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  May 2020 FreeMind
“Never again”
Is but a moment’s truth,
There’s always
More heart to be broken
I’m not a warrior
I’m just a soldier.

I talk too much
With little words
You speak a lot
And amuse me
Please never stop
Traveler Tim
FreeMind May 2020
I talk to him once a day, for a mere few minutes
but our conversations are empty
it makes me think about the conversation i had with you
all those years ago
talking for hours on Skype
not wanting to end the call
falling asleep to the sound of each others breath
and waking up to each others alarms

What did we talk about?
Why was it so important?

May 10, 2020
FreeMind May 2020
i lost a piece of me in you
that i try to find in every boy i meet
reading them like books
i give the boring ones away
hoping to exchange them for something
that will bring me back to you

May 3, 2020
FreeMind Apr 2020
I have read many books about military veterans
How they get war flashbacks
Stuck in a loop of PTSD
Consuming them

I too have PTSD
Flashbacks, but not of war
Of things You did to me, over and over again
And its consuming me... and I will fight it no more

April 8, 2020
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