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 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
i don't know why i still love you
you've put me through hell and back
all i know is that
i can't stop thinking about you

you make me smile
you make me cry
you make me laugh
you make me wish that i'd never even met you

sometimes i wish that i could go back in time
to stop myself from falling in love with you
but then i realize that this is not possible
because one way or another
i would have fallen for you
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
if you think about it
every sentence
every page
every novel
you've ever read
is just a combination
of the right words
using the variation
of the 26 letters
put together
to make a fusion of letters
dancing on a page
 Feb 2014 Fiona Crouch
you wouldn't know what love is;

for love cannot be defined
the feeling cannot be described
as love, is a force of nature
it can be invited, but not dictated
we sometimes push that feeling away, but it remains
that strong incoherent 6th sense that we long to feel
you cannot make somebody love you
nor can you prevent it
inherently compassionate and empathetic
it confuses many.
is love real?
or is it just a fragment of hope left in humanity?
**maybe we'll never know
I still can't go there.
To that little swatch of grass
bathed in sunlight
without even a dappling of shade
It seems like a  green field of memories
with almost no one left to remember
Even the words  subscribed on the tiny brass plaques
seem somehow belittling  
With them set into the ground
for the convenience of mowers
to pass over
It makes her seem
so inconsequential
that she shouldn't trouble the groundskeeper
with her monument
It makes me think of the mundane consequences of death
that overshadow the greatness of life
Like the simple economics
of  maintenance
I can't look at the life of such a beautiful women
summed up in such a small way
it seems  so common
so trite
I know that she would have told you
that she was common
but she wasn't
She had a greatness in her soul and being
that transcended the normal
that transcends death
I am overwhelmed by that little plaque
and it's insignificance
Enough to paralyze me from going there
I know that if I see it it will push
the other memories from my mind  
and supplant her
She will become a place in a cemetery
with a little map on the grounds keeping shed
gridded and numbered
number 6 in row B
a little part of the order in a small field
and I can't have that
For My mother, Charlotte Jarrett with all my love
Love of my soul

I see you now only in my dreams

Yet my heart holds you dear

My love for you whispers upon the midnight wind

My tears are moonbeams raining on you

Soft starlight in the night sky is my gaze

Wherever you tread upon this earth

I am with you

My words became
And made bouquets
To brighten her room
Beautiful red roses
Without any wilted petals
Of sorrow or fear
I left them laying
Strewn carelessly
About her bed
And left the crying
For the cold hallways
Love at first sight
Wasn't for me
Until it was
I breathe poetry
My soul exhales
Words of my heart
With a nod to Alex for"I breathe poetry"
As freedom fades
to twilight dim
and darkness filters in
Hopes fall
Like withered leaves
On droughted lands
Of deep despair
But we ourselves
Are here
Not blown
By fate and resolve
To stand before the storm
uncolored by fear
unshaken by threat
We Stand

For freedom
Her scent and taste

Arouse primal passion

A Hunger in the depths of the soul

I need to feed

I am famished

And she

Is a delectable treat,

A taste

To be savored slowly

Her skin on my lips

Is delicious

It becomes

Honey and salt

My tongue

is titillated

I eat slowly

Like a man who is starved

I will devour her



Every mouthful
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