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Apr 2010 · 652
Price Of A Heart
He watched the telephone
Wishing for it to ring
He was feeling so alone
This man was in need of something

Then she walked through the door
He was lost in her eyes
She had a body to die for
The looks of beauty in disguise

She asked if he was for hire
He told her he was ready to start
She wanted him to find her desire
She was paying him to find her heart

She said her heart walked out one day
When the clouds were turning black
She wanted it returned someway
She would pay anything to have it back

So he gave her the heart that he had
And the price was at no cost
But she was a girl that was bad
Now his is the heart that is lost
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Apr 2010 · 871
On the outside I appear with a smile
I will share a joke or two
Never show anger on this face
Carry on with the normal routine

Inside I hide the tears I cry
Never letting out the pain
Keeping all the agony locked away
Afraid to be forgotten once again

On the outside I always carry on
Give friends a shoulder that they need
Try to help others the best that I can
Always ready to give out a helping hand

Inside I keep building this ****** wall
If I let you in, I am afraid what you will see
I keep hiding away and carry the weight
I can help you but no one can help me

On the outside I can cover up the scars
Inside they will always still be there
On the outside there is a brave look on my face
Inside it is only another of the masks I wear
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 1.6k
Burning Memory
Going home from visiting a friend
I have walking this same path
Walked this way, countless times
Up a slight hill of a lonely street
To a desolate alley in summer darkness

But I need to take a call of nature
So I start to relieve myself
To **** against a unyielding wall
And I am blind to those behind me
Two youths of eighteen or nineteen

I feel the liquid pouring down my leg
Then in seconds it is a ball of flame
My left leg, burning in pain, agony
I turn and they are running and laughing
Leaving me alone and I feel the skin burn

I kick the right shoe off my foot
And intend to take off these burning Jeans
But the foot is a ball of orange flame
The liquid had not travelling down the leg
It had gone into my shoe, burning from inside

I am shaking, in my shorts in night summer heat
I try kicking this fire out against the wall
The agony has taken my mind, insanity takes the pain
Unknowing, three toes snap as I continue to kick
But the fire burns on, with the smell of burning flesh

No one is there to help me, I only want to sleep
Concrete steps keep me from reaching safety
From this alley up to the waiting maisonettes
So I hold the rail, and force myself to climb up
And still the left leg burns and the pain returns in fury

I make it and there is someone in the kitchen
The first maisonette that stands on the corner
He sees me and he sees the flames that hurt me
He looks at me in horror, and then there is screaming
The screaming is coming from me, I can not stop

The man comes out with a bowl of water
He throws it over the burning foot and I pass out
I awake and there is a neighbour holding me
I see people all around me and I try to remember
The pain and memory come rushing back

Firemen are there now, hosing my leg with water
I hear a crackling and realise it is the leg
The screaming starts again, and it never stops
Coming deep inside of me, for this madness to end
And again darkness takes me as my mind shuts off

I am in an Ambulance, but I do not feel safe
They are out there and could still come for me
Why did they do this? What did I do?
I never even knew who they were
And the horror etches deep into my head

That was years ago, and I still carry the scars
The leg was saved, full thickness burn
Skin grafts rebuilt it, but it still breaks down
Three toes amputated, the big toe and ones next
Yes it still haunts me now and it always will
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 902
If Only (If Only)
If only...

A child was safe to play,
And the danger stayed away.

If only...

Love never had the pain,
With too many sorrows to explain.

If only...

The soldier could always rely,
On coming home and not to die.

If only...

There really existed a thing called peace,
And all the wars could then cease.

If only...

Everyone could always try to believe,
And no one had to grieve.

If only...

There was no punches or tears,
And no one hid behind their fears.

If only...

Someone listened to these words I say,
And made all the troubled times go away.

If only...

Yes, if only.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 1.4k
Yonder flies the solitary bat
Entwining with darkened wings
Like a twilight Prince in the night sky

This little creature flies away home
To hide from the advancing morning light
Forever blind to the madness of man

Yonder the little mouse is peaking out
Twitching its nose at the wide outside
Then to venture across the grass

Searching to find a scrap of food
To grab up and run back into safety
Away from the envious eyes of man

Yonder a jackdaw perches up high
Hidden within the branches of the Oak
Watching like a sentry that is looking out

Waiting to spy what it comes to desire
Then swooping down to capture its prey
Flying away once more from the terror of man

Yonder the small child plays with joy
Seeing the pleasure that belongs to his world
Delight is showing at the wonders all around

Running through the buttercups and dandelions
Soon he will have to leave this all behind
His innocense taken away when he becomes a man
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 11.3k
Celtic Beauty
Sadness touches the lines on her face.
A face that was once smooth with grace.
Age came visiting and left the trace,
Now she is searching to find her place.

Beauty did once belong to her,
She believed it would last forever.
But time has marked her like the weather,
She is now lost amongst the wild heather.

Once they used to call her the Celtic Queen.
For many her beauty was always seen,
Now faded like an actress on the silent screen.
She is wondering why life seems like a scene.

She sometime wishes that she could die,
Because for her faded beauty she will cry.
If to be beautiful again she would try,
Beauty has left her and she ponders why.

But if she opened her eyes to see,
That in my eyes she is always beauty.
Time come to us as it has to be.
My Celtic Queen always is beautiful to me.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 823
Pizza Of Life
First we take the base.
Our foundation of life.
We spread it with happiness.
And we then add our toppings.
With a sprinkle of hope.
A little bit of joy.
A gathering of desire.
Maybe a lashing of caring.
Finished off with plenty of love.
Then we place the pizza in the oven.
To be baked by the sands of time.
Take it out and allow it to cool.
You can now taste the pizza of life.
All you have to do is to enjoy.
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
Mar 2010 · 926
Bless The Writers
Sometimes life is strange
Leading us down dark paths
Where we fear that darkness
And can not see where we go

Then we find the words
That are written to read
Of a poem, or story that reaches out
Coming from deep within the soul

It leads us back in the right direction
For the poet and writer can touch us this way
That is when the reader finds the light
For they will always return once again

Sometimes the words are strange
They chill to the very core inside
Telling dark tales that dwell on fear
But we always need to read some more

The writer always feeds the imagination
Showing the pictures etched on the mind
No movie could ever match that skill
So we bless all the writers with gracious hearts
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 699
Whispers On The Wind
I hear the whispers on the wind
The calling in the dark of night
I listen to what the voices say
Telling stories of lives faded away
They seem to vanish come day light
Once again taken away on the wind

It is the gathering of past souls
Of those that have gone long before
Who once lived in a life to tell
But then came darkness and they fell
Now taken to the distant shore
Leaving behind the living like past souls

I hear them speak to me and I weep
Wanting to be heard one final time
Contacting me as they say goodbye
Fading voices, as into Heaven they fly
Then I see their shadow moving as to mime
Soon they are gone and for them I weep
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 654
Grasping For Hope
I feel the pain in my veins
It is screaming to be heard
Always the agony remains
It all seems to be absurd

Why do we do what we do?
And then we try to carry on
So much we have to go through
All we want to do is to belong

Sometimes I feel I am a wreck
That I have reached a slump
I should tie a rope around my neck
And then all I could do is jump

Words are all I have left to give
I can not fit in, I am not allowed
Empty shell that still tries to live
One more victim lost in the crowd

And then I can see her face before me
Bringing me back from the brink
And this shell is no longer empty
My mind is once more open to think

Then I see the friends that make me strong
Making me believe in myself once more
I love them all, for with them I belong
They help it all worth writing for
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 776
Do You Know Me?
I like being here
The nurses are nice
The Doctor comes to see me
I always have something to eat
They always look after me
If only I knew why I was here

Today, I don't know who you are
Why are they treating me like this?
I don't know what I have done
When did I come to this place?
I don't remember ever coming here
All I want to do is to go home

Who are these people visiting me?
This crying woman says she is my wife
I wonder when did I get married
And the man, crying into his hands
He tells me he is my son
Why can't I remember him being born?

I feel so trapped, alone, in my mind
I just want to be how I once was
Each day, a piece of memory dies
What have I done to deserve this?
I want to remember, I want to be me
I am locked inside, wanting to be let out
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 1.4k
Special Times
There are those special times
When you listen to a lovers heart
When the poetry always rhymes
And the words are easy to start

When those decisions in your head
Turn out to be the right thing
And all the things you have said
Show the love that you bring

So you look deep into her eyes
You can see her love and desire
And everything that she tries
Does not hide a passion of fire

You know that she is the one
You have spent your life searching for
She always makes your heart beat on
And for that, you love her more

In your arms you take her
In her kiss you are lost
Just wanting to be here, together
Being with her, no matter what the cost

You love her every touch
Every move that her body makes
You know that you love her so much
So much that your body quakes

You are glad, you were the one she found
And it always makes you smile
You look at her now, without a sound
Staying with her every little while

To her now, you know you belong
She is your every hope
She helps you to be strong
And with her, every problem you cope

So she is the one you will thank
Let her know of the love inside
In her love you have drank
And now, your love can not hide
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 3.2k
I fancied something to eat
Something tasty and sweet
But what a mistake to make
When you are going to get toothache

Wanted a biscuit with my tea
But all I got was misery
As I got ready to munch
I felt a tooth go crunch

Now all I get is pain
So bad, it is hard to explain
No pain killers can help contain
This agony that is making me insane

So I paid the Dentist a fortune in money
Because toothache is not very funny
Fighting my fear of that drill
So I try to keep very still
copyright Chris Smith 1998-
Mar 2010 · 651
East Of Paradise
I saw the flash in the sky
And an Angel came to me
She told me I had to try
Not to live a life so empty

But I awoke and she was gone
I wondered if she had been there
In myself, I was feeling strong
I knew someone is somewhere

Then I saw the feather by my bed
From an Angel that was unique
I can still hear her voice in my head
For now, East of Paradise I seek
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
Mar 2010 · 1.1k
Urban Nightmare
Hear this tale, my beauty
Of fear and forgotten legend
Of the terrors of the night
That will get you in the end

Do not venture out, after dark
You never know what is waiting there
Hiding away from you in secluded shadow
Ready to pounce like your worst nightmare

The killer is loose, roaming the streets
Looking for victims with his knife
You never want to bump into him
Because then it will cost you your life

Then there is the eyes of the vampire
Hypnotise you like the night sky
They will ****** you with a kiss
Then it is too late, as they drain you dry

A million eyes are out there, watching you
You shiver with a strange sound you hear
Something in the dark is reaching out
Coming to get you through your fear

So you have to run now, find somewhere safe
Find somewhere they are not going to see
But maybe I am hiding there in secret
So now you must beware, and look out for me
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 1.5k
Deep Water
I am floating out on a sea
On a sea of lost thought
Wondering where it's taking me
Away from the battles I fought

I never learnt to swim away
To escape the troubles following
I was always trying to stay
But my pride I kept swallowing

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water

Looking at my soul so empty
I wonder where it all went
It used to be be full and plenty
Now it is all spent

Being lonely is a curse
Which only you can see
It is when it starts getting worse
That you started drowning in misery

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water

I'm floating away to God knows where
Swallowed up by the waves of tears
Taken far away on my saddened despair
Never going to be found for years

Now I can feel myself being dragged down
I begin to sink under all the weight
Destinied to be lost and to drown
Because sometimes it is far too late

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 2.0k
Touching Me
You are touching me, babe
Making me your willing slave
You are ******* me slow
Telling me what I want to know

I watch you strip and tease
I will do whatever you please
I love those things you will do
What you do to me, I will do to you

I taste you there, and you sigh
I am kissing you there, and you cry
Around my neck you move your hips
For you know where my tongue slips

You are sitting on me, taking me fast
You are moving on me, making it last
You know exactly what I am begging for
Because you know I can not take any more

I feel the sensation your body sends
You want some more, the loving never ends
Making me want you all through the night
Come make love to me babe, it feels so right
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 623
Nobody sees you
Like the way I do

That gracious heart
That loves from the start

Those glorious eyes
Which take me by surprise

The taste of your lips
The feel of your hips

When you look away so shy
When I wipe away the tears you cry

All the words you want to say
The love you give to stay

Nobody sees you
Like the way I do

In the choices we select
You are the one so perfect
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 817
I Painted A Picture
I painted a picture
A vision of you
I wrote a poem
You were the words

I fell in love
With your precious soul
I found my self
Deep within your eyes

I saw the future
You took me there
I left the past
All the pain behind

I counted my blessing
Kissing your sweet lips
I am now found
Being by your side

I painted a picture
A vision of you
I wrote a poem
You were the words
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Mar 2010 · 805
Never Forget
A little girl, they came and took her
In the morning they found her gone
The shock for her mother shook her
She was crying it was wrong 

They called the boys in blue
The police tried their best
They could not find a clue
Their skills were put to the test

 Three months and the little girl is not found
But there are too many rumours people say
Some say she is buried in the ground
Some say she has been seen far away 

But there is a chance she is alive
No one is going to give up yet
Hope that little girl will survive
Remember her for we must never forget
copyright Chris Smith
(For Maddie, Never forget)
Feb 2010 · 561
Shit Happens
You're told to get over it
Leave it all in the past
Let your life be in transit
These feelings will never last

They say things just like
There's always worse than you
Don't be miserable, take a hike
Why don't you think it through

Yeah, but the **** happens to me
This is something they don't have to face
Because this **** happens to be
Leaving me feeling a bit out of place

You look in the mirror and see stars
You never get to feel the strain
All I ever see are ******* scars
And I still feel the ******* pain

You live in your world, so perfect
And you are in that world, still
I go through life feeling like a reject
And I am guessing I always will

Because **** happens to me
So why should you ****** care
Because **** happens to be
When you wasn't the one who was there

Yes I'm feeling this anger inside
And sometimes it seems to fade
Do you feel these tears I have cried?
Always feeling like a freak those *******'s made

So I guess I just have to carry on
And do what they always seem to say
Keep your chin up and be strong
So why don't the nightmares go away?

I suppose, **** happens to me
And it never happens to you
When **** happens to be
Always ******* coming true
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 1.6k
I Just Hit My Trombone
I just hit my trombone
Playing out the tune
For all the world to listen
On a summer day in June
I just hit my trombone
And let the music play
For all the crowds there
On that June summer day
copyright Chris Smith (Idea by Paula Swanson) 2010
Feb 2010 · 3.4k
The Wicked (Boustrophedon)
The wicked never rest
Tset eht ssap yeht fi
For they scream this night
Thgis morf edih yeht dna
They come to close your eyes
Seirc rieht era esruc a
They come for you, be assured
Drawer ruoy eb llahs htaed rof
The wicked will come at last
Tsac eb lliw lleps rieht dna
You can not run if you try
Eid si od won nac uoy lla
Htims Sirhc
Feb 2010 · 1.3k
Crying Tears Of Blood
A man took his life
Just the other day
Left behind his wife
Then she blew herself away

A gang of racists came
Beat a man until he was dead
That poor man was not to blame
It was the prejudice eyes instead

I see this world around me now
And I am crying tears of blood
I wish it could be changed somehow
So I am no longer crying tears of blood

Addict asleep there in the road
Getting off on his highs
To the Devil, his soul is sold
You see death in his eyes

Young girl all on her own
Left home just to live in Hell
Now she feels so very alone
On a street corner, her body to sell

I see this world around me now
And I am crying tears of blood
I wish it could be changed somehow
So I am no longer crying tears of blood

Politician, corruption he always gives
Always going on holiday, somewhere sunny
In his life of luxury he always lives
He is getting rich on the public money

A soldier died in the line of duty yesterday
The ****** that shot him was never seen
His body now lies in a land so far away
His life was ended and he was only eighteen

I see this world around me now
And I am crying tears of blood
I wish it could be changed somehow
So I am no longer crying tears of blood
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 666
Disguised Hurt
She puts on her lipstick
Then makes up her eyes
Maybe she puts it on thick
What is she trying to disguise?

You never see the hidden bruises
You will not see her blackened eye
She never speaks of all her abuses
All she will tell you is another lie

She tries her best to always say no
But then he always flies into a fit
She takes it until he decides to go
Even then, she knows he likes to hit

She would shoot him dead, if she had a gun
But then she wonders what that would gain
She has nowhere to go, nowhere she can run
She knows she has to continue to suffer the pain

But her mother is always so blind to the truth
When she comes home, he asks where she has been
He kicks and batters her, because she is under his roof
She feels so very lost, even though she is only fourteen
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I gave her warm wine and flowers,
and she gave me her hand,
and she led me down into
the promised land.

She gave me skin so soft
that felt of the purest silk.
A touch that was tender,
she tasted of honey and milk.

She was my heaven on earth
with such warm copper skin.
Was I just dreamin'?
Was this all a sin?

She is the girl
The girl in my dreams
She keeps me alive
The girl in my dreams

We've kissed once or twice,
subliminally silenced the screams,
but while I'm combing her hair,
she just rocks and she sings...

She sang, give me your life
And I will give you my soul
Give me all of your love
And I will grant you your goal

So, I gave her my life,
then to me it occurs
that she's jumped back in my mind
and there she laid down hers.

I gave her warm wine and flowers,
and she gave me her hand,
and she led me down into
the promised land.

She gave me skin so soft
that felt of the purest silk.
A touch that was tender,
she tasted of honey and milk.

She is the girl
The girl in my dreams
She keeps me alive
The girl in my dreams

We've kissed once or twice,
subliminally silenced the screams,
but while I'm combing her hair,
she just rocks and she sings...

She sang, give me your life
And I will give you my soul
Give me all of your love
And I will grant you your goal

So, I gave her my life,
then to me it occurs
that she's jumped back in my mind
and there she laid down hers.
Copyright redbarchettadrive and Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Like silver in the sky

So far up above us

You see their light

Shining on down

You see the stars

You see them twinkle

Somewhere up there

On another star, another world

Another being watches up

Watching their night sky

They see the stars

They see them twinkle
copyright Chris Smith 2006
Feb 2010 · 1.1k
Haiku Poems
Broken Hearts

Many broken hearts

Hidden into misery

Never to be seen

Dream Or Nightmare

Dreams sometimes come true

But nightmares terrify me

  Will they come true too?

Holy Man

Incredible man

Holy and worshipped around

Completely adored


The little rabbit

He is happy as can be

Hopping away now


What are your secrets?

Could you tell them to my heart?

Could you share your soul?

Sweet Heart

Do not forget me

For I will not forget you

The sweetest of hearts

The Baby

The baby  crying

Sounds that touch everyone nearby

The baby needs you
A collection of Haiku written in 2009  
copyright Chris Smith
Feb 2010 · 944
Morbid Curiosity
I would use a razor blade
To put an end to it all
But I can't stand pain

I would use a rope
To hang myself
But I don't like being breathless

I would drown myself
In the deepest water
But I just can't swim

I would jump off a building
Down to my doom
But I'm afraid of heights

I would try tablets
To poison my system
But I don't like their taste

There is one way to be sure
The one way that really works
I'm going to wait for old age
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 540
Jealous Minds
A man calls her on the phone
Nothing to worry about
Just an old friend of the past

But the mind plays tricks
When you are far away
Thoughts come too fast

Jealous minds blind you
You never see the truth
You see what you think instead

Jealous minds can trick you
They can eat you up inside
They play games in your head

Love is built on compromise
The foundation of trust
It is what you need to believe

Angry thoughts can always destroy
When the demons come out to play
Do not suffocate her or she will leave

But we never see in our hearts
That they are the one for us
We always think it will go wrong

No one will ever take them away
For they love you as much as life
Because that love always grows strong
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
Feb 2010 · 492
For Rest Eternal
She is the night beauty
With her long black hair
Eyes of emerald green
Desired by any man

This lady of the darkness
She needs to feel their touch
Their desire and their need
To make her come alive

She will feed from them
Taste of the red nectar
But they will feel no pain
They will be lost in their lust

She will never drain them dry
Only take what she must
To satisify the thirst she has
And give them her body in return

She loves to feel them move
As her body responds to them
The heat of a moment of desire
Making her feel like a woman alive

She can only exist within the night
Never able to feel the sun touch her
Her lust is something they can never keep
For into the darkness she will be gone
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 734
On Butterfly Wings
Fly away on butterfly wings

Sailing high into the sky

Playing with your favourite things

Letting the day go by

Hearing as an Angel sings

Looking down upon you

Far away a church bell rings

Making two lovers happy and true

Colours that the rainbow brings

That is lighting up your life

In your arms she clings

Soon to be your beautiful wife
copyright Chris Smith 1998
Feb 2010 · 613
Rivers Of Blood
The Dark Lords came
They took our lands
They took our women
Slaughtered our men
Destroyed our lives

We could not fight them
Their army was too strong
They appeared from nowhere
Like ghosts in the night
Striking like demons from Hell

Setting fire  to our villages
We had nowhere we could hide
They executed our children
All we could do was to die
Dying in the rivers of blood
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 968
Creation Of Damnation
I have created life from death

Proved I can cheat the reaper

I have created the eternal man

Brought him back from oblivion

And still they call him a monster

Let them mock me, I will not be stopped

Let them try and storm this castle

No one will control me, I am the Baron

And they will bow down to my will

I will rule with an army raised from the dead

I gave him life, why does he defy me?

He is my creation, his life is mine

How dare he try to turn against my will

How dare he try to be free

He is mine, and he will always be mine

We fought and he believes me to be dead

I now lie here broken on the ice

But no matter where he may hide

I will hunt him down and destroy him

The world has not seen the last of me, I will return
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 832
Cover Story
From his cup he sips

But the coffee is cold

He plays with paper clips

And he is feeling old

Trying to meet a dead line

But life is so grim

Pretending things are still fine

His wife has left him

He just wants to be a reporter

Report with all his glory

He should think of his daughter

He only thinks of the cover story

He lights up a cigarette to smoke

He never has any time to choose

People see him only as a joke

He lives just to tell the news

Cover stories and small articles

Writing words that he feels he has to say

Going home now to dark shadows

Tomorrow the paper is thrown away
copyright Chris Smith 2006
Feb 2010 · 1.0k
A child sees a better world
A child loves stories told
A child plays unseen adventures
A child never sees the danger unfold

Long ago we were all children
We played with an invisible friend
The joy we could always find
But one day, childhood came to an end

A parent is there to protect the child
A parent sees the real world outside
A parent will never go away
A parent is still a child deep inside

I miss the arms of my Mother
The authority of my Father's voice
The love of my Grandmother and Grampy
Just to have another day with them to rejoice

That child long ago, used to be me
That child long ago, they lifted up above
That child long ago, I want to be again
That child long ago, always had their love
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 913
The Spider
I saw a horrible spider crawl,

All down my bedroom wall.

Staring with eight beady eyes,

Giving me a terrible surprise.

With eight legs, hairy and black.

And three red dots upon his black.

He stayed there, looking at me,

I am sure he had a smile I could see.

So I shouted for my dad.

He took a look and went mad.

"I'm not touching that, It's all hairy",

"Take a look, it's too scary".

So we all packed and moved away.

I wonder if the spiders' still there today.

Because now in our new house,

I have just seen a mouse.
copyright Chris Smith 1999
Feb 2010 · 3.3k
The Vampire Pigeons
Come and hide from them tonight
They come for your blood, keep out of sight
They coming looking for victims, seeking a neck
They will find you and feed when they peck

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you

Oh no, be so quiet, because they are here
I can see them bobbing and I feel fear
Blood red feathers and they show their crest
They are here to feed then escape to the nest

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you

What can we do? there is no where to go
Can anything ever stop this evil foe
But at last we are safe, I never thought of that
They are fleeing, they are running from the cat

The vampire pigeons are going coo coo coo
The vampire pigeons are coming after you
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 1.3k
Fantasy Land
Let me take you by the hand

Somewhere to be free

Far away to a fantasy land

And live out the fantasy

Can you hear the fairy song

And watch the pixies fly

The beauty of the majestic unicorn

Multi coloured birds in the sky

Elves having a ball

Seeing beautiful flowers grow

Bathing within the waterfall

Chasing after the rainbow

But it is time to go away

From this World you want to be

And we can visit another day

In our dreams we see
copyright Chris Smith 1998
Feb 2010 · 1.3k
Birth Of A New Dawn
Through the birth of a new dawn
The new dew on the lawn
The first birds song
And night is now gone
For the day begins as new
I am here thinking of you

As an early Summer rain falls
Somewhere a rooster calls
And as this morning begins
For whatever this day brings
The memory of you will stay
A memory never to fade away

I stand here naked in this new day
The rain washes the night away
The birth of a new dawn is born
Fading away stars that shone
This day is born in all its' grace
A beautiful day as beautiful as your face
copyright Chris Smith 2005
Feb 2010 · 863
Standing here, I look out now

Over a field covered in smoke

Littered with the bodies of the brave

Witnessing the death that we plow

Gagging on the blood that will choke

The dying of soldiers now gone to the grave

I am just the ghost of a hollow man

A bullet took this life from me not long ago

As I ran across this ****** battle-field

Oh how I wish it was not me who ran

I died alone, and I witnessed my own blood flow

There was nowhere to hide and there was no shield

Through the white mist I see a thousand more

Their bodies scattered and broken on the ground

We are the victims of madness and war games

While Generals hide away never entering the war

The victims like us, we all die without a sound

Buried and then long forgotten, in a battle-field no one blames
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 2.3k
Baby Polar Bear
Little baby polar bear, lost and alone

Mother vanished, he is on his own

Scared he is beginning to cry

Mothers gone, why oh why

He was following on the ice

Behind her it was so nice

But in the water she went

To go with her he was meant

But the water is too cold

Now wishes he did what he was told

Little polar bear is scared

When up pops a head

But now all is all right

It's mother, to his delight

He is so happy as can be

She has brought fish for tea
copyright Chris Smith 2007
Feb 2010 · 829
Like An Eagle
This world drags you down
You feel you can't take no more
It leaves you wearing a frown
You wonder why you are here for

You are drowning in a sea of worry
You keep trying to live too fast
You must slow down, what's the hurry?
If only the good times could last

Carry on, you still need to try
There is always a little bit more
I know you can still fly
Like an eagle you will soar

When things are going hard
Just throw your troubles away
Shine like a crystal shard
Never let yourself be grey

Because you lift your soul up
You can always go higher still
Just when you have had enough
Allow yourself to face the thrill

Carry on, you still need to try
There is always a little bit more
I know you can still fly
Like an eagle you will soar
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 460
Asylum Of The Mind
Took a walk on the other side

The other side of sanity

Found that my problems collide

Taking away my vanity

Love just hits you hard

It comes and knocks you down

Love just drives you mad

In your sorrows you drown

Crazy thoughts and you can't smile

It just drives you all insane

Your mind just falls out of style

There is no way to try to explain

You want to love someone so much

You wonder if they really see you there

Your head just seems out of touch

All you want is a heart you can share

So you sit in the Asylum of your mind

Locked away form the realms of reality

No one knows what you will find

No one knows what you will see
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 1.2k
Another Unmade Bed
He sits up from the unmade bed
Feels the chill of the night air
The sting of whisky in his head
The ten dollar ***** no longer there

Lives his life, selling from his car
Staying in one cheap motel each time
He used to think he would go far
But this job stripped him of his prime

He used to have a wife, so long ago
But he walked out on her, and his son
Thought he would be rich, he never wanted to know
Now he has only regrets for all he has done

No one has any money to buy anymore
The prices keep on getting higher
He coughs, then he spits on the floor
He wishes he could find just one buyer

As he ****** the whiskey inside of him
The ***** mirror reflects his sorry state
Wishes that he never took this job on the whim
But he can't go back, it is far too late

Packs the suitcase and it is time to go
Finding another poor town to drive to
Business might pick up, it's been too slow
If no one buys, he will drive on through

Until he stops for more cheap whiskey to drink
Until he picks up another ten dollar *****
Deeper into this life he will continue to sink
Hoping to still find the final big score
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 2.3k
An Angel Came
Last night I had the strangest dream
An Angel came and took my hand
She opened her wings and we flew
Forever high until we reached Heaven
She showed me to another world
Unlike the world far down below

Children played, black and white together
All races and creed walked side by side
The lion walked with a baby lamb
A little three year old girl giggled
As she rode on the back of a white wolf
Up above I could feel the sun shine down

I saw John Lennon and Bob Marley laughing
John Wayne in talks with Buddy Holly
A mouse and cat played gently together
This whole world was a marvel to see
No ocean but fish swam in the sky
Dolphins swimming next to the sharks

The Angel turned and she spoke to me
"Please do not judge our God", she said
"Those little children tormented to die"
"When down below in the world of yours"
"Will be reborn here and be at peace"
"For God can not stop the evil below"

I understood, for all the bad that we see
Of people who suffer and the things we do
God will never tresspass in our dormain
The souls will be reborn in this perfect place
To begin anew and to always be protected
Away from all the hate and bathed in love

I awoke and wished I could still dream
And I knew I would return there once again
When the right time came for me to go back
So until then, I will walk in this place of ours
Knowing that Heaven is now waiting up above
While down here we are all living in Hell
copyright Chris Smith 2007
Feb 2010 · 3.7k
Always An Angel To Me
She helped kiss away my tears

Comforted my pain with sympathy

She took away my fears

She is an angel to me

Over me, she looks down

I feel that she still does care

Watches me, no matter which town

I will always know she is there

She lives on in my heart

My wonderful, Scottish nan

Long ago to Heaven she did depart

She helped to shape this man

All the things she ever did

Was help open my eyes to see

I am always her little grand-kid

And she is always an angel to me


Dedi­cated to my grandmother (Violet Eason Smith) who died in 1992.
copyright Chris Smith 2000
Feb 2010 · 425
I Never Knew
The battle was won

It was over and done

The victory is you

But I never knew

The tears were wept

Darkness came and crept

It dragged life through

But I never knew

No emotion in your eyes

Always showing hidden lies

It was always all just untrue

But I never knew

All could see the hurt shows

Did you know everybody knows?

It never came and hit me out of the blue

But I never knew

Tell me, was it worth going through?

Because I was the one who never knew
copyright Chris Smith 2009-
Feb 2010 · 729
Private Hell
Will you end this suffering I feel?

This damnation of a life I steal

Left to face a fate that I will seal

Before the Devil I make the deal

This is now my own private hell

With this pain, I fit in so well

I can not show the words I have to tell

A long way down from grace I fell

The ugliness in my soul rings true

Being left out with nothing I can do

Dragged into despair, all the way through

Blackened clouds cover my sky once blue

My fault for believing in a prince that always lies

No one feels my pity or hears my cries

I have just too many lows and not enough highs

No escape from all the time my soul always dies

In the light I knew I could never be able to stay

All I could ever do was watch it all fade away

On my grave the demons will now come to play

I never will face another hope filled day
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Feb 2010 · 811
A Love Not Allowed
He had fallen in love when he had first seen her, her dark black hair and green eyes had been what had attracted him.

Yes he knew the danger but he had smuggled her out, taken her to his home and he had not told a soul what he had done.

She was nineteen and he was fourtythree, he did not see the age difference and only saw her beauty, if anyone found out he was hiding her then he knew they would be both killed.

She had lived with him for eight days, in that time he had never tried to ****** her or make any advance towards her, he clothed her and provided food and any comfort that she required.

On the eigth night she came to his room, she was naked when she slipped into his bed and they made love all the way until the dawn, it would be their last night together.

They came the next morning, he knew he had to shoot her, the Luger given to him by his father two years ago was the weapon he had to use.

She wept silent tears for she knew what must be done, he put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

He put the gun to his own head as he heard them break down the door, he knew they would have both been punished to death and this was the only way.

They were too late to stop him and he pulled the trigger with the gun at his head and his body fell to lay with the dead body of the woman he had loved.

It was not supposed to had happened, a German guard falling in love with a Jewish girl condemned to have been gassed to death at the camp.
copyright Chris Smith 2009

Even in war there is forbidden love
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