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Douglas Goins Feb 2018

I find myself waking up.
With the intent.
Of it just being another day.
But once I go out.
My eyes fall upon you.
& for the first time.
In four long years.
Your eyes fall upon me.
In a way that freezes me.
Where I can barely stand.
In a way that consoles me.
Where I can hardly breathe.
In a way that moves me.
Right to where you are.
& where you are.
Is a place.
Where I find myself.
Always wanting to be.
Because the way you walk.
I will always follow.
Because the way you talk.
Will always be heard.
Because the fragrance you spray.
Will always be appealing.
& appealing to me you are.
& always have been.


I find myself waking up.
Replaying a dream.
Over & over.
In my head.
A simple dream.
Where the sun is shining.
The birds are chirping.
The flowers are blooming.
& my love for you is showing.
But I'm afraid to speak it.
I'm afraid to have it heard.
By those beautiful ears of yours.
Because its my secret.
One I find so dear.
One I hold so close.
To my heart that beats for you.
Wishing one day.
It could beat for us.
But I say it anyway.
Because all I keep thinking.
Is what's life without love?
What's love without you?
& the answer I receive.
Is one I cannot accept.
Because my life is you.
& I love every bit of my life.
Dream or no dream.


I find myself waking up.
To meet you at a coffee shop.
You're heavy on the sugar.
But there doesn't seem to be.
Anything sweet about your life.
Or better yet said.
You don't see anything sweet.
About your own life.
Because you're cautious with your speech.
You're picky with your people.
You're harmful to your heart.
& you're partial with me.
I would like to save you.
From the very essence.
That is you.
Because the you that I see.
Is who I believe.
You're meant to be.
So you can tell me you hate me.
You can push me away.
Just as long as you know.
That my love for you.
Is here to stay.


I find myself waking up.
With you right next to me.
Half clothed.
Lips half parted.
With your curly dark hair.
I can't bring myself to wake you.
Cause that just means.
The moments at its end.
& from the moment you kissed me.
Which made me lead you to this bed.
Where I shared heavy breaths with you.
Where you shared nail marks with me.
Where we shared our humanity.
I can't bring myself.
To have this end.
Because I didn't ask you to leave.
I didn't not hold you close.
I just watched you sleep.
Until the curtains on my eyes.
Finally decided to close.
Where I dreamt a dream.
Of us being together.
Even after the curtains of our life.
Decided to close.


I find myself waking up.
With the impression of your body.
On the right side of the bed.
Where you should be.
Your scent.
Is something you left behind.
But as for a note.
A simple goodbye.
That seems to be missing.
Following you.
Right through the door.
& for someone like me.
Who is accustomed.
To being the one missing.
To being the one to not say goodbye.
To being the one whose text replies are short.
It kills me to receive.
Each one you send back.
Because I'm not a stranger.
I'm not suffocating you.
& I am the same.
As I was on Monday.
So tell me why.
You create distance.
Tell me why.
You define enough.
By looking into ***.
& multiplying your past.
To produce an answer.
That I am not even a part of.
But in your eyes I have to be.
Because how could I.
Just love you for you.
When no one else could.


I find myself waking up.
To find myself growing up.
To find myself being enough.
Enough to be toe to toe.
Ear to ear.
Eye to eye.
Face to face.
With you.
Telling you everything.
That I have been wanting to say.
Needing to say.
For four long years.
& I know.
You may not believe me.
You may still walk away.
But here & now.
I'm leaving it all in the air.
Giving it all on this floor.
So when you do choose.
I know I said everything I could.
I know I told you everything I felt.
I know there was nothing else.
That I could do.
Or could have said.
So here I am.
Fighting for you.
Not just because I love you.
But because I need you.
Because you are my savior.
When no one else could be.
My entire life.
I've never felt that feeling.
That I felt with you after ***.
When a man is the most honest.
Those fifteen to twenty seconds.
When everything is done.
You are the only one.
That I wanted to stay.
That I needed to hold.
That I felt for.
Felt for way more than just physical.
Felt for way more than just emotional.
I just felt love.
The purist form.
What God intended.
That it should be.
& not what everyone else.
Says love should be.
I can't promise you.
That I won't upset you.
That I won't make you mad.
But I can promise you.
That I will love you everyday.
No matter if you are sick.
Or annoyed.
Without makeup on.
& everyday I will fight for you.
Being your knight in shining armor.
Saving you.
From strangers.
From friends.
From family.
& mostly yourself.
So that you can be.
The princess you're supposed to be.


I find myself waking up.
To an empty bed.
To no texts.
& no calls.
So I find some clothes.
Lace my shoes.
With the intent.
Of it just being another day.
Because in all it is.
I said what I said.
I did all I could.
I am in love with a girl.
Who doesn't love herself enough.
To believe anyone else can.
I walk the streets.
Going to all the places.
That I think she might be.
But I only find my thoughts.
& they accompany me.
Through the rest of the day.
Until I unlace my shoes.
& get rid of my clothes.
Do I hear a knock at my door.
You stand in sweats.
& your hair is a mess.
You tell me you love me.
But that you aren't what I need.
You wish you could be.
Because you believe.
In someone like me.
You thank me for everything.
& go to turn to leave.
But I just can't let you leave.
Because this home.
Is big enough.
For the both of us.
& my heart.
Is patient enough.
For your love to mature.
So don't say no.
Just say you'll try.
Because I can't go another morning.
Finding myself.
Waking up alone.
Douglas Goins Feb 2018
This is for the all the girls I know, and all the ones I don't. I write this with the intention for better days, hope, and just a little faith.

I see you.
It's hard not to.
You lost your worth.
Which seemed to hold an innocence.
That not even children obtained.
It's what gave you inner beauty.
From making a conversation.
More than what it was.
To grabbing attention.
Just by the gravity of your presence.
I remember.
Because sometimes it was my conversations.
I remember.
Because sometimes it was my attention.
But somehow you forgot that.
You forgot that keeping your head up.
Was more than just an elementary game.
You forgot that the power of a smile.
Was more than just a saying.
You defined worth.
Rather than appreciate it.
Luckily I do.
And I will.
Because I have faith in you.  

I hear you.
It's hard not to.
You scream for love.
Which makes you wonder.
Am I enough?
Can someone truly love me?
The answer is yes.
Even when another girl.
Seems to steal the show.
Even when your heart.
Is smashed and spread across the floor.
Because ever after.
Is with a prince.
And ever girl.
To me is a princess.
Whether you believe in fairy tales or not.
Because love is universal.
And the universe is a big place.
Where logic becomes irrelevant.
Leaving only faith to remain.
Which is hopeful.
Because I have faith in you.

I follow you.
It's hard not to.
You lost your way.
In a world that always spins.
Maybe if you could feel it.
You'd find the right path.
The right way.
But instead.
You're stuck in limbo.
Where time for you.
Is as obsolete as the typewriter.
Where the life of you.
Fades with the seconds.
Where the reasons you need.
Are twisted in a simplex fantasy.
One that if never left.
You wouldn't remember your purpose.
Your difference.
Your meaning.
Which is to be someone's savior.
Who is close to destruction.
Because your sincerity.
That small interest.
That simple guide.
Will be what keeps them alive.
And in turn.
Keeps you alive too.
And I'm grateful.
Because I have faith in you.

I praise you.
It's hard not to.
You got it.
And you know it.
It's in your walk.
It's in your laugh.
It's everything you portray.
A candid panting.
Rather than picture.
Because your art.
Is more than just work.
It's promise.
It's hope.
It's faith.
Inside out.
Outside in.
I believe in.
Because you hold your own.
Your morals are a value.
And not just posted on the wall.
No man will ever define you.
He will only contribute.
To a success you decide.
To a world you design.
I love you.
The woman you are.
I have faith in you.

I see you.
I hear you.
I follow you.
I praise you.
God it's hard not to.
Because every girl has her day.
Every girl needs her praise.
Even when you don't see it.
As long as you believe it.
Because when you define faith.
You realize what you don't see.
Is what gives life its wonder.
Douglas Goins Feb 2018
Maybe a month ago.
I would have thought about you.
& hoped all was well.
Well enough for me.
To be able to check in.
To a small motel.
That you hold close to your heart.
Which resides on the outskirts of your sleeve.
I mean after all.
We both know I can be classified as one.
An outsider that is.
Because its been much longer than a month.
Since I've been a nearby presence.
Or even a neighboring smile.
But more of a far-off memory.
That has been followed by absence.
& if it's anything like they say.
Absence somehow has a way.
Of making the heart grow fonder.
But that was a month ago.
..& my maybe was hypothetical.

Maybe yesterday.
I would have thought about you.
& found myself.
On the verge of saying hello.
Asking if everything was everything.
From school being school.
But it's something you love.
From your family being your family.
& they are everything you live for.
From work being work.
With it being something to just get you by.
Leaving love to be love.
Where you aren't looking.
But if it were to happen.
You wouldn't mind.
& I wouldn't mind that for you.
Because after everything.
That you've dealt with because of me.
& vice versa.
We both deserve that one day.
Just not from each other.
But that was yesterday.
..& my maybe was hypothetical.

Maybe tomorrow.
I will think about you.
& pray you think enough about me.
To send me a quick text.
Or a small email.
Where you tell me.
All the things.
I've thought of telling you.
Where you ask.
All the questions.
I find myself being to hesitate.
To ask you.
But there is nothing hesitate about you.
Your words are simple.
Your tone seems to be complex.
& I find that you are asking me a favor.
That I know I will have to commit.
No response.
No reaching out.
Just giving you time.
To think for yourself.
& find all the pieces that have become ajar.
But that is tomorrow.
..& my maybe is hypothetical.

Maybe a few years from now.
I will think about you.
& time will have healed.
Just like.
All the voices I hear around me.
Said it would.
& from there.
I can meet you for coffee.
Or maybe even tea.
Where we can show each other pictures.
Of the babies we went half on.
Without you or I.
Being the other half we thought we'd be.
You named your boy Hayden.
While I named my girl Riley.
Knowing those were the names.
We picked for ours.
But we aren't bothered.
Because we are happy.
We are loved.
We are where we are meant to be.
But that is a few years from now.
..& my maybe is hypothetical.

Maybe a month ago, I would’ve hoped.
Maybe yesterday, I would’ve said hello.
Maybe tomorrow, I will pray.
Maybe a few years from now, I will heal.
But today is today.
& you are under the same roof as me.
About thirty feet away.
Where you know I'm here as well.
So you wait until I'm watching.
To smile & laugh.
Make jokes & take phone calls.
& pretend you are just amazing.
Now that I'm not there.
Which makes me show no emotion.
Tell everyone I don't care.
Because if I say it long enough.
I'm bound to eventually believe it.
But what I do believe.
Is that today is a vicious cycle.
With no maybes.
..& nothing about it is hypothetical.
Douglas Goins Feb 2018
I am so much more than the color of my skin..

& with it being 2017.
Having seen 25 birthdays.
Marrying the most gorgeous woman whose skin color is different than mine.
& together creating a little girl who has such a mixture in her & is the epitome of everything that is holy.
I'm both ashamed & conscious that even though the world is better..
This better isn't even close to good enough.

0.1 millimeters.
Practically a sheet of paper difference.
We've allowed it to be cause for so much turmoil.
..when in truth, no one has more value than the other.
Because we all love.
We all hurt.
We all want a good life.
& the crazy thing is, it's possible.
But with all the animosity because "their skin isn't like ours."
Good will never fully come.
0.1 millimeters.
Practically a sheet of paper difference.
You take that away.
& I ask you.. what will you judge me on?
My character?
My failures?
My faith?
My drive?
..because I will never be a perfect human being.
But I will always be one who strives to be better.
& though my mistakes can be catastrophic.
My redemption will always be more.

So I have to say it.
For the strangers that **** over the difference.
For the families that show indifference with the spouse, but love the kid without prejudice.
For those I know, who disagree with ones choices in who they love because of that difference, so they make sure to never let anyone else make the same "bad choice" as long as they have a role to play.
& for myself, so that I never become apart of the problem.. so that my daughter can love & feel loved from all those around her.

..I am so much more than the color of my skin.

— The End —