on why you can't be with me
because the only thing between us
is a computer screen
I am never gonna think about you
I am never gonna cry for you
I am never gonna write about you
I am never gonna keep you in my dreams
I am never gonna
I am never gonna do anything for you anymore
Am just gonna Miss you Forever now
because I am never gonna give you the place back which you lost!!
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
God must be a lonely man,
Sitting high up above in his chariot,
God must be the only man,
Who knows why there's no love when you reach the top,
It must be so lonely,
When only, you are all that holy;
So lonely,
When slowly,
You can see that,
God must be a lonely man.
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Scott T
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Scott T
I roll up
and lubricate my thoughts
they spiel
the sky crashes down
and the furniture is shaking now
the bed is jettisoned
the outside whispers
a perfection forms

One man on a mattress
out there
is a utopia
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Scott T
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Scott T
I am tired of the Americans chasing their opaque neon dream
I am tired of well tailored speeches justifying wars
I am tired of the dusty remnants of a roman lie striking fear into the hearts of many
and an absent god forcing his framework on an apathetic world
and I am tired
I am tired of constipated museums
and the few dictating the sonic landscape of the many
I am tired of horse meat scandals and frenzies over crashed planes
and I am tired
I am tired of globalisation being an auction for the lowest human rights
rather than being
wasabi peas at Tescos
And sleep is the cowardly death
of the feelies and TVs of the world
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Scott T
 Nov 2014 Sarah K
Scott T
It's hard to know when to call it a night
It might never be
But hold me
Let's see
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