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Painting with my tears
Strokes with my heart for years
Aches and pains it depicts
Still remains incomplete
Ray of sunshine
A place in the canvas
Comes and goes
Bereaving the darkness
Not to be sold
My life story told
Unfinished it will remain
Soul unfit to sketch
Now of the body bereft
How much more to go
Who will sign
At last at peace
After i cease
If i want a movie made
From my birth which brings death along
How will one write a screenplay
The story remains the same

all my mistakes in life
add weight to a scale
of self-judgement–

so far i sense
a balance—

yet it feels to me like
i've let so much ballast
get washed overboard...

s jones

Love is true and pristine
Fake love does not exist
If it isn't the real deal,
Remove the word - love
And simply call it deceit.
Uncontestably, God is the greatest
whenever He allows me go through a test
I know He's trying to bring out my best
Yet, I still find myself questioning
myself and/or Him –
Why is this happening?
What have I done wrong?
However, with patience, trusting in Him
and yielding to Him
The tests usually turn out to be blessings.
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
 Feb 2020 Darison Strange
 Feb 2020 Darison Strange
I don't repeat things consistently.

I don't repeat things consistently

I don't repeat things

I don't repeat

I don't

Unless they're important

Nothing can be important anymore
You can’t see anything
until you
Wake up.
You can’t go anywhere
until you
Get up
You can’t get together
until you
Make up
You can’t see the sky
until you
Look up
You won’t change a thing
until you’re
Fed up
 Feb 2020 Darison Strange
You're so near to me, but I can't reach you;
So near to me, but I really need you;
So near to me, but I feel so lost;
Stretch out your hands, and help me God!

I'm drowning in sin, and it's all my fault.
I know that you're waiting with open arms,
But I stumble and fall (I'm blinded by pride);
Say the words, Lord, and open my eyes!

How many times will you bring me the day!
How many times will I turn you away!
How many times will I wish I had not!
Give me your grace, and help me God!

Temptation holds me - please set me free.
My heart is locked - you hold the key.
You ask me gently if you can come in,
But I deny you again and again.

These chains were made by my choice,
So God, don't listen to my voice!
Why do you ask? You know the truth.
I'm placing all my trust in you.

You're so close to me, but I can't reach you;
So close to me, but I really need you;
So close to me, but my spirit is poor;
Stretch out your hands, and be my savior!
There once was a boy,
Who fell in love with a girl
An incredble story
Inspiration for all

But you never can tell
What is hiding beneath
Inside each fairytale
A dark truth underneath

So the boy had his deamons
From life lived long ago
He kept them as a secret
So the girl won't find more.

But as time passes by
And the secrets revealed
And their fairytale life
Seam to rumble downhill

In this darkest of times
Almost all hope is lost
This boy suddenly finds
A flame covered in dust

Worming up by the fire
Watching it be restored
Come alive with desire
To swollow the world

Thou unique and refreshing
This bond ran its cours
And with renewd ambition
The boy got on his horse

He came back to his home
Where the girl built their nest
Face to Face with their deamons
They woav a bond built to last.

And somewhere in the desert
The flame dances her dance
Glowing stronger then ever
Breathing in every breath

And althou far away
Never really appart
Since the flame and the boy
Share the same unique heart
The prettiest smiles, hide the most secrets.
The most beautiful eyes, have cried the most tears.
The people with the kindest heart's, have been hit with the most pain.
Kind people help and support others, what do they gain?
They don't gain money.
They don't gain fame.
They don't gain anything that involves physical and appearance.
It's not dissapointment.
What they gain... Is emotions, and that's the most important.
Don't always think of yourself. If someone is struggling, you should help them. Especially if it's someone you care about. Cause if you actually care about them, you won't let them go on with the struggle alone. Their holding up a huge ton of problems and stress right on their backs, if you care, walk up to them, and give them a hand with ton. You're not going to let them get squished. You need them to know you're there for them.
And that you love and care.
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