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 Sep 2023 emily
aldo kraas
Blessed is me
That worship my beloved God every single day
Blessed is me
That loves God from the bottom of my heart
Blessed is me
For being alive everyday
Because God keeps me alive everyday
Blessed is me
Because God keeps my heart pumping
Blood al over my body
That is necessary for survival
Blessed is me
That God also created me in his image 47 years ago
Blessed is me
To have the home that I have
Blessed is me
To be able to put my feelings down on my computer every single day
 Sep 2023 emily
Jay earnest
I hate writing on my phone.
By the time the thought has arrived I'm
editing a misspelled work or autocorrect has squandered the spirit

If I had a reason
To write, then I'd write,
But this manner of scribe is inefficient

and the ape who receives my poems uses them for tissue after an especially horrendous

If I was paid to do this
I'd be poor, just like now, but
at least I could say I'm a poet
 Feb 2023 emily
 Feb 2023 emily
When the anticlimax is reached,
And the clock checks off,
I want you to know,
There is nothing she didn't try.
 Feb 2023 emily
Eshwara Prasad
Lord, I beseech thee to grant peace to all wretched souls who wander in search of it. Lord, if you do not grant peace to these souls, they will sow seeds of doubt in every heart and cause upheavals in a society riven by unrest.
 Nov 2022 emily
Some days
 Nov 2022 emily
Some days I am hideously alive

Decomposing memories

Deeply trenched in manipulation

****** noses and broken hearted…

dark circles and scabbed over

clotting and bruised

Festered wound pushing out poison.

Some days I am defective, calloused and weak

Some days I am gnawing and farel

Less human and more lizard

Puckered scars and blistered skin

Healing isn't always pretty

Some wounds get infected

Bones have to be reset…

Abscesses drained

I survived…

But I don't have the same skin

You wouldn't recognize me

I'm breathing

Some days that hurts
In stories I find love
In stories I have life
In stories I have drive
In stories I can fly

In stories I can experience
The pain from a cut on the arm
In stories I can experience
The final breath leave my body
In stories I can experience
What a different life would be

Only in stories do I esapce
Only in stories do I die
Only in stories...
And nothing more...
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