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  Apr 2020 FreeMind
Rain on a flower
Rain on me
The sky has a plan
Tomorrow you will see
The sun shine again
In light of today's dream
  Apr 2020 FreeMind

Runny mascara is needed
To clean off your face
Define your own tears
And they'll never go to waste
FreeMind Apr 2020
Trees are whispering to the plants and to the flowers,
the secrets of the night.
Clouds are dancing, with the moonlight,
to the soothing symphony of the night.

March 22, 2020
FreeMind Mar 2020
When you left, I made a decision to get rid of everything you gave me
everything you touched, everything you looked at, everything you liked.
I burned the poems and tore the pictures and chopped off all my hair
But the essence of you was still surrounding me
I searched for your presence in all the object I owned but realized too late that you have merged our souls
with all the jokes, and all the memories, and all the unspoken words

When you left, you left a part of you behind.
You left a part of you in me.
So I cut my wrists, and thighs, and stomach.
And I cut more and I cut deeper.
Hoping that one of these many cuts would **** you before it got to

March 21, 2020
FreeMind Mar 2020
How long until I stop writing about you? Seeing you in my dreams?
Another year? Another month? Another day?
Or perhaps this is the last time...
That's a lie.
Even in death, you would be on my mind,
My biggest regret, and my biggest achievement.

March 13, 2020
FreeMind Feb 2020
Heat infused the atmosphere with the rapid movement of our bodies.
Kinetic energy that we created melted glaciers and moved mountains.
Inextricable even by saw, Our lips were constantly interlocked tightly,
Breathing each other in, because air became entirely negligible to us.

February 5, 2020
FreeMind Jan 2020
A boy was mean to me today
And you weren't there to stick up for me
So I put on a brave face and laughed his comments away
But deep down inside, I'm dying to be wrapped in your arms

To feel safe
To feel protected

January 23, 2020
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