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Grand Piano Mar 2015
Hush little baby
Don't you cry
They'll drink your tears
And say go die
A war is raging
Inside your mind
Struggling with the past
Can't leave it behind
Grand Piano Aug 2014
Everyone has there doubts right?
Of course I know it's not just me
Who the **** am I to think i'm special
Clearly you didn't
You said you loved me!
Hell I should have known
Anyone can say I love you
But only few really mean it
Now that's something I didn't want to feel
I ignored all of the warning signs
I was blinded by love that you never really felt
I started thinking
Does he really love me?
Am I really beautiful?
Are we really in this together?
Doubt sunk in so deep and dragged me under
But who was there to pull me back up?
Not you!
Not anyone!
I was alone
Am alone
Trying desperately to break surface
A part of me still hopes that you'll be the one to rescue me
Help me out of this dark place
But you're not here
All I have now is doubt
Grand Piano Aug 2014
One pill

                                           Two pills

                                                    Three pills


                                                   Empty bottle

                                           On the floor

                                                          No more sorrow

                                           No dreading tomorrow

                                                       No more cutting

                                           Eyelids shutting

                                                            No more fear

                                                  Death is here
Grand Piano Aug 2014
Heart pounding

                                     Tongue tied

                                                           ­          Wrist cut

                                      More to hide

                                                           ­   Crying out

                                    Eyes wide

                                                           Breaking fast

Grand Piano Jul 2014
I can’t feel it

                                         No pain

                                No happiness


                                       Just numb

                                I’ve wished for the pain

                                          to end for so long

                                   But i never wanted this

                                           I’m drowning

                                                     In nothing

                              How is that even possible

                                                       ­ I’m not even

                                     Sure if this is reality

                                                        ­     This feeling of floating

                                      Above everything

                                                     ­           I want to feel


                                                       ­            Everything

                                    Even the pain

                                                        Jus­t not this suffocating numbness

— The End —