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She loved her special prince
Her soul belonged to Maelon
But her father would not allow it so
For she had been promised to wed another

She prayed to her God to forget her true love
And an Angel came down to visit her
Granting a sweet potion to erase his memory
So that she could forget him forever

But it also meant that Maelon would be trapped
To be encased within a block of ice
Then her God decided to grant Dwynwen three wishes
And she knew for what she had to do

She wished for Maelon to be thawed and saved
She wished for the hopes and the dreams
Be granted for all of the true lovers
But the third wish, she would never marry

She formed her convent on Llandwyn
This is where she stayed, until Death took her
The remains of her church can still be seen
She will always be our patron saint of lovers

5th Century saint ... copyright Chris Smith 2010
Trouble came calling today
Bringing rack and ruin
Tried to push them away
But there was nothing doing

So conscience dropped by
Attempting to make it nice
Said all I had to do was try
If only took this little advice

Think of the good things
And save it for later
See what your heart brings
If you save it for later

Rain clouds gathering in the mind
The whole world is going black
I seem lost and nowhere to find
That right road going back

So the Sun wanted to shine
To melt away depressive ice
Told me everything will be fine
If only I took this little advice

Think of the good things
And save it for later
See what your heart brings
If you save it for later
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
Scream, for love traps you
In the embrace of barbed wire
Slicing your heart wide open
With blunt, rusted razor blades

So bleed the scarlet icicles
As your soul begins to die
Dark longing surrounds you
Loneliness comes crawling

Does your heart now shatter?
Where no one dares to look
To see blistered tears Etched
On a face masked with fear

But if only you remove your mask
Mayhap the Sun may kiss it
So roses without thorns may grow
Then love could have no pain
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
Darkest sensations
Melting with my lovers touch
Tasting sweeter still.
copyright Chris Smith
There is a sound from behind you,
You turn and there is nothing there.
You carry on walking this lonely path,
Alone, with your vision obscured.

This dense fog came out of nowhere,
And you feel those shivers deep inside.
The cold penetrates through your coat,
You wish you had taken another way home.

That sound of snapping twigs comes again,
You see something in the corner of your eye.
You turn quickly to face what it must be,
But once again, there is nothing there.

As you turn and you quickly walk on,
You catch that glimpse once again.
Just that little bit out of your full vision,
Only a vague sight of those shadows in the fog.

You see the beginning of the street lamps ahead,
And as you hear those sounds once more, you run.
You heart is pumping fast and you feel it now,
That icy hand of fear gripping hold of your soul.

The safety of the lights make this fog now bearable,
You smile at yourself for being scared of maybe nothing.
You look behind you, back at the way you had come,
Then you hear dark laughter from the shadows in the fog.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
It was the day the Earth shook
And opened up like a hungry beast
Swallowing those who became victims
And buried them with a fury

They lost  those they treasured
A father, a mother, a brother, a sister
A daughter, a son, gone forever
Wondering why this happens now

The dead now litter the streets
So many souls are there in torment
And the living are waiting for help
Needing their fellow man at this time

Still more bodies are found in the rubble
Shed a tear for Haiti, the very young and the old
Criminals died with the police that watched them
Thank God that in Heaven they will find peace

copyright Chris Smith 2010
You're told to get over it
Leave it all in the past
Let your life be in transit
These feelings will never last

They say things just like
There's always worse than you
Don't be miserable, take a hike
Why don't you think it through

Yeah, but the **** happens to me
This is something they don't have to face
Because this **** happens to be
Leaving me feeling a bit out of place

You look in the mirror and see stars
You never get to feel the strain
All I ever see are ******* scars
And I still feel the ******* pain

You live in your world, so perfect
And you are in that world, still
I go through life feeling like a reject
And I am guessing I always will

Because **** happens to me
So why should you ****** care
Because **** happens to be
When you wasn't the one who was there

Yes I'm feeling this anger inside
And sometimes it seems to fade
Do you feel these tears I have cried?
Always feeling like a freak those *******'s made

So I guess I just have to carry on
And do what they always seem to say
Keep your chin up and be strong
So why don't the nightmares go away?

I suppose, **** happens to me
And it never happens to you
When **** happens to be
Always ******* coming true
copyright Chris Smith 2010
What do you do when it hurts
You fight that slipping feeling
Because the last time you fell
You nearly never made it back

When you can feel them crawling
Nesting inside of your mind
Waiting until they are set free
In your path of self destruction

Keep pretending you're in control
That you don't need any help
So you just keep it to yourself
Hoping that tomorrow is a better day

But you're still slipping down
To where darkness is waiting
Ready to claim you once more
And this time you won't find the light

Still you continue to cry inside
Pretending you're wearing a false smile
Scared to admit depression creeps
Waiting like the blackest of clouds

You shout in your head "why me"?
But your inner self isn't listening
You just want to rip open emotions
Only you keep feeling so alone

Drawn to take the easy way out
You know it'd hurt the ones you love
So you carry on with a brave face
Wishing blank thoughts far too late
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
Poetry comes from the soul

Reflects what is inside

It can only ever state

Can not defend what died

Words are what we will give

Who listens to what we say

We will always try to share

New meaning every day

This world is a big place

So many are in the mix

When it is already broken

No one is able to fix

So poets will all unite as one

With so many words to share

All of us will always glow

See our soul in there
I can hear the song of the trees
It floats from high above my head
Whispering through the rippling leaves
Being also heard by the birds perched
As they begin to dance from branch to branch
And then the birds also join in the song

Listen to the story of the ancient Oak
You shelter in the branches to hear it told
Of a long time ago when fields grew wild
Of the changing centuries that have passed on by
How the Oak has lived through long forgotten battles
It is a story shrouded in a history of hidden lore

Changing colours as the very leaves start to paint
How many artists have these trees always inspired
The Mountain Ash and the Cedar so royal
The tears unseen from the Weeping Willow
The solitude of the lonesome Pine
Gothic secrets in a cemetry of the Yew

I planted a tree to remember those gone by
Knowing as it grows, so their legend lives again
How they changed my life by their own
So now I hope that their song will be sung
Even when I am gone and long forgotten
And like that very tree, I know they will live on

copyright Chris Smith December 12th 2009
You dwelt in the darkest thoughts
Leading me to secret ecstasy
Within the night of forbidden shadows
Where untold pleasures remained

In dream worlds we did meet
Sharing moments of bliss and pain
Your kiss, the thorns of the rose
My flesh, a victim of deepest desire

But the moment has come to pass
For lust has stolen away my pride
We were just victims of depravity
Just lost souls of seduction

Copyright © Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 2019
There are those special times
When you listen to a lovers heart
When the poetry always rhymes
And the words are easy to start

When those decisions in your head
Turn out to be the right thing
And all the things you have said
Show the love that you bring

So you look deep into her eyes
You can see her love and desire
And everything that she tries
Does not hide a passion of fire

You know that she is the one
You have spent your life searching for
She always makes your heart beat on
And for that, you love her more

In your arms you take her
In her kiss you are lost
Just wanting to be here, together
Being with her, no matter what the cost

You love her every touch
Every move that her body makes
You know that you love her so much
So much that your body quakes

You are glad, you were the one she found
And it always makes you smile
You look at her now, without a sound
Staying with her every little while

To her now, you know you belong
She is your every hope
She helps you to be strong
And with her, every problem you cope

So she is the one you will thank
Let her know of the love inside
In her love you have drank
And now, your love can not hide
copyright Chris Smith 2010
A squirrel dog in a tree
Looked down at me
"I'm half a Chihuahua"
"So how are ya"

I was too shocked to walk
I never knew dogs could talk
"I'm fine, thank you"
"What do you do?"

"Not much" the squirrel dog said
"Hang around here before bed"
"We dogs really have brains"
"Hiding in trees when it rains"

I wondered if I had gone mad
Was this some passing fad?
"How do I know you're real?"
"What's the real deal?"

"Well, I'm as real as can be"
"it's the squirrel in me"
"Now I have to run away"
"So I'll wish you a good day"
Copyright Chris Smith 2012
Shall I scare you will imagination
Teach you fear through hallucination
Every terror crawling in your skin
Pulse racing faster than anything
Horror chasing you in your mind
Even with no safe place to find
No where left to run, or to hide

Killing thoughts you never cried
In pages of macabre and mystery
New visions of forgotten history
Greeted in the books of the king
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
I never thought I could believe
That there was love at first sight
Now I am waiting to receive
Your love that burns so bright

You came and took me by surprise
I never knew that you were there
Now you lift me up on to highs
I am waiting for that moment to share

You are my stowaway
Hiding in my heart
You are my stowaway
Waiting in my heart

Like a secret waiting to be found
You were ready for me to discover
You crept up on me without a sound
I am looking forward for my lover

You were hiding in some special place
For me to find you all this while
I look forward now to seeing your face
I look forward now to making you smile

You are my stowaway
Hiding in my heart
You are my stowaway
Hiding in my heart

copyright Chris Smith 2010
I am a stranger
Of a forgotten touch
Where love once came
Now a forbidden embrace

Just a stranger
Who desired too much
Needing a heart to claim
But now, lost without a trace

Stranger in another land
With no other place to go
No arms there to hold me
Burning in a sun, all alone

A stranger who doesn't understand
Of all the things I need to know
A prisoner who is never set free
Feeling this heat, on my own
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
pafos, Cyprus
Suffer the innocent

Who do no wrong

They close their eyes

And they never belong

Suffer the children

In a harsh world they grow

Danger within their playground

It is all they ever know

Suffer the woman

Living only in ****

Where would she go

How would she escape

Suffer the man

Judged by the colour of his skin

Cursed for being different

Why is that a sin

Suffer the poet

Having the words to say

Sadness to write then down

Innocent in no other way
Sunday morning, sitting here in thought

Wondering, for me, what life has brought

And what else will my life continue to bring

Still sitting here, this Sunday morning

So many people, I have touched out there

So many people that will always care

But there are those, who do not know me

Those people who touch, and show me

Homeless people who live day to day

No home where they can just stay

Old vagrant with a cold step to sit

Where on Sunday morning does he fit

Woman, unhappy, suffering with her pain

Upset her man, so he went and hit her again

She would leave, but has no where to go

Trapped, for there is no one who wants to know

Black man, at him, they throw stones

Hit him, and break his bones

But he is a man, just like me

That is all that people should see

Sunday morning, and also out there today

Are those children who have run away

Not sure where to go, what they will find

People just turn away, with eyes so blind

Old people who are now living in fear

Living where the police do not go near

Gangs hanging around, on every corner

Treating the elderly without honour

Sunday morning, these words come in my head

Write them down so they are then read

All my words I write down to share

For those that see them, for those who can not, I will care

copyright Chris Smith 2007
When nothing seems to work
When nothing seems to go right
Problems come screaming out
And everything starts to fall apart
As it all begins to go wrong
Let me be there with you

The frustration comes knocking
It comes calling at your door
Your will slowly slips away
All seems to be broken
No way out for any escape
Lost and a long way from home
Let me show you the way

Do not give in to your tears
Do not surrender to your fears
These feelings will not last forever
We will face the coming storm together

When you think the magic has faded
And there is nowhere else to turn
When the white has turned to black
You feel you can not be found
Isolation seems to be your only friend
Life seems to be only a wordless song
Let me open the music

And you can see the storm clouds gathering
And you can hear the distant sound of thunder
There are signs of the lightening
Hide away in a place unseen
But you know the coming storm will find you
That it will come and it will seek you out
Let me brave the weather

Do not give in to your tears
Do not surrender to your fears
These feelings will not last forever
We will face the coming storm together
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
When she was little she wanted to act

To see herself on the big screen

She wanted the world to love her

So she followed her dreams and they came true

She starred and the world embraced her

Then the work began to dry up for her

They said she was not young anymore

She felt her starlight glow begin to flicker

Young lovers deserted from her side

She was made to feel isolated and all alone

No money coming in, she was soon forgotten

Lost the big home she could not afford anymore

No one sees the actress that the years have forgot

She only sees the world in black and white

Even the home she lives in, do not want to keep her

Now she is starring in her final role

The movie plays out in her drunken mind

She sees her acting out being a bag lady

Roaming the streets in old age, scavenging for food

She will never know the truth in her own reality

So the Winter cold comes stalking down the alleys

Somewhere a lone figure lays unmoving in newspapers

No one comes near because no one really cares

They take away the body of a frozen bag lady to the morgue

A long forgotten actress that once shone so bright

copyright Chris Smith
Once upon a time ago
He wanted to be friends
People saw him as a Troll
That's not where the story ends

For he was so beautiful inside
People only saw the outer skin
His love for life, he did hide
Hiding away from everything

One day, a little blind girl came his way
Became his friend, she told him stories
She visited the Troll every single day
Told of heroes and their victory glories

But the villagers came looking to ****
A friendly Troll who only loved life
Chased him far over the hill
With torches, clubs and a knife

But the little blind girl was in trouble
A wall of rocks began to slide
The Troll rescued her from the rubble
Gave his life for her and he died

Now as the friendly Troll, he is remembered
Never would he cause you any harm
Forever, as a hero, he will be remembered
The friendly Troll with beautiful charm
Copyright © Chris Smith 2008
Don't think to control me
I dare you, think again
You want a gentle lover?
I'm sorry, I am the fury

Never attempt to tame me
Because my flames will burn
I'll strip away at your soul
Careful for what you yearn

I'm no gentleman from books
This beast will tear you apart
This lust can never be stopped
Because it will take you, hard

If you're looking for sweet love
I apologise, that's not what I give
For my punishment will be harsh
I'll give you a lesson, on how to live

Don't think to control me
I dare you, think again
You want a gentle lover?
I'm sorry, I am the fury
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
She is crying inside
Where nothing is right
They hurt her too much
She's forgotten how to fight

Everyone has someone
Someone they can hold
Share with her their troubles
She's young and feeling old

Always seems to be strong
She handles it in style
But she's another lost soul
Forgotten with a hidden smile
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
I awoke with a shudder
Was that the sound of thunder?

I listened, and heard a faint smash
Then it was followed by a loud crash

I knew, through the down stairs window it came
Was this a burgalar coming, all the same?

I got out of bed with a frown
And adorned my blue dressing gown

From under my bed, just near the mat
I reached, and found my cricket bat

I would have to go and brave this rogue instead
And then I would bash him on the head

Out of my bedroom I went, at a quiet pace
Then I tip toed slowly down my stair case

Praying I was not going to my doom
I reached for the door of my living room

Flung it open, and switched on the light
There was no way to prepare me for this sight

On my carpet there appeared to be a small little imp
He was swearing because he had a limp

The little thing had hurt himself, when he had fell
He hopped on one leg, and threatened me with Hell

Told me he was going to curse me with magic
But this injured little imp looked so tragic

He followed, hobbling, after me into the kitchen
Cursing that his leg was now itching

He shouted at me, ranting and raving
I asked if he wanted a cup of tea, so he started waving

He showed me his jaggered teeth in a funny smile
I handed him his cup of tea, he blew on it for a while

This poor little thing looked so very sad
As an evil imp, he really was bad

He had wanted to steal my teeth and then run away
Because that was one of those games that imps play

So I made him a splint, for his injured leg
I had made it out of a wooden peg

I picked him up and he started to glow
And all of a sudden, he fixed my broken window

I then made him some buttered toast
Because he said he liked eating that the most

He was not such a bad little imp in the end
He promised to visit again, I was his best friend
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I remember the last time I saw you
As I watched the tears on your face
You watched me as I left out of the blue
Because I had to go home to another place

Last year seems to be an Eternity away
So long ago since I held you close to me
It was so long ago, I remember it like yesterday
If only we could live that moment again, endlessly

On the phone, it is good to hear your voice
Knowing I can make you laugh, I can make you smile
Just to spend one second with you, given the choice
If only I could cross this sea, to walk the never ending mile

Who could ever know that love hurt like this
To yearn for the embrace of your womans'  heart
To cry unseen tears for the one you miss
To feel the emptiness whenever you are apart

So I am counting those hours when I can be with you
Counting those seconds when I can hold you again
Counting my blessings when that moment comes true
Let the time fly away past, when we can be together then
copyright Chris smith 2010
Where is it ye Scallywag?
Have ye hidden in it ye bag?
Don't ye look at me as brass as bold
Give me back me *** o' gold

I will put a curse on ye, no surprise
Make ye eat spiders and flies
I always make ye feel sick
Ye thieving little Shabby ****

I want it back! It's all mine!
I know ye got it, I saw the sign
So I will grind your bones for me tea
I will make ye live in eternal misery

Don't ye run! Don't ye dare!
I will hunt ye down, track ye everywhere
Bury ye under this earth filled clump
I will snap ye spine when I jump

Well! ******* down with a wee feather
Look at that! Well I never!
I must have moved me crock only yesterday
So ye canna steal it away

I placed it safe and sound
Buried it there, hidden in the ground
So I now will be on me way
Doth me hat, wish ye a good day
copyright Chris Smith 2010
One day the skies opened up with snow
And one lost elf did not know where to go
He kept going in circles, around and around
But the skies kept putting more snow on the ground

He found himself in a Winter forest, dark and deep
He thought he heard the dead trees start to creep
He imaged eyes gazing like a terrifying light
Or was it the reflection where everything was white

The poor little elf was starting to get very cold
He wish he had stayed home, like he had been told
As more snow fell he began to shiver and shake
So scared that snow monsters might come awake

Suddenly a sound made the poor elf start to yell
He had heard a ringing, a sound of a bell
Then he saw a jolly fat man dressed in white and red
With reindeers that pulled him sitting on a sled

He offered the elf to come and sit by his side
Then they shot up into the sky, it was a special ride
The jolly fat man took the elf home to his mother
He was so happy when he shared the story with his brother

So every year he leaves mince pies and a drop of red wine
Something special for the jolly fat man to dine
He now stays in when it snows, whenever he can
And the once lost elf always remembers that jolly fat man

copyright Chris Smith 22nd December 2009

Merry Christmas to all on Hello Poetry
Let me take you
Use your body tonight
As I will ******
And hold you tight

Hands exploring each other
Finding your wet desire
Tonight, be my lover
Setting your soul on fire

Bite marks across your skin
Bite marks across your thighs
Surrender to this lust and sin
I want to hear your sighs

Feel me now as I enter
Having you in every way
Ravaging your moist centre
Inside you in savage play

You flow like a waterfall
As I ****** so very deep
Exploding, giving you my all
Holding you now, as we sleep
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
A Wizard trapped her reflection.
To be within the mirror forever,
She had spurned him with rejection.
Two keys to a mystery box hidden forever.

A brave young Prince wanted to set her free,
Solve that secret of the mystery box.
So he began the search for the first key,
To open the first of the two locks.

He braved a dragon high on its' nest,
But he did not find the key hidden there.
He battled Ice Warriors with his best,
They had no knowledge of the secret to share.

Then he would save a Witch from a Demon Banshee,
She told him all he had to do was ask for his reward.
So the Prince was given the first key,
He searches on, battling a Demon Hoarde.

Years pass him by, until that Wizard he faced,
The Prince was an old man, he still would fight.
The battle was long, the Wizard was disgraced,
Gaining that second key was a victory sight.

The Prince travelled back to the mirror and mystery box,
He was tired and very old, but he would set her free.
So he took out both keys, and he opened the locks,
A light surrounded him from the beautiful sight he could see.

He is young again, he has his life given brand new,
From out of the box, he took out a diamond heart.
Now the girl starts before him with a heart that is true,
The Prince lifted her up in his arms, for they shall never be apart.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Please find and take heed
Words written by a poet to read
Words of feelings that flow
That come from within the soul

Some words so hard to write
Never before shown the light
Treasured words that are shared
Given by a poet now bared

One poem reading a million others
Words of sorrow or for lovers
Each poet, to find, to be inspired
Words of passion that are fired

Give every poet just that chance
Let those words come and dance
For those that come from the dark
Allow those words leave their mark

Read them and let them be seen
Understand what their words will mean
A million poets writing in the sun set
Writing with a heart we will never forget
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
There was a smiling man
Who would cry inside
So no one saw his sadness
Because he always said hello

He seemed a cheerful soul
Looked happy in his way
But his tears he'd hide
Behind a secret mask

He saw too much pain
Fought with people who died
Buried his best friend
From that war he heard them

They said we're always here
Walking there besides you
Even though you cry for us
Please remember us and smile
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
I saw a horrible spider crawl,

All down my bedroom wall.

Staring with eight beady eyes,

Giving me a terrible surprise.

With eight legs, hairy and black.

And three red dots upon his black.

He stayed there, looking at me,

I am sure he had a smile I could see.

So I shouted for my dad.

He took a look and went mad.

"I'm not touching that, It's all hairy",

"Take a look, it's too scary".

So we all packed and moved away.

I wonder if the spiders' still there today.

Because now in our new house,

I have just seen a mouse.
copyright Chris Smith 1999
The time has come to close the doors
To finally clean up the floors
To extinguish the stars, one by one
To put out the Sun, let it be gone

The time has come to shut all the books
To take your coat all from the hooks
To fill up all the opened holes
And boarder up all of the windows

The time has come to let the cat go out
To zip up the mouths so they no longer shout
To unravel and roll up the sky
And ask a question but never ask why

The time has come for memories to be laid to rest
To say a final goodbye and know you are blessed
For tears to flow, and wish you to a better place
Go to the stairs in the sky, for you will always go in grace

copyright Chris Smith 2009 (In memory of those I miss)
Everything turns to ashes and dust
Love always seems to just be lust
We always look for our deepest desire
But we live life as a funeral pyre

A dark Angel is now coming
It is my turn for the summoning
Will she be taking me to Heaven or Hell?
That is a truth I am not able to tell

Because within these shadows I still walk
Where darkness dwells to always stalk
Now midnight friends come out to stare
In this twilight hour they come to share
Come and hide from them tonight
They come for your blood, keep out of sight
They coming looking for victims, seeking a neck
They will find you and feed when they peck

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you

Oh no, be so quiet, because they are here
I can see them bobbing and I feel fear
Blood red feathers and they show their crest
They are here to feed then escape to the nest

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you

What can we do? there is no where to go
Can anything ever stop this evil foe
But at last we are safe, I never thought of that
They are fleeing, they are running from the cat

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you
copyright Chris Smith 2009
The wicked never rest
Tset eht ssap yeht fi
For they scream this night
Thgis morf edih yeht dna
They come to close your eyes
Seirc rieht era esruc a
They come for you, be assured
Drawer ruoy eb llahs htaed rof
The wicked will come at last
Tsac eb lliw lleps rieht dna
You can not run if you try
Eid si od won nac uoy lla
Htims Sirhc
He always wanted to be somebody
He always did his best in school
But the boy became a man
And he started playing the fool

He started hanging with the wrong crowd
And they always would lead him astray
Too many girls, he would break their hearts
But he would never give his heart away

Until that day when he saw her standing there
And he fell head over heels for the beauty queen
They kept saying she was way out of his league
They kept saying he would never be her scene

Now he is going all out to mend his ways
He is going to change who he used to be
He is saying goodbye to what used to be his past
He is going to open up her eyes to see

This former bad boy wants to be with his blind girl
She can not see his face, but she can feel his heart
He never thought he would find the wood through the trees
He always makes her smile, to him it is a start

The years have flown by, they still remember their first kiss
He still wishes she could have seen their wedding day
And he still loves her as much as the first time he saw her
Their children have grown up, the grandchildren play

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Everything seems twisted, wish I was dead

I should have resisted, thoughts I dread

Nothing seems to go the right way

Never seem to find a light day

I should have avoided all the stress

I should have watched out for the mess

But life is what you will make

Even when you feel you will break

I thought there would be nobody there

I ought to realise somebody will care

But it is so hard facing this bitter life

So difficult to live with so much strife

But I will not let them come and break me

Even when I feel they will forsake me

But I see the smiles from my close friends

And all this stress, then seems, it ends

And at last I then feel this very glow

When having so very many caring friends to know
It's been a long time
The words still rhyme
Sometimes I change
Being a little strange
I have myself to blame
But the World is still the same

There are still wars being fought
Where peace should be taught
Still racism that is never right
All equal be us native Indian, black or white
Still children the victim of pain
Facing abuse time and time again

Still this world is left screaming
We ignore it and just go on dreaming
Once the air was pure and clean
Now polluted from man and machine
New problems we give Earth each day
We are throwing our future away

copyright Chris Smith 2008
I would have one night with you than an eternity in Heaven
One day with you than be alone for seven
With you the sky would always shine blue
The end of the would could only be with you

Love without you would have no devotion
*** without you would have no emotion
Time would just endlessly carry on
Without having you for me to rely upon

To always remember and never forget you
Something I could, and would, never do
You are my colour and not my black and white
You would never be wrong and only my right

Your light will shine always in my heart
Bring me home when ever we should be apart
My love for you I will always send
Stay with you until time should end
I can tell by your face
The world gets you down
You feel so out of place
In your tears you drown

You feel no one listens
Nobody hears your song
Alone your tears glisten
You fear you don't belong

Come on and rest with me
Close your tired eyes

Thoughts go on in your head
You wish you could go back then
Does anyone hear what you said
You repeat the words again and again

You don't let them see you crying
You always have to hide away
You just want to give up trying
Wondering if you should stay

Come on and rest with me
Close your tired eyes

I can hear the words of your soul
I will open up my ears
I will watch you find your goal
I will help you through your fears

Someone has to help you to be strong
Someone will open up your tired eyes to see
Someone is there so you can belong
And that someone is going to be me

Come and rest with me
Now open your tired eyes

copyright Chris Smith 2010
I fancied something to eat
Something tasty and sweet
But what a mistake to make
When you are going to get toothache

Wanted a biscuit with my tea
But all I got was misery
As I got ready to munch
I felt a tooth go crunch

Now all I get is pain
So bad, it is hard to explain
No pain killers can help contain
This agony that is making me insane

So I paid the Dentist a fortune in money
Because toothache is not very funny
Fighting my fear of that drill
So I try to keep very still
copyright Chris Smith 1998-
You are touching me, babe
Making me your willing slave
You are ******* me slow
Telling me what I want to know

I watch you strip and tease
I will do whatever you please
I love those things you will do
What you do to me, I will do to you

I taste you there, and you sigh
I am kissing you there, and you cry
Around my neck you move your hips
For you know where my tongue slips

You are sitting on me, taking me fast
You are moving on me, making it last
You know exactly what I am begging for
Because you know I can not take any more

I feel the sensation your body sends
You want some more, the loving never ends
Making me want you all through the night
Come make love to me babe, it feels so right
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I bet you forgot about me
Hiding away in the darkest recess
Locked within your deepest imagination
Thinking you were at last safe from me

Well, I am going to come back very soon
When you are least expecting to see me
Attacking within your nightmares this time
Playing new games with your very pysche

So you better keep an eye over your shoulder
For that glimpse of movement in a dark corner
Because I had no intention of staying defeated
When I so many to new souls to play with

No scarred monk will ever get the better of me
The story will start again, deadly that before
Listen to that whisper on the coldest of winds
When I ask once more, *"Do you want to play a game"?
Triman Reborn (He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccckkkkkkk), coming soon to a scream near you.

copyright (Hiding in fear) Chris Smith 2011
Like silver in the sky

So far up above us

You see their light

Shining on down

You see the stars

You see them twinkle

Somewhere up there

On another star, another world

Another being watches up

Watching their night sky

They see the stars

They see them twinkle
copyright Chris Smith 2006
Undress my lover, fair
Naked, standing there
Destiny of desire for you
Ready for what we will do
Every touch is ecstasy
Sensually setting free
****** need, explored tonight
Endless lust until day light
Darling, I love you undressed
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
Words now are written
For all this world to see them
Poets united

Our gift to you all
Readers that we all respect
Poets united

Heart of a poet
This art we tenderly love
Poets united

copyright Chris Smith
She looks at her reflection

Mirror holds the image of her face

Looks at the make up and makes her sellection

Puts it on to show her beauty and grace

She is a pretty picture with cherry lips

She loves to look good for all to see

In her hair, pink ribbons and golden clips

She looks good, so beautiful to see

But she never goes outside the door

She will never be going anywhere

Scared that what men are looking for

That they only will see her wheel chair

(copyright Oct 2008 Chris Smith)
Hear this tale, my beauty
Of fear and forgotten legend
Of the terrors of the night
That will get you in the end

Do not venture out, after dark
You never know what is waiting there
Hiding away from you in secluded shadow
Ready to pounce like your worst nightmare

The killer is loose, roaming the streets
Looking for victims with his knife
You never want to bump into him
Because then it will cost you your life

Then there is the eyes of the vampire
Hypnotise you like the night sky
They will ****** you with a kiss
Then it is too late, as they drain you dry

A million eyes are out there, watching you
You shiver with a strange sound you hear
Something in the dark is reaching out
Coming to get you through your fear

So you have to run now, find somewhere safe
Find somewhere they are not going to see
But maybe I am hiding there in secret
So now you must beware, and look out for me
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I promise to do my best
To keep your taxes low
To always level inflation
To look good in your eyes
And to keep my fingers crossed
So come and vote for me
Because I don't really care about you
I will kiss all the babies
Wear a false smile on my face
I will ***** all the pretty babes
Spend public money all on myself
Go to all the newest *** clubs
So come and vote for me
You know you really want to
I will be the one in power and money
And when you are eating fish and chips
I will be having caviar and steak
In the most expensive restaurant
Paid for by the public expenses
So when you are suffering
In poverty from my mistakes
You will wish you never voted for me
And I will be laughing at you

A message from the A.P.P (Any Political Party)
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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