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 Dec 2014 Sarah
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Us humans,
Will never know,
What the afterlife will unfold.
The greatest mystery,
The earth holds.
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Dawn King
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Dawn King
When you are alone
But no longer lonely
An enhanced silhouette of wisdom
Adheres to the embodiment of the self

When you are fragile
But no longer weak
Equanimity colonizes as
An undulating aura

When you are afraid
But no longer frozen
The realms of autonomy
Harvest the hearts prowess
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Haydn Swan
Spirit walker what can you tell
standing amidst us silent and still
weaving our souls into a tapestry so rich
each silken thread a story to tell
you catch our tears in your soft white hands
watching us weep in a fervent prayer
so many voices inside your head
screaming out from the bones of the dead
take me with you oh spirit walker
for I am prepared for the journey ahead
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Gul e Dawoodi
Humanity is the root
Respect is the stem
Love is a flower
Peace is it's fragrance
Religion is a garden
Hate is a parasite
***** blood of love
vanishes peace
Ends respect
Kills humanity
Makes religion look ugly
Every religion teaches humanity, love and peace. Hatred burns everything but that isn't the fault of any religion.  It's the fault of humans.
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Rachael Judd
Its like your sitting at a table
Then a handsome man walks up and sits down
You have a few drinks
And share a couple laughs
You get to know eachother,
You share old memories
And untold secrets,
Then a bell rings
And hes gone in a blink of an eye
Winking at the next girl
At the very next table.
You'll share a glance or two,
But after a couple minutes hes a little further down the line.
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Rachael Judd
Theres a nice saying, "pain demands to be felt"
But what is pain?
is it when your heart gets shattered into pieces of broken glass?
or is it when someone you love leaves you?
I think that theres many ways to feel pain.
but god, oh god, how are we supposed to deal with this pain?
it eats us from the inside out till were nothing but bones in a coffin.
it tears us apart piece by piece.
it chokes us till we cant stand up straight, till we cant breathe.
it drowns us with sorrow till we're blue.
it brings us to the floor begging on our hands and knees to make it stop.
However, that the thing about pain, it demands to be felt, because if you're not experiencing pain, then what are you experiencing?
pain will change you into a person you never thought you could be,
it will transform you to this sad dark person,
who plods there feet everywhere they walk,
who bows there head in a crowd of smiling faces,
and this pain you're feeling,
this pain you're experiencing,
it will destroy you.
 Dec 2014 Sarah
Rachael Judd
She was every star that lit up the night sky
She was the grass that grew over feilds of green
She was the moon that brightened the darkest hour
She was the rivers flowing over rocks like nothing touched them
She was the trees growing upon the forest
She was the ocean tides changing with time
She was the soul of a tiger with a heart full of fear and love
She was the love that filled the morning air

She will be in our hearts forever till death takes us over and brings us back to her.
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