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  Mar 2019 FreeMind
There are so many things
That are confusing to me right now
But the one thing that is clear
Is my love for you
  Mar 2019 FreeMind
Inside my static dreams
Are acid screams

A sphere of broken glass
On alone a string,

If you pull my cords right,
You'll make me sing
I met a lady today
Whose face I see in my dreams
Her name is fortune
She wears a beauty that men and
gods becomes confuse

Her virtue is like a torrential river
With an enraging eye and behavior
Her nose inundates the lowland
Her breast brings down trees and buildings

She creates havoc when she passes
Her legs cleanse the land on one bank
And deposit debris on another
Many flees to her direction

As she calms a heart as levees
She drifts heart in stormy weather
Makes you think she is yours
Her deceptive lips makes you hers

As she tease you with glaring beauty
you succumb to her desire hoping she
gives a hand, but she takes the help
for her advantage as she sauntered
away into the dark with her beauty

Written by
Martin Ijir
  Mar 2019 FreeMind
It's not there any longer
That sparkling loving glow
I see you reaching out for
Someone else to hold...
You've an itch deep beneath
Scratch it as you may
I will write this unread poem
And bleed another day!
Traveler Tim
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