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disappointment fell like snow, and rested against tacky coloured lights
why do I always sit on my own at parties?

I hear the people I call my friends all around me
laughing hollow laughs
for jokes which I didn't hear

too quiet to shout over the terrible music
I just sit and wait
for something that never comes

I imagine a nearby bar
where a local musician plays guitar
or the hill behind me
overlooking a thousand winking street lights
I open my eyes and I'm here

just sitting
I don't mean to brag but
My friends are the absolute best
They'll beat the crap out of the person to hurt you
They'll protect you from the storm that is life
They'll make you smile when you just wanna cry
They'll give you that one thing you always wanted just for the hell of it
They'll get your fav author to send you a letter and a bunch of autographed stuff
They'll listen to you go on and on about your endless crushes
They'll set you up with someone
They'll allow you to go to your house whenever
They'll take your apple and do some weird stuff with it
They'll listen when you just need to vent
They'll love you unconditionally when you hate yourself
They'll hold you closer when you push them away

My friends are the family I never got
Love you guys ^~^
A sudden blow: and he laid still
His dreams and hopes: crush
What have he done:  poker face
He dropped the cheese for the shadow
His life flashed before her eyes:
It's hard without question,  to
see my brothers cry.

It’s so hard to hear the chanting and the weeping
As mothers, friends and total strangers
Come together to fight for justice,
It hard to see and review the audio tapes
As he lay dying:
" I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe".

We've known smoking cigarettes can ****
However, living in America of a different race
is more cancerous than lung cancer

Especially when the verdict always come back
"No conviction, no conviction",
He died of natural causes,
So much trouble up north of the Brooklyn bridge
Cry for justice,   cry for justice.

— The End —