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2d · 138
Dan AC 2d
Her eyes held a universe of secrets waiting to be unraveled.
Feb 19 · 179
The poison—
Dan AC Feb 19
The poison—
of your love—
Stains my mouth.
Feb 18 · 39
-Love Like The Sun-
Dan AC Feb 18
The sun doesn't choose
who to shine on.
It just Shines.
Oh to feel the Suns love from someone.
Feb 18 · 39
Giving.. Nothing.
Dan AC Feb 18
I cannot give
what I do not have.
Dan AC Jan 26
I'd always thought villians were cool and especially their backstory, but I always wished it was my own.. So destroyed myself, fell , shattered ,and died.  Made my hands felt the thick hot blood of my body.

And still I smile.
I wanted this, i should be grateful.
Jan 26 · 166
To my past
Dan AC Jan 26
Missing you
Doesn't mean
I need you
Back in
Jan 26 · 29
Dan AC Jan 26
The Dream Intruder

In shadows deep, where moonlight failed to gleam,
A figure knelt, his soul consumed by dream.
He grasped her hand, a grip both fierce and frail,
"Don't marry," his voice, a mournful wail.
His head bowed low, tears tracing down his face,
A desperate plea, in this unknown space.
"Stay with me," he cried, his voice a broken plea,
A love unspoken, just for her.
Confusion reigned, as shadows danced and swayed,
This phantom lover, in this moonless shade.
Who was this man? Why did his spirit plead?
A bond unseen, a love beyond all creed.
His pain, his fear, they pierced her very soul,
A connection forged, beyond all earthly control.
In that dark space, we shared a silent vow,
A love unknown, somehow, somehow...
There will be a time.
Jan 26 · 73
Dreams or reality?
Dan AC Jan 26
A Dreamers' Dilemma

The cobblestones gleam, a dull, wet grey,
Reflecting skies where shadows sway.
The air is thick, a heavy, leaden sigh,
Where tired dreams beneath the pavement lie.

A weary soul, a weary, plodding pace,
Lost in the maze of time and space.
Reality bites, a bitter, cruel sting,
A mundane song, the world it sings.

But in the night, when shadows creep,
And weary minds begin to sleep,
A wondrous realm, where dreams take flight,
A symphony of colors, bathed in light.

No chains of duty, no mundane toil,
A boundless world, a fertile soil.
Where lovers soar on wings of grace,
And laughter rings in every space.

Though waking brings the bitter sting,
Of cold hard truths, the world they bring,
The dreamer knows, a solace deep,
Where dreams remain, while others sleep.
Dan AC Jan 26
-Death Gives Life Value-

The specter looms, a silent threat,
A shadow's kiss, a debt unmet.
Each fleeting breath, a borrowed grace,
A fragile gift, a fading space.

A ticking clock, a mournful sound,
A barren field, a lifeless ground.
The weight of time, a heavy chain,
A prisoner’s plea, a futile strain.

Yet, in this gloom, a flicker's seen,
A spark of hope, a dream, a scene.
A chance to live, to love, to feel,
To break the chains, and truly heal.

Though death may claim, and life may cease,
It gives to life a bittersweet release.
For in its shadow, values bloom,
A fleeting joy, escaping doom.

A preciousness, a heightened sense,
Of every moment, every essence.
A thirst for life, a burning flame,
To chase the sun, and conquer shame.

Though death may loom, a constant fear,
It makes each breath, a treasure dear.
A fleeting grace, a precious art,
To live and love, with all one's heart.
Jan 26 · 56
Dan AC Jan 26
The Monster Within

The monster within There's a shadow in my thoughts, A beast I cannot flee, It whispers in the silence, This monster in my mind.

It grows at every memory,
Turns dreams to darkest night,
I feel it in my veins,
Its claws grip tight.

A reflection in the mirror,
A face I recognize,
But behind these ever of mine,
The monster quietly lies.

I wear a smile by daylight And walk a careful line, But when the night surmounds me, The monster's voice is mine.

It feeds on all my worries,
And grows from every fear,
I try to lock it deep away,
But Still, its always rear.

Am I the cage, the keeper
Or the beast keeper, that hides inside?
the answer's last within me,
Where the monster and I collide...
Jan 26 · 73
Dan AC Jan 26

He was a creature of the dim,
a being of shadows, a man whose light was a mere flicker, a feeble glow. He was not meant for the blinding sun, the clamorous day. His nature was nocturnal, his essence, the quietude of the night. He was a moon, a pale satellite, orbiting a brighter star. Yet, in his own, modest way, he illuminated the darkness, offered a gentle guidance, a silent comfort. He was a necessary evil, a quiet necessity, a being whose limitations were as much a part of him as his existence.

You dont have to be the sun to shine.
Jan 12 · 55
To my dearest, Shan D.
Dan AC Jan 12
My love, a soul so kind and true,
A heart that understands me through and through.
You listen close, without a frown,
When worries weigh me down.

You see the best in me, it's true,
Even when I feel lost and blue.
You offer comfort, a gentle hand,
A love that's rare, across the land.

You never judge, you never blame,
You embrace my spirit, fan the flame.
Of hope and joy, and dreams untold,
A story waiting to unfold.

With you beside me, I can soar,
Reach for the stars and evermore.
Explore the world, with you as guide,
With love and trust, we safely glide.

Thank you, my love, for understanding soul,
You make me whole, you make me bold.
A love like ours, a precious find,
A love that's truly one of a kind.
to shannen dominisac
From yours truly, Thea.

— The End —