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sparrows and crows
what do they know?

the stars above
the world below

and through their eyes
what do they see

when they fly through the sky
like we do in our dreams?
I keep relating my loneliness to love
To think that love makes me lonely
I guess... it becomes easier to sleep

To be lonely is to wait for someone
Someone...I don't know
Someone I can talk some thoughts to
which haunt me when I'm alone
Love does make people lonely
But are u in love everytime you're lonely?
Grey danced with the white
Wind swept
They live in the same head

Loved and accepted
The changes as expected
Lived never defied

Forevers are true
And it truly remains with forever
As to what remains
I dreamed a warning,long,slow and clear.
I woke in the morning,trembling with fear.
Great trees ,whose branches danced high in the sky,
bent low in the wind and kissed the ground.
And out of the silence the great noise of fear
the rushing of blood pounding in my ear.
The great wind rushed onward,it came from above
where no stars were shining and the moon had gone out.
The sky full of menace,yawned black and vast
and terror lurked from a terrible past.
In the wake of the wind a shower of sparks
unleashed through the sky from unknown parts.
The path of destruction glowed orange and black
as anguish howled and echoed back.

Released from the sun the planet flew
spinning faster and faster out of view.
written following such a dream or nightmare
 May 2020 Harshit Nangia
I stumbled across a letter from an old friend,
its contents were long and wordy but they had their end.
It was just her way of saying she appreciated our friendship.
A friendship unanchored, blew away with the wind
with paper sails that have only thinned.

Birthdays used to be a grand affair; a day to celebrate
but each year the wishes dwindle down so I reciprocate.
Radio meets silence while we're both aware of the days
until it becomes a memory of the song that no longer plays.
Too busy trying to navigate channels that changed.

Then an invitation to a graduation came to me one year
a wedge of uninterrupted distance bridged by a, "Dear."
I don't know if olive branches can hold my weighted heart
but I sent my response to expect me there
before I decided to not care.

When the day came you said, "I didn't think you would come!"
I kept quiet how I cried in my car a block from
your home. I hid my face in your arms and squeezed you tight
because the wedge between us was five-years wide.
"I said I would," is all I replied.

And we asked each other questions that friends don't ask.
What did you study? Where do you live? What do you do?
We joke around but do not laugh as hard as we used to.
My past brought to my present like a nostalgic gift.
A chance to heal over our ocean-wide rift.

And there were no known reasons! I can't turn back the clock!
I just drifted like a small boat barely tethered to its dock
until a storm came and everyone forgot to tie me down.
Or maybe it was on purpose, or maybe I couldn't secure me.
I was the fourth in a unit of three, send me out to sea.

But there is a positive to all of this turmoil
there is a reason the invitation made it to my door.
I rowed myself through the five-year waves back to shore
and tethered my boat and checked the knots times ten.
When friends become strangers we get to meet again.
I've been trying to vocalize these feelings for almost a year now. Facing down silence and distance is the hardest thing for me. I felt very alone, very lost, and like no one knew where I was or what I was doing or even cared. And then I got an invitation from an old friend to her graduation. It was terrifying, I almost didn't go even after I said I would. I was so close to just turning my car around and not showing my face. because this was my past. My old friends I hadn't spoken with in years, my own failure with college and dropping out early when for years graduating college was my goal. But I did it. And though I'm not best friends with my old friends again, I feel like I'm meeting them and I'm choosing to look at that as a good thing in this sea of turbulent emotions. I'm meeting my friends again and they won't be strangers anymore.
To find the joy within the pain
To understand what you have lost but yet gained
To ride the emotional rollercoaster with the ups and downs
To know it’s ok to cry because something is lost but somehow found
To continue living putting your best foot forward
But also taking a moment to step back, feel blessed and smile onward...
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