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Dear god,
I wear the cross on my chain
As your prays are forever conducted into my brain
And out through my vain
You have a strain on me to do good
For within you I forever could
With me, you forever stood
As I knew you would

For that I'm always grateful
For you are my secret angel
You fly high,
way up in the sky
Looking down making sure I don't drown
And for you I promise never to frown
Or ever turnaround, but to keep on going
Knowing, and showing to way for others
For ****** Mary one of my mothers
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
Ivy Swolf
Kiss the calamity on my lips
and leave your imprint of
atrophy like a stain on my skin.
What is really a love poem
but bits of broken words
you said in your sleep?

I hear music in the distance
that sounds like things I cannot
romanticize with justice. There's
deterioration in the melody, and
with every beat
your heart skips I get a closer look
at the fragments of you that fell apart.
Somethings are just too personal,
like what I daydream about 24/7, or
that fire dancing behind your closed lids
that warms your dreams when
another can't fuel them

The biggest thing about ourselves we
could hope to have is our
complex. And even that
is pretty small. The ground can't
handle the weight of our hearts
and we're just begging to slip
into the cracks of the
pavements to our proverbial
futures. You always did
connect more to torn and ripped
remains of poems
than fresh handwritten ones, with
evidence of my glistening
all over.

We don't die like stars, you say. We die
like heartache. Real, tangible,
and then just gone.
wrote this in pieces, first sleepily over strong coffee at 5am, then in a brainstorming session at night. had it on a shelf for the past few days because i couldn't think of a title and because i felt it was too unconnected.

enough rambling. thank you for reading, i really really appreciate it. -ivy
Life, has always been a struggle
Getting up each day, choosing to smile and pray
Thank God! for another day; for loving us; helping us;
washing your blood over us; protecting our minds, bodies and souls

This journey has been tough. Nothing, handed down or given.
Having to work so hard; cry; fight. Family doesn't even care
about your well-being.

Unlucky, when it comes to love, between a man and a woman.

Still, you fight.

Striving to be a confident, strong you. Pushing oneself;
trying new things. Not afraid to relocate if stagnation sets in.
Re-inventing oneself, whenever it's time to move onward

It's a life-long reflecting ride. Keep reminding oneself, that
through these trials and tribulations, there are others who
might be having an even tougher time coping -
going through similar events

Always thinking and knowing "you have to be strong" -
you, can do it.
Hoping to set great examples for our sons and daughters

I'm a resilience; quiet; beautiful soul-

I am, a black girl that "ROCKS"
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE

Simple reminders of conscious belief
Filter my mind with the moon’s silver glow
Satisfied truths sent to spell my relief
All that my beating heart now needs to know

Sensual visions to capture the feel
Bringing the contours of wind sculpted plains
Temptations cry out for all that is real
Filling the void that I now can explain

Cloudless these night skies of star sprinkled mist
Shimmering soft on the eclipse of love
Delicious the thoughts of your warm tender kiss
Found in these endless illusions above

Memories harbor the times that we’ve lived
Photograph remnants of places once shared
Telling the story of all it can give
Building the dreams now worth capturing there

Still we are standing alone on this eve
Counting the stars in the heavens so bright
Dreams can come true if we only believe
Whispering prayers on this warm summer night

Hear my desires a float on the breeze
Finding their way to the one I adore
Listen, my love, for I hope but to please
Biding the time till you’re with me once more

Down on my knees with my fingers entwined
Solemn requests I now send up above
Pleading with heaven to be ever kind
Allowing this man to receive your sweet love

All that I ask is all that I do need
Merely the chance I may prove ever true
You are my life and in that I believe
*Forever my love will be only you
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE

I dreamt last night of you and me,
your lips so soft I kissed
We floated on a silken cloud,
drew rainbows on the mist

Then counted daisies in a field
and when your smile appeared
I gathered up a fresh bouquet
that whispered in your ear

Made love upon a mountain top,
the snow was pure and white
Then marveled at a hummingbird
its tiny wings a’ flight

We rode inside a trolley car
up hills and over dales
Setting forth to distant shores
with paisley colored sails

Caught moonbeams in a Mason jar,
and poured them on our skin
Then there neath jealous fireflies
we made sweet love again

Set dominoes in a straight line
and laughed as they did fall
Your fancy dress and silver shoes
were perfect for the ball

We caught a flight to someplace near,
yet is was also far
For when we landed once again
we stood upon a star

That’s when I heard from listening
to someone passing by
This evening now comes to an end
I thought that I might cry

But when my open eyes did find
your beauty as my view
It mattered not what I had dreamt,
my dreams had all come true
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
Haydn Swan
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
Haydn Swan
She wants to be noticed and seen
he see's only from within himself
mascara tears run down her face
black streams that reflect her soul
he see's nothing but a flickering screen
she recoils into a lonely asylum
sanctuary for the lonely hearts
lesser things are left unspoken
echos of the voices inside her head
he see's everything but is blind
she see's nothing but the void.
 Apr 2015 DaRk IcE
before I know I love you
I have to see you at your worst
love can be a blessing
it can also be a curse

before I know I love you
I have to see you at your best
I can't see the blessing
until I'm truly blessed
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