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Feb 2010 · 1.1k
When The Axe Falls
She had been sent to the tower
Refused a kings advances and power
To await for what would be her fate
For the executioner she would wait

But the executioner was secretly in love with her
He would fight for her if they could be together
But he knew he did not want her to die
To save her, he was willing to try

She told him no, this was not the way
She would have to die when came that day
She gave a kiss to the executioner's cheek
Said, in Heaven, his love she would seek

On her last night he took her as his lover
Because she would never take another
The executioner did not want her to go
She said he would always have her soul

On the day she came, at last, to her fate
For to save her, it was far too late
In his mask, he cried, no one could tell
For him she loved, then the axe fell
Feb 2010 · 498
Shed A Tear For Haiti
It was the day the Earth shook
And opened up like a hungry beast
Swallowing those who became victims
And buried them with a fury

They lost  those they treasured
A father, a mother, a brother, a sister
A daughter, a son, gone forever
Wondering why this happens now

The dead now litter the streets
So many souls are there in torment
And the living are waiting for help
Needing their fellow man at this time

Still more bodies are found in the rubble
Shed a tear for Haiti, the very young and the old
Criminals died with the police that watched them
Thank God that in Heaven they will find peace

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 2.2k
Gothic Lover
She is the dark feel of the night
She is the mystery with no light
She hides away in her own pain
She knows how to drive me insane

No one can be as she can be
My gothic lover can never be free
I can see it all deep in her eyes
No one has seen the tears she cries

I know what I feel is wrong
My will slips and is not strong
She is sending temptation my way
I feel my soul wanting to stray

She is taking me down dark places
Teasing me as my body feels her traces
Kissing me and biting me with her lust
Not waiting and wanting my body to ******

I am lost in her body this very night
Each sensation inside her takes away the light
She wants me badly and our bodies glisten
Our sweat mingles as creatures of the night listen

My passion is ready, deep inside her it fills
She takes it all with her lust and her skills
Her body is hot and I can feel her heat
She wants me more as my heart will beat

All this night, until the light of day
She never stops for this is her wicked way
I surrender knowing that she will always win
For I am a prisoner to her desire and sin

She now vanishes from where she came
I know I will be back to play her game
No one can match her, there can be no other
I will always come for my gothic lover

copyright Chris Smith 2008 (revised 2009)
Feb 2010 · 911
Lady At The Door
When I needed love, it was gone
I was alone and I was lost
Listening only to a sad song
I needed someone to be there

The song played and played
She came knocking on my door
She came in and then she stayed
She spent the night and we made love

But on the next day she had to go
So I watched her as she dressed
My body still wanted her so
I said nothing as she left

Now two days have gone past
The lady is at my door
Once again the night will last
As once again she is in my bed

So is this all just pretend
Will my lady ever really exist
Will my lonely solitude end
Will you be my lady at the door

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Feb 2010 · 1.3k
The Twilight Hour
Everything turns to ashes and dust
Love always seems to just be lust
We always look for our deepest desire
But we live life as a funeral pyre

A dark Angel is now coming
It is my turn for the summoning
Will she be taking me to Heaven or Hell?
That is a truth I am not able to tell

Because within these shadows I still walk
Where darkness dwells to always stalk
Now midnight friends come out to stare
In this twilight hour they come to share
Feb 2010 · 971
In A Child's Eyes
Give him a toy gun
He pretends to be daddy
Who far away is fighting
In some far and distant war
But then in a child's eyes
See the hidden tears
When you have to tell him
Daddy won't be coming home

Momma always keeps her safe
Showing her warmth and love
But she knows Poppa will be back
Smelling of whiskey and angry
And in that child's eyes
She will watch him rage
Punch Momma in the stomach
Because his dinner is wrong

All around this world
We never see the truth
Because the older we become
The blinder we seem to be
And in the children's eyes
Their innocence is seen
But they see better than us
A future that is not meant to be

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Feb 2010 · 1.5k
Dragon Rider
Soaring through the sky, going higher
Roaring with a breath of fire
He is searching to rescue his mistress
He knows somewhere she is in distress

He looks so majestic high in the sky
Searches around the land with a lizard's eye
He would give his life to save her
He begins to seek so much further

Three knights have caught the maiden in a field
They will force her and they will make her yield
But the dragon comes roaring with a ball of flame
Putting and end to what would be their wicked game

She is so happy to see her brave loyal friend
On her dragon she knows she can always depend
Climbs on his back, and they ride through a cloud
He takes her back to the village, a dragon so proud
Jan 2010 · 1.3k
Dance The Moon
Dance the moon
I fell too soon
You picked me up
Yes, you picked me up

You gave me shelter
When life was a helter skelter
And baby, oh baby, I wish you knew
How much that I love you

Dance the moon
I fell too soon
You picked me up
Yes, you picked me up

I wish I could be there
To stroke your long red hair
You are so far away
I wish you could kiss my tears, today

Now I have danced the moon
And when I fell too soon
You picked me up
Yes, you picked me up

Run with me, my one love
Help me to soar high above
Kiss me within a heart beat
You make me be complete

Dance the moon
I will be with you soon
You pick me up
Yes, you pick me up

copyright Chris Smith February 1st 2010
Jan 2010 · 538
Throwing The Future Away
It's been a long time
The words still rhyme
Sometimes I change
Being a little strange
I have myself to blame
But the World is still the same

There are still wars being fought
Where peace should be taught
Still racism that is never right
All equal be us native Indian, black or white
Still children the victim of pain
Facing abuse time and time again

Still this world is left screaming
We ignore it and just go on dreaming
Once the air was pure and clean
Now polluted from man and machine
New problems we give Earth each day
We are throwing our future away

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Jan 2010 · 658
Time Should End
I would have one night with you than an eternity in Heaven
One day with you than be alone for seven
With you the sky would always shine blue
The end of the would could only be with you

Love without you would have no devotion
*** without you would have no emotion
Time would just endlessly carry on
Without having you for me to rely upon

To always remember and never forget you
Something I could, and would, never do
You are my colour and not my black and white
You would never be wrong and only my right

Your light will shine always in my heart
Bring me home when ever we should be apart
My love for you I will always send
Stay with you until time should end
Jan 2010 · 993
The Wood Through The trees
He always wanted to be somebody
He always did his best in school
But the boy became a man
And he started playing the fool

He started hanging with the wrong crowd
And they always would lead him astray
Too many girls, he would break their hearts
But he would never give his heart away

Until that day when he saw her standing there
And he fell head over heels for the beauty queen
They kept saying she was way out of his league
They kept saying he would never be her scene

Now he is going all out to mend his ways
He is going to change who he used to be
He is saying goodbye to what used to be his past
He is going to open up her eyes to see

This former bad boy wants to be with his blind girl
She can not see his face, but she can feel his heart
He never thought he would find the wood through the trees
He always makes her smile, to him it is a start

The years have flown by, they still remember their first kiss
He still wishes she could have seen their wedding day
And he still loves her as much as the first time he saw her
Their children have grown up, the grandchildren play

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 937
Tired Eyes
I can tell by your face
The world gets you down
You feel so out of place
In your tears you drown

You feel no one listens
Nobody hears your song
Alone your tears glisten
You fear you don't belong

Come on and rest with me
Close your tired eyes

Thoughts go on in your head
You wish you could go back then
Does anyone hear what you said
You repeat the words again and again

You don't let them see you crying
You always have to hide away
You just want to give up trying
Wondering if you should stay

Come on and rest with me
Close your tired eyes

I can hear the words of your soul
I will open up my ears
I will watch you find your goal
I will help you through your fears

Someone has to help you to be strong
Someone will open up your tired eyes to see
Someone is there so you can belong
And that someone is going to be me

Come and rest with me
Now open your tired eyes

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 4.1k
Saint Dwynwen
She loved her special prince
Her soul belonged to Maelon
But her father would not allow it so
For she had been promised to wed another

She prayed to her God to forget her true love
And an Angel came down to visit her
Granting a sweet potion to erase his memory
So that she could forget him forever

But it also meant that Maelon would be trapped
To be encased within a block of ice
Then her God decided to grant Dwynwen three wishes
And she knew for what she had to do

She wished for Maelon to be thawed and saved
She wished for the hopes and the dreams
Be granted for all of the true lovers
But the third wish, she would never marry

She formed her convent on Llandwyn
This is where she stayed, until Death took her
The remains of her church can still be seen
She will always be our patron saint of lovers

5th Century saint ... copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 1.9k
X Marks The Spot
Yo ** ** and a bottle of wine;
Your heart will be mine.
You will make me walk the plank;
Because on your love I can bank.

Me heartie, I be coming for you.
Brave a cutlass battle, through and through.
Secret isles we will go a-sailing.
Give me another kiss, never failing.

Land ahoy, here I am looking for your treasure.
A map of your heart is my only pleasure.
I will find ye, that will be my lot;
Because X marks the spot.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 664
Out Of The Blue
What do you really think

When you are sitting there

Sipping your cold drink

Your hand stroking your hair

I wonder do you think of me

Of the love that I feel

Do you see what I see

When my feelings are real

Do you think of me in the same way

The same way I think of you

Is it still like the first day

You met me out of the blue

So what ever thoughts are in your head

Remember my darling I love you more

I love you with every world I have said

I love you whatever life has in store

copyright Chris Smith 2006
Jan 2010 · 996
I never thought I could believe
That there was love at first sight
Now I am waiting to receive
Your love that burns so bright

You came and took me by surprise
I never knew that you were there
Now you lift me up on to highs
I am waiting for that moment to share

You are my stowaway
Hiding in my heart
You are my stowaway
Waiting in my heart

Like a secret waiting to be found
You were ready for me to discover
You crept up on me without a sound
I am looking forward for my lover

You were hiding in some special place
For me to find you all this while
I look forward now to seeing your face
I look forward now to making you smile

You are my stowaway
Hiding in my heart
You are my stowaway
Hiding in my heart

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 795
Weather The Storm
When it begins to rain
Just let it pour down
And let yourself free

When that wind blows
Feel it in your hair
Now be as one

Let your sorrows go
Hold your head up and be strong
Feel it deep in your heart
And weather the storm my friend

Do not fear the lightening
Let it light up your life
Just open your eyes to see

Listen as the thunder roars
And shout out with it
Let your emotions be heard

Let yourself find escape
And release away your troubles
With nature, you will find your way
And weather the storm my friend

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 1.4k
Heartbreak Circus
Like the clowns we laughed at life
We would joke about the day
But we forgot that just like a clown
The make up is removed by tears

In my life, I would brave the high wire
If I fell you would be my safety net
But now alone, I will walk the tightrope
Putting on a brave face, my net is gone

We were acrobats when we made our love
We flew through the air, catching each other
But now when I attempt to take that leap
I can see that that space you had is empty

I am the ringmaster now of my destiny
Sitting here all alone in this heartbreak circus
But this circus is closed now, it can never open
Now alone I will enter the cage, and face my lions

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 1.4k
He fought for his country

Fought for all to be free

Now a forgotten son

Of a war long done

He saw so many friends die

In forgotten graves they lie

People do not seem to care

With the medals he has to wear

Each medal is a lost soul in battle

Where you heard the bullets rattle

Each medal belonged to a hero of war

For freedom they were fighting for

They gave us their blood and sweat

The enemy they always met

To give this land to be free

Soldiers for all of us to see

Black, white, American, British, Asian - one and all

Side by side, together they would fall

No matter where they came from, they fought to be true

They died to keep us safe, they died for me and you

copyright Chris Smith 2006
Jan 2010 · 774
I always Will
When time passes and leaves me behind
I find the words, which I come to share
As the world carries on, I feel I am blind
I have tried my best to always be fair

Suffering in silence, which I do the most
Never sharing the hurt that I feel
I keep these feelings locking, scared to boast
I just know that this pain is always real

I have prayed so many times, for it to go away
But it never does , this ****** hurt continues
Having to face it every second, every passing day
I still am always here, a victim of the Devil's dues

Who would have thought, trauma lasts this long
An assault for long ago, is haunting me still
I am alone in my making, hearing misery like a song
I have to always live in shadows, and I always will

copyright Chris Smith 26th December 2009
Jan 2010 · 798
Demon's Brew
Bar tender, pour me another drink
For within this dank pity I wallow
Fill the whiskey full to the brink
So I can drown away my sorrow

Once, I was a man able to keep my cool
Never one for the rage to over take me
But bad times came and made me a fool
I allowed anger to always leave me empty

Come, I want you to fill my glass once again
I will be the one who decide when enough is enough
I want to swallow up when times were good, back then
Because now this life has become much too tough

Then fury visits me and his glass I hurl and smash
Unsteady on my feet I find my way out the door
People try to keep away, as at them I will lash
So now going home, I find myself crawling on the floor

Once inside, I will open another bottle to begin anew
They try to say I have a problem, and they are wrong
I can stop drinking, I can give up this Demon's brew
Because this man is able to stand and be strong

But in reality, I can not sleep for my spirit is weak
I say I need no one, because I fear my own shame
I want to stay drunk, because then I need not speak
I scream at the world when I know that I am to blame

copyright Chris Smith 1998
She comes to me with love

Keeps me safe in her arms

She shines for me so brightly

In my darkness she is my beautiful star

When I am with her she holds me

I am wrapped in the wings of an Angel

I never want to lose her now

I have found her and I am here to stay

To kiss her lips takes me to Heaven

To feel her touch is like magic

And when I feel her arms around me

I will be wrapped in the wings of an Angel

You came to me when I needed you most

Gave me love when I thought my heart was lost

You showed me a purpose in life again

You gave me hope to start to love

And when you are close to me

Then I am wrapped in the wings of an Angel
copyright Chris Smith 2009
All the greatest heroes came out to fight

Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Hercules and all the rest

To face the greatest villains out that night

The ones that were the most evil at their best

The villains were going to take over the Universe and rule

But not one of them really wanted to share

The heroes were the ones honest and true

They were always ready to fight honest and fair

But both heroes and villains failed to see the greatest menace of all

For who wants to read what they can not see

So both heroes and villains, one by one would fall

Forgotten in books, because everyone now watches TV

copyright Chris Smith 2001
Jan 2010 · 647
Minus Twenty
He is waiting for her
He is needing her
He wants her to hold
But she is leaving him cold

He always gave the world to her
But she always wanted to go further
He would give her everything
But it is a chill she will bring

She is freezing, minus twenty
Her blood is made of ice
She will take him for plenty
Because she will entice

He never knows where she has been
But he loves her, she is his ice queen
He wants her, needs her, he is so sad
She uses him, hurts him, treats him bad

He tries to give up, but can not help how he feels
She always tempts him in those high heels
To her, his soul has long been sold
And she is so ****** very cold

She is freezing, minus twenty
Her blood is made of ice
She will take him for plenty
Because she will entice

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 460
Just A Girl
A young girl out late one night
Walking home by the street light
She got snatched by three men
Dragged into an alley, taken again and again

Over and over they abused her
Over and over they used her
They just left her laying there
Left her naked, but they did not care

Now she is a little older
And her heart has grown colder
She is now involved with only thugs
She sells her body for drugs

Anything that you want to do
She will do it all for you
If the money is right, she don't mind
With her body she pays in kind

The news said a girl was found dead
Someone smashed a brick on her head
At her funeral nobody came
She was just a ******* the game

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Jan 2010 · 1.3k
Never Again Found
Pride before a fall
No one dares to hear the name
Nothing in ashes

Heroes always die
In battles fought in bloodlust
They are forgotten

Books now never read
Pages yellowed neglect
Never opening

Will you hear my cry
Of the times long gone away
Never again found

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Jan 2010 · 814
Loving Her Poet
She loves him relentless with her heart

She knows that she is always his

He shares his words with the World

He writes from deep in his very soul

She will keep him with her passion

She is in love with her poet

Sometimes his words are from his dark side

When he has to dwell within the shadows

She can feel him reaching out to her

When he needs her to be there the most

That is when she will always come to him

She is in love with her poet

He will never give in to the temptation

There can never be any others for him now

She makes sure she gives him everything

To this man she will always belong

Her desire will ignite his flame and never fade

She is in love with her poet
Jan 2010 · 1.0k
Dark City Tales
She believed he would make her a star.

Sixteen and believed his false lies.

He was fifty and only looking for fun.

Cast her aside when he had what he wanted.

Now she is too ashamed to go back home.

Plays tricks just to make money to live.

A victim of one of the dark city tales.

He wanted to part of the gang and belong.

Tried too many drugs and ******* up his head.

They gave him a knife and laughed behind his back.

Like an idiot he thought it was big to rob.

Eighteen years old and destroyed his young life.

A cop with a gun was forced to end it for him.

He became another victim in dark city tales.

She waits for him to come home drunk.

He lost his job and takes it out on her.

Very quick to use his fist to lash out.

Another black eye she tries to hide.

Says she walked into the door once again.

Neighbours shut their eyes not to be involved.

Both are more victims in dark city tales.

Young fourteen year old girl throws her baby away.

A drunkard night of unplanned emotions was the cost.

She never knew what her life would have in store.

Hid the baby as she felt it growing inside her.

An unwanted pregnacy she had to face all alone.

A new born baby left to die in some unknown dumpster.

Another twisted story of the dark city tales no one knows.

copyright Chris Smith 2009
Jan 2010 · 805
No Great Poet (Revised)
I don't want to change the world
Even the dark places I am hurled
I don't want to justify my life
Of how the hardships cut like a knife

I may not be or ever be no great poet
But these feelings, I am not scared to show it
I respect the readers who always give me a look
Even though I may never appear in any book

I write because it helps heal my soul
To share with all, the blood that does flow
Because every poet bleeds to be read
Sharing their heart to be said

And I will never give up what is my fight
I will give you the words I want to write
Stories and poetry given to me as a gift
My fellow reader, you make my spirit lift

For sharing our words, you give us a reason to live
You bring us alive, with the poetry we will give
I would ony be nothing, if not for you
For a poet, a writer, needs a reader to make them true

copyright Chris Smith (revised 2010) Original version 1998
Jan 2010 · 3.9k
Every Woman
Every woman deserves a chance

Every woman needs some romance

Every woman has some love to give

Every woman wants a life to live

Every woman is living a secret wish

Every woman wants a slow kiss

Every woman can give so much

Every woman wants to feel a touch

Every woman has a dream to share

Every woman just wants to care

Every woman should not be alone

Every woman must have a heart to own

Every woman wants to be a mother

Every woman desires to be a lover

Every woman will give you her heart

Every woman waits for love to start

copyright Chris Smith 2004
Jan 2010 · 830
Down In The Alley
Down in the alley

The cats are swaying

The leader is O'malley

He's got a guitar he's playing

Ginger is on bass strumming

He's doing his thing

Tabby is there drumming

And they're ready to sing

She cats are sharpening their claws

Dancing with their tails in the air

See the cats licking their paws

All the cats are there

Join in if you're a cat

The party is out of sight

Down in the alley where it's at

Going on all through the night

copyright Chris Smith 1998
Jan 2010 · 1.6k
Hush momma, please do not cry
Hush momma, please do not die
Please stay from deaths' cold touch
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, I am here
Hush momma, do not fear
Into Heaven do not rush
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, you are cold
Hush momma, you I hold
My heart is going to crush
Hush momma, please hush
Dec 2009 · 655
The Time Has Come
The time has come to close the doors
To finally clean up the floors
To extinguish the stars, one by one
To put out the Sun, let it be gone

The time has come to shut all the books
To take your coat all from the hooks
To fill up all the opened holes
And boarder up all of the windows

The time has come to let the cat go out
To zip up the mouths so they no longer shout
To unravel and roll up the sky
And ask a question but never ask why

The time has come for memories to be laid to rest
To say a final goodbye and know you are blessed
For tears to flow, and wish you to a better place
Go to the stairs in the sky, for you will always go in grace

copyright Chris Smith 2009 (In memory of those I miss)
Dec 2009 · 1.9k
Ode To A Burns Victim
Does anyone know what it's like to burn
To have your flesh blister like a white hot sun
To feel your nerve endings popping
Skin ablaze with the fire not stopping

Your left leg on fire, wish you were dreaming
Your foot a ball of flame and you keep on screaming
But exactly what was your crime
Only being at the wrong place at the wrong time

So years on this is how the story goes
You got severe scarring and lost two toes
This story is true, it's for me to tell
It's left me slightly unhinged, I've been through hell

So life's a mess, getting women? I'm out of luck
If you don't like looking at me, I don't give a ****
It's okay for you, you can just walk away
For me, I have to live with it every day
Dec 2009 · 720
If A Child Cries
If a child cries

Your heart dies

You will be near

To a child's tear

If a child cries

You must realise

Treasure that child you hold

Through nights so cold

If a child cries

It is no surprise

You are always there

To show you care

copyright Chris Smith 2000
Dec 2009 · 698
Death's Hand
Death come claim thy soul
Taketh it, for it hurts me
With nowhere to go
Dec 2009 · 2.0k
Soul Of The Tree
I can hear the song of the trees
It floats from high above my head
Whispering through the rippling leaves
Being also heard by the birds perched
As they begin to dance from branch to branch
And then the birds also join in the song

Listen to the story of the ancient Oak
You shelter in the branches to hear it told
Of a long time ago when fields grew wild
Of the changing centuries that have passed on by
How the Oak has lived through long forgotten battles
It is a story shrouded in a history of hidden lore

Changing colours as the very leaves start to paint
How many artists have these trees always inspired
The Mountain Ash and the Cedar so royal
The tears unseen from the Weeping Willow
The solitude of the lonesome Pine
Gothic secrets in a cemetry of the Yew

I planted a tree to remember those gone by
Knowing as it grows, so their legend lives again
How they changed my life by their own
So now I hope that their song will be sung
Even when I am gone and long forgotten
And like that very tree, I know they will live on

copyright Chris Smith December 12th 2009
Dec 2009 · 1.7k
Never Give Up
When the times are striking you

All the right seems to be wrong

Nothing said is never listened

And loneliness is your only friend

Solitaire is the only game you play

You feel you can not go on anymore

Never give up, no never give up

Black clouds seem to hover over your head

You want the ground to swallow you up

Your heart is always being broken, time after time

And you are fed up picking up the pieces

Your shadow seems to be the only one to turn to

Forgotten smiles bring you scolding tears

Never give up, please never give up

There is the sun in the shadows of the sky

There is life even living in a poluted sea

There are reasons for life to face again

There is beautiful poetry yet to be discovered

There are flowers growing even in charred soil

There is hope in the hand of a true friend

Never give up, we must never give up
Dec 2009 · 1.2k
Kicking And Screaming
They called him crazy, they called him mad
He got his axe and then he got very bad
The voices were always deep in his head
Telling him to chop, make them dead

Ten dead, newspapers called him a serial killer
They made a TV movie, quite a thriller
On chat shows about him they talked
So after them all he went and stalked

And they caught him that fatal day
Just as he was throwing the actors head away
Thought filling him with drugs he would be dreaming
They still had to take him away kicking and screaming
Dec 2009 · 880
I Wish I Could See Her Eyes
I wish I could see her eyes
And be lost in her gaze
To kiss and have her sighs
Be in a wonderful daze

She is on the other side of the sea
So very near, but so very far from me
Just near her side to always be
I love how she always makes me free

Just to touch her beautiful hair
In my arms, to be able to hold her
I would give up my soul to be there
I would cross the stormiest weather

I do not care of how long it ever takes
I will be there, in how much life tries
I will not give up, this man never breaks
I wish I could see her eyes

copyright Chris Smith 23rd December 2009
Dec 2009 · 3.5k
The Lost Elf
One day the skies opened up with snow
And one lost elf did not know where to go
He kept going in circles, around and around
But the skies kept putting more snow on the ground

He found himself in a Winter forest, dark and deep
He thought he heard the dead trees start to creep
He imaged eyes gazing like a terrifying light
Or was it the reflection where everything was white

The poor little elf was starting to get very cold
He wish he had stayed home, like he had been told
As more snow fell he began to shiver and shake
So scared that snow monsters might come awake

Suddenly a sound made the poor elf start to yell
He had heard a ringing, a sound of a bell
Then he saw a jolly fat man dressed in white and red
With reindeers that pulled him sitting on a sled

He offered the elf to come and sit by his side
Then they shot up into the sky, it was a special ride
The jolly fat man took the elf home to his mother
He was so happy when he shared the story with his brother

So every year he leaves mince pies and a drop of red wine
Something special for the jolly fat man to dine
He now stays in when it snows, whenever he can
And the once lost elf always remembers that jolly fat man

copyright Chris Smith 22nd December 2009

Merry Christmas to all on Hello Poetry
Dec 2009 · 3.1k
Amid mushrooms the leprechaun creeps

At the end of rainbows he sleeps

He would hit you with a rock

If you try to steal his crock

A master of devilish trickery

He will play games with ye

Doth thou keep away from me gold

He will say so brash and bold

Catch him and hear him rant

Three wishes he will grant

But those wishes are like the mist

With each one comes a twist

Laughs at you, he is all dressed in green

Never generous, just twice as mean

For his hidden gold he will dig

Trick you and dance an Irish jig
Dec 2009 · 716
Endless Poem
Sitting here and my mind wanders

I never know where it takes me

Across the world, exploring new Galaxies

In my mind I can visit outer space

Because I never know what is in there

Sitting here when my mind wanders

So many people need the freedom

When their lives seem like a prison

Locked away, doing the same things

Where every day just seems the same

They can never seem to find any escape

When so many people need the freedom

Endless stories are there to be told

Different tales with so many possibilities

Because they are waiting to be found

Trapped in the boundaries of your head

Open up and you will find them

For endless stories are there to be told

A poem that has no end

Something to find and to write

To add on to it at every time

Because there are more words to find

Words that come at any given moment

For a poem that has no end
Dec 2009 · 1.5k
Sunday Morning
Sunday morning, sitting here in thought

Wondering, for me, what life has brought

And what else will my life continue to bring

Still sitting here, this Sunday morning

So many people, I have touched out there

So many people that will always care

But there are those, who do not know me

Those people who touch, and show me

Homeless people who live day to day

No home where they can just stay

Old vagrant with a cold step to sit

Where on Sunday morning does he fit

Woman, unhappy, suffering with her pain

Upset her man, so he went and hit her again

She would leave, but has no where to go

Trapped, for there is no one who wants to know

Black man, at him, they throw stones

Hit him, and break his bones

But he is a man, just like me

That is all that people should see

Sunday morning, and also out there today

Are those children who have run away

Not sure where to go, what they will find

People just turn away, with eyes so blind

Old people who are now living in fear

Living where the police do not go near

Gangs hanging around, on every corner

Treating the elderly without honour

Sunday morning, these words come in my head

Write them down so they are then read

All my words I write down to share

For those that see them, for those who can not, I will care

copyright Chris Smith 2007
Dec 2009 · 3.7k
Follow Your Rainbow
When life is beginning to go bad

And all your troubles seem to flow

All things happening make you sad

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

When others are being so cruel

And you can not find someone to know

No one there to speak to you

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

And when the times seem so tough

And you feel sad tears start to grow

Feel like you have had enough

Follow your rainbow, follow your rainbow

Follow your rainbow until you reach the end

Follow your rainbow and then you will see

Follow your rainbow to meet your friend

Follow your rainbow right to me

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Dec 2009 · 2.7k
90: Slow Kisses
Slow kisses tingle on your neck

Hands touch you with sweet carress

Touching the tenderness of your *******

Teasing them with a careful hand

Kissing them in turn, teasing them with a tongue

Your breathing is fast with your desire

Slow kisses going down, moving further down

Kissing where holds the hidden pleasure

You tremble now with knowing expectation

As a lovers' tongue explores the sensation

Thrilling you until you can not take any more

Until the fountain comes to the lovers taste

Slow kisses as he gently places you down

And soon fills you with heated passion

You both move together in a dance of lust

Both lost in this moment of body heat

Until that moment heat fills you from within

And the release of satisfaction comes at last

copyright Chris Smith 2008
Dec 2009 · 880
Your Wicked Game
You never tell me your name

I play your wicked game

You tempt me and you tease me

You take me and you please me

With your red lips and alluring smile

You know how to get me for awhile

You got me, we can do anything

I am going to be your play thing

It is hypnotic the way you move

The ****** way that is your groove

I know it's wrong, the things we do

I know that I have to have you

Your passion is so ****** strong

I will desire you all night long

I will do things I never knew I could

Any style I want, I know you would

Well girl, this lust is never spent

On you, my passion will be pent

On the bed, the wall, table or the floor

You know I am coming back for more

copyright Chris Smith 2005
Dec 2009 · 766
Let My Last Day Be With You
If I could have one last day

If everything would fade away

If the world would crumble to blue

Then let my last day be with you

If the skies began to fall

If the end was coming for all

If there was nothing to do

Then let my last day be with you

If the grass blackened and died

If all life had to face their genocide

If all this was coming true

Then let my last day be with you

(copyright Oct 2008...Chris Smith)
Dec 2009 · 913
One Rainy Night
God and Lucifer met one rainy night

Satan drank a bottle of neat scotch

The lord merely sipped a glass of water

And they would talk of times long past

Of the wrongs of the world of today

I may have only killed a handful

For that is what is said in the good book

But you, as you sit there so holier than thou

You killed millions by drowning them all

So what have you got to say to that

Ah Lucifer, you always seem to forget

You infected all of man back then

You cursed them and they were a plague

They would have spread and destroyed creation

I had no choice but to rid what you had started

Oh, I will give you that one this time

How can I compete with your following

Okay, back then I started the evil

But how can you explain your mankind now

Today they are just as evil, and I never did it this time

Man must follow their own path this time, Lucifer

For I can never allow myself to start once more

Both of us are now just a victim to these new times

They say they follow both us in their strange kind of way

But in reality, do they still believe in what they know

Satan had no reply for he knew God was right

Long ago these beings always followed their hearts

And then there was a time when Good and Evil fought

Where man would suffer for the sins that they made

But in the world of today, they knew not what they did
Dec 2009 · 1.1k
86: Teddy
Teddy was the little girls toy

Took it everywhere that she went

Gave her so much fun to enjoy

Even though one leg was bent

Teddy was her very best friend

Cuddle him on every day

But it had to happen in the end

She grew up and went away

Teddy was left to go cold

Forgotten that he was there

Another year gone, another year old

Wondering why she did not care

Years went by and he was raggered and torn

But another little girl found him and took him home

It did not matter Teddy was battered and worn

Because she loved him as her own
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