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Soldiers try their best to do their duty
Avoiding stones from the protesters
Who should throw them at the General
Because a soldier does his job with honour
War is a three letter word

Generals drink white wine somewhere in comfort
While a true soldier faces unknown death
Having to fight in some far away strange land
Because his orders tell him he has to be there
War is a three letter word

When you sleep tonight and children are safe
Teenagers and young men and women dreaming
Knowing tomorrow they will face another day
Then think of the mother of a soldier who prays
War is a three letter word

Watch the TV, and go about your work
Bless a new day when you see the sun rise
That poor mother begs her son or daughter is safe
That her soldier will not be returning home in a box
War is a three letter word

Remember that the soldier is fighting to protect us
They are there, putting their life on the line
We know War is Hell, but we are not the one's fighting
So I say a silent pray, don't let a young soldier die
War is a three letter word

copyright Chris Smith November 29th 2009

Keep our heroes safe this Christmas, send them a prayer
Be a little different
From all the rest
Don't explain yourself
You're not in a test

We are strange

They don't like you
Well, that's okay
You're not alone
In being this way

We are strange

Be a poet, be a singer
Be who you want to be
Dress in whatever fashion
Express yourself, be free

We are strange

We are all a little strange
With a darkness inside
You don't have to be afraid
You no longer need to hide

You're just like me
We are strange

Copyright Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 1st November 2020
When it begins to rain
Just let it pour down
And let yourself free

When that wind blows
Feel it in your hair
Now be as one

Let your sorrows go
Hold your head up and be strong
Feel it deep in your heart
And weather the storm my friend

Do not fear the lightening
Let it light up your life
Just open your eyes to see

Listen as the thunder roars
And shout out with it
Let your emotions be heard

Let yourself find escape
And release away your troubles
With nature, you will find your way
And weather the storm my friend

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Well, what do you think about that?

Some people no longer want to believe,

In those miracles you're supposed to do.

They no longer want to see them,

So they stopped believing in you.

Now, what do you think about that?

Well, what do think about that?

Some people are no longer praying,

They've given up talking it through.

They no longer think you are there,

And no longer feel like talking to you.

Now, what do you think about that?

Well, what do you think about that?

Rarely does anyone ever go to church,

They no longer think that it is true.

No one thinks that you are out there,

Because no one can ever see you.

Now, what do you think about that?

Well, what do you think about that?

I thought I could rely on you being there,

I thought believing in you was an issue.

But where were you when I needed you the most?

That time when I really need you.

Now, what do you think about that?
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I saw you watching me
Across the broken tables
From a long distant memory
Of a mind made of false cables

So I dared to walk the miles
To stand there beside you
Amongst the million single files
Before destiny came to hide you

What's you name?
I just had to ask

Your beauty was a chasm of purity
Blinded me with inner prism
Your vision was so true to me
Captured me inside soul's prison

So before you decide to walk free
And vanish into the mists of day
I want to you be shy, talk to me
Listen silently to the words I say

What's your name?
I just had to ask

Copyright Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 2020
Here I am, leg in plaster

Nurse with a needle, after me

Forgot the brake, can't go faster

Now all I get is woe and misery


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

Rushing to get that elevator again

Going quick and my hands are sore

I'm just too slow, because then

I end up crashing into the closed door


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

Showing off and think I'm clever

Should have taken my painkiller pill

You won't stop and wish I never

My fault for trying to go down hill


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

At last I can get out of the chair

But things will never be the same

Because now it just ain't fair

They've given me a Zimmer Frame


I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

I got those wheelchair blues

Suffering those wheelchair blues

Hear my wheelchair blues

I'm singing those wheelchair blues

copyright Chris Smith
She had been sent to the tower
Refused a kings advances and power
To await for what would be her fate
For the executioner she would wait

But the executioner was secretly in love with her
He would fight for her if they could be together
But he knew he did not want her to die
To save her, he was willing to try

She told him no, this was not the way
She would have to die when came that day
She gave a kiss to the executioner's cheek
Said, in Heaven, his love she would seek

On her last night he took her as his lover
Because she would never take another
The executioner did not want her to go
She said he would always have her soul

On the day she came, at last, to her fate
For to save her, it was far too late
In his mask, he cried, no one could tell
For him she loved, then the axe fell
When the darkness comes.

I will be waiting for it.

With my eyes open wide.

With my soul still pure.

And with my soul still intact.

I will fight with pride.

With no going back.

I will try not to fall.

I will stand my ground.

Never bow down my head.

Let the darkness engulf me.

For my lady's light glows.

Her love gives me strength.

Against the impossible odds.

Showing me the way.
When the time comes, I will be here.
I will be found waiting until the end.
As that vast abyss awaits for me,
And I see the light of day no more.

When the birds stop singing,
Their last song has been sounded.
As the beauty of the flowers here,
Turn to dust and their radiance is gone.

When the Sun shines one last ray of heat,
And the cold comes to take that last embrace.
To see the lion walking, side by side, with the lamb
Both being silent, waiting together on a last moment.

When lovers cry together in one last tryst,
A moment where this pleasure means so much.
To hear as the Earth screams out to waiting ears,
And the rivers run with the tears of a billion souls.

When the last poem is written on a scrap of paper,
Before the ink finally runs dry from a dying pen.
Because when that time comes, I will be here.
I will be found in the company of wonderous friends.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I hear the whispers on the wind
The calling in the dark of night
I listen to what the voices say
Telling stories of lives faded away
They seem to vanish come day light
Once again taken away on the wind

It is the gathering of past souls
Of those that have gone long before
Who once lived in a life to tell
But then came darkness and they fell
Now taken to the distant shore
Leaving behind the living like past souls

I hear them speak to me and I weep
Wanting to be heard one final time
Contacting me as they say goodbye
Fading voices, as into Heaven they fly
Then I see their shadow moving as to mime
Soon they are gone and for them I weep
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Would you tell me how you feel

Would you touch me and be real

Would you move your hand below

Would you move it nice and slow

Would you go down and lick

Would you let your tongue flick

Would you swallow it whole

Would you taste it flow

Would you want to be on top

Would you move and never stop

Would you feel me deep inside

Would you let me come and slide

Would you want us to overload

Would you allow me to explode

Would you let me stay in there

Would you, would you dare
She comes to me with love

Keeps me safe in her arms

She shines for me so brightly

In my darkness she is my beautiful star

When I am with her she holds me

I am wrapped in the wings of an Angel

I never want to lose her now

I have found her and I am here to stay

To kiss her lips takes me to Heaven

To feel her touch is like magic

And when I feel her arms around me

I will be wrapped in the wings of an Angel

You came to me when I needed you most

Gave me love when I thought my heart was lost

You showed me a purpose in life again

You gave me hope to start to love

And when you are close to me

Then I am wrapped in the wings of an Angel
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Yo ** ** and a bottle of wine;
Your heart will be mine.
You will make me walk the plank;
Because on your love I can bank.

Me heartie, I be coming for you.
Brave a cutlass battle, through and through.
Secret isles we will go a-sailing.
Give me another kiss, never failing.

Land ahoy, here I am looking for your treasure.
A map of your heart is my only pleasure.
I will find ye, that will be my lot;
Because X marks the spot.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Yonder flies the solitary bat
Entwining with darkened wings
Like a twilight Prince in the night sky

This little creature flies away home
To hide from the advancing morning light
Forever blind to the madness of man

Yonder the little mouse is peaking out
Twitching its nose at the wide outside
Then to venture across the grass

Searching to find a scrap of food
To grab up and run back into safety
Away from the envious eyes of man

Yonder a jackdaw perches up high
Hidden within the branches of the Oak
Watching like a sentry that is looking out

Waiting to spy what it comes to desire
Then swooping down to capture its prey
Flying away once more from the terror of man

Yonder the small child plays with joy
Seeing the pleasure that belongs to his world
Delight is showing at the wonders all around

Running through the buttercups and dandelions
Soon he will have to leave this all behind
His innocense taken away when he becomes a man
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Hello, don't hang up
I know you don't know me
But I believe I know you
I know your dreams
I know your desires
Of the darkest seduction
From a strangers voice
Of how I would use you
But strict with kindness
Punish you with lusts
Lusts yet unknown to you
Lusts to ravish your body
To please you in many ways
All the ways you dream of
Would you dare to know me?
Would you dare return my call?
Don't be afraid of the dark
All you need do is step inside
All you need do is use the phone
Dial my number, I dare you
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
Each day she posed naked
As he continued to paint
Engrossed in the picture
She was twenty to his fifty
But his age never upset her
In truth, she was falling for him

He never attempted to ****** her
As if he ignored her body
Maybe she was not beautiful enough
She knew he lived all alone
He never shared his home
If he asked, she would be his

She tried to show temptation
Wanting him to notice her
No matter how much she showed
The curves of her body
He would just keep painting
As if he never noticed her there

On the last day she could take no more
"Am I not beautiful in your eyes
Can you tell I desire you
I would do anything you ask
If it be only for one night
I am yours if you want me"

"You are young and beautiful
Your beauty will be seen forever
In this painting, In your honour
But I loved so very long ago
I lost her to Mistress Death
My heart belongs to her, always"
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
You never tell me your name

I play your wicked game

You tempt me and you tease me

You take me and you please me

With your red lips and alluring smile

You know how to get me for awhile

You got me, we can do anything

I am going to be your play thing

It is hypnotic the way you move

The ****** way that is your groove

I know it's wrong, the things we do

I know that I have to have you

Your passion is so ****** strong

I will desire you all night long

I will do things I never knew I could

Any style I want, I know you would

Well girl, this lust is never spent

On you, my passion will be pent

On the bed, the wall, table or the floor

You know I am coming back for more

copyright Chris Smith 2005
See them coming, creeping after you
Closer, closer they are coming still
You try to run, cold ice grips your shoe
Zombie snowman will strip your will

Coal mouths show their deadly fangs
Carrot noses will always smell you out
Twigs are where their arms now hangs
You are too scared to scream or shout

Cold is their soul, they never stop
Feed on you until they have their fill
Wearing strange looking hats on top
Zombie snowmen will strip your will

But I can stop them, I can do them harm
I have a weapon, now them I will face
Ready for them, blow torch under my arm
Prepared to battle them for the human race

They keep coming, more than before
I am cornered on top of this hill
I try to fight, but there are many more
Zombie snowmen will strip your will

copyright Chris Smith 2010

— The End —