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 Sep 2023 emily
 Sep 2023 emily
somewhere in time everything already written
this marvel how everything meets anything
that belongs to a togetherness of darkness
I've been touched by this easiness of travelling
the path between garden and perfume
I've played the fool who believed images
so ready to commute in an endless still
pursuit of the chimera of truth

you know, there is this hidden dimension where
time and space haven't invented their names yet
cause they annihilate each other endlessly
there is this pain like a worm in an eagle's sight
so sensitive the spring of words
that time touches us with this wonder
a merciful road between chance and necessity

all the hope of a blind dawn in my writing hands
like a morning awaiting its silence
there is nowhere to hide from pain
in the end
 Sep 2023 emily
Eden Y Hamden
I am
so angry
all of the time
I think
I am going to
in my own rage
September 30, 2023
9:20 PM
 Sep 2023 emily
 Sep 2023 emily
you never know how much
you truly suffer

until you’ve caused your
own sufferings
 Sep 2023 emily
 Sep 2023 emily
i’m sorry
for being the freak
your parents warned you about
i ****.
 Sep 2023 emily
and yes i do feel betrayed

betrayed by my body
my mind
my hands
my clothes

lust is an awful sin to get involved in
why would he let me keep going? am i too foolish to read the room?
 Sep 2023 emily
He gave me dead flowers
So I can smell them every day
The rotten petals falling
The color of decay

The washed out sunflower
The dehydrated leaves
The mold on the water
The color of debris

The richly red rose
Now drooping to the floor
The color of love
Existed no more

But still I saved the flowers
And smelled them every day
And watered them with tears
To let them grow again.
 Sep 2023 emily
guy scutellaro
daughter of Icarus
searching for a distant light
or maybe you've heard
the distant voice
of Harry Crosby

his Black Sun
calling you
into the Minotaur's labyrinth
on a long

waxen heart
wings on fire
she meets her connection
at Chik- fel- A

cross that line
past the edge

how high can you fly
and never reach the sky?
 Sep 2023 emily
Barbara R Maxwell
When I look at you I see the impossible
I see a miracle
I see infinity
When I look at you I see the incredulousness of it
How rare
How unusual
How courageous

When I look at you
I see hope
I see joy
I see the impossible become possible
When I look at you
I see the incredulousness of it

I touch the universe
I touch infinity
I feel the sun on my face
I see the moon and the stars

I see my present and future
 Sep 2023 emily
aldo kraas
I am sick of running away
From the rain
And at the same time
I am being a fool
Because the rain
Can't hurt me
And also I don't
Want to end up soaked
From the rain
because I don't want to get sick
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