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  Nov 2014 Julie Clark
One night is not enough for you to
fill the next highlighting their scars
you should not throw rocks at his window
then hide your hands in your pockets
and said he's the one trying hard
I didn't mean to say you shouldn't write it
you could write a manuscript
even two for all I know
just make sure the pages are free from spilled inks
before you proceed to the next page
cutting the colour of his hair to paste in it making fun of it
well you got a messy web in your bleached hair
while you're blindfoldingly labeled him with words
it's those words that he seemed to laugh off but kept him up all night reminiscing
just what went wrong on that *one night
You can write about how things went and what went wrong along the way but never never never write about something one can't change like physical appearances and things. That makes you just the same level as him when you said he wasn't a nice guy. That makes two of you if what you're saying is true. Words ****.
Julie Clark Nov 2014
I think my head's exploding,
but I've hurt like this since the womb.
The oxygen is waning,
here in this shrinking room.

Food haunts her like a monster
Seeking to devour her fragile facade
I don't understand anorexia.
Just eat something! Oh my god.

I won't deprive myself of nutrients,
but I'll strip my lungs of air.
I'm terrified of taking deep breaths.
What if she can't share?

She has scars all over her pale wrists
But I doubt she's ever felt pain.
She doesn't know how blessed she is
Or maybe she's just insane.

Her family took me in a year ago
But this distance still divides us
I want to love her like my sister
And just put all of this behind us.

I'll hold my breath till I turn purple
If it means she'll be okay
I can tell she's dreaming of leaving
How do I make her wanna stay?

Do I tell her about her beauty,
From the angles she'll never see?
Or do I tell her she can't go
Because of how bad it would hurt me?

Ah, so perfectly imperfect.
The way she paints the blue skies gray
I want to help her with these rain clouds
But I'm not sure what to say

She has such good intentions,
But this world has taken its toll
It's not fair for her to feel like this,
Bruises veiling her artistic soul

She is such a beautiful creature.
But her mind is tainted and battered
It's been poisoned with morbid books
And her self image has been shattered

I just wanna make her better
With the little bit of me that remains
Tie her flat-lining heart strings up in bows
And pump euphoria thru her hollow veins

If you can't make it on your own
Please just let me be your drug
I know I won't be able to fix you
But my withering body gives good hugs

— The End —