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 Nov 2016 Veronica
It's 3 am when you wake me
with cold hands in the shape of chords,
breathing stories and whiskey
spilled on the p.a by a guy
asking for songs.

In between saturday and sunday
you tell me about the  bikes
in town for the rally,
lining the streets in rows of inert thunder
while their people drank
and moved to the music you made.

It's 4 am
before morning finds the bluff
to light up the world's earliest hours
good morning you say
before we fall asleep,
laughing at your own joke.
 Nov 2016 Veronica
Caroline E
Here obsessing over celebrities and singers that don't even know I exist

In love with fictional characters that are only part of a story

And falling for strangers I won't ever see again
But there's nothing wrong with dreaming right? (:
Kiss me and don't go
never leave me
grip onto my back the way
    you grip onto this reckless heart.
 Nov 2016 Veronica
 Nov 2016 Veronica
I pray all the sunsets you missed
will find you in your dreams.
 Oct 2016 Veronica
Ryan Nyberg
 Oct 2016 Veronica
Ryan Nyberg
you can't buy love
but you can buy a ****.
you can't buy happiness
or time you won't get back.

you can buy beauty, health and friends
you can buy anything
so look after your wealth!

you can't buy…oh
wait, you can buy it all!
as long as you have enough money to your name
the world will lie at your feet and follow every step you take.
 Sep 2016 Veronica
everywhere i go there's a cop
not a real cop, but someone trying to convict me
incarcerated by their eyes
i'm stuck in their cell and they restrict me

everywhere i go there's a God
not a real God, but someone trying to judge me
i'm condemned by their eyes
i'm stuck in their hell and they begrudge me
read fast to get the flow
 Sep 2016 Veronica
so ****** doomed, destiny defeated
we need what we please, not what is needed
searched for something new and never succeeded
we even said please and begged and pleaded

there can't be no doomsday deleted
we cheat each other, it's we who are cheated
more reckless reasoning is repeated
can't stop the cycle, nearly completed
Wrote this a few years ago...i know the word completed isn't used properly
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