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Monotone, mechanical, voices,
issuing from junior aliens in their
junior-alien gladiator-space-helmets,
spoke that now famous sentence
to the children of my generation
in Saturday morning cartoons.

Was this actual, hidden wisdom,
meant for us to remember years later?

in our personal lives,
to the behavior
of those around us,
usually just causes that behavior
to become more entrenched.

Did intelligent, actual aliens,
feed this message into
our childhood consciousness?

I smile to think so.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Our greatest human treasure
the risk that delivers us
without giving permission
for further hurt

The eastern sky glows
just long enough
for its colors
to heal our hearts

As a truly holy man travels
among us these days
spanning differences
living his convictions
we are nourished beyond
boundaries and beliefs
Written during the first visit to the USA of Pope Francis I. Great gratitude for his wisdom, sincerity, simplicity and courageous love.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
So, okay, are you listening?
Being a monkey means
many things...
It also means loving,
not just bananas,
but the people who love
bananas, and monkeys too!

Listen to me in your heart,
pay attention now, person,
and this is gonna be
the best smoothie ever!

Bananas come first, of course,
then yogurt, vanilla, of course,
a BIG spoon of peanut butter..
Yes, really!
Trust me!
Cinnamon to jazz it up,
water to smoothen it...
we are calling this a smoothie
And for extra-special, maple syrup,
to give it a heavenly touch!

Now cover your ears,
which are almost as sensitive
as mine, and ... Oh!

How do you push the button
with your fingers over your ears!
For the child in every heart, and every child.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
May we touch the infinite compassion
that is there within us all,
and the whole world will
feel our healing light.

May we be our most loving selves
with one another
in your memory,

Blessed journey,
brave poet brother!

Into the Light
of perfect,
Infinite Love
we commend you,

Your sisters and brothers
around the world,
we embrace your spirit
always, and forever,
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Write lines upon my heart
in pure white light
and I will read them
Taste the nectar
of unbounded

Breathe in blossoming
warm compassion

Taste the nectar
of unbounded

Touch the tender pool
of infinite white light
Breathe in blossoming
warm compassion

Taste the nectar
of unbounded

Meet me in the air space
between your thoughts
For this is holy ground
With the greatest humility and gratitude, I wish to dedicate this poem tonight to all of you at HP who have shown such lovely support for this quiet poem, which emerged from my deepest inner awareness.
Above all, gratitude to my Teachers.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
The moon, just now
is a cradle full of milk
pouring sweet glowing soma
into our drowsy hearts
rocking us so deeply into sleep
and the gentlest of visionary dreams
©Elisa Maria Argiro
My hands are resting
on my knees
the thin white silk
that surrounds me

A flower which is also a light
blooms in each palm

The flowers are pink
I think they are lotus blossoms
A poem from my student days, asking to be shared with all of you.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
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