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The earth moves around the sun at 67,000 mph.

Since you began reading this
we've travelled 36 miles
through the cold, black void of space


Know then, fellow traveler
that this is why
I love you.

For the millions of miles gone and
the millions still to go
we were, are and will be bound
by this shared vessel.

The void holds tight to its secrets.
I will hold tight
to you.
100 miles travelled by the end.
 Sep 2020 Brother Jimmy

You are my midnight madness
A lover in my dreams
A rewinding case of happenstance
That’s never as it seems

Yet still, such lust soaked visions
Fly free into the night
And I refuse to seek the dawning
Unprepared to meet the light

So lost in moonlit whispers
A forbidden serenade
Where echoes paint the shadows
Like a dream in masquerade

And just as waning slumber
Creeps slow around my door
I resist the rising consciousness
Hungry still, wanting more

I revel in our passion
A frenzy cloaked in black
Such sweet intoxication
No cause for looking back

You are a twilight fancy
A relentless fantasy
A ghost that haunts my stillness
A flame that cannot be

Yet, how I love the falling
How the whispers sweetly stream
You are my Phantom calling
Always in my dreams…

I bear my soul to U

U slam the doors of your heart

I come to U                In my finery

                    The alter is empty

I weep a river

Plagiarize  the Hoover dam

I search 4 U         In the shadows

       But U are silent       to my call of Marco...

i ride a moonbeam  in the hope i’ll see Ur          
                         U             steal her luminosity

                         leaving me in pitch black

i reach out hungry for
                                 Ur reassuring touch

                  but the sheets are smooth oand cold

i crumble in a sobbing heap
                                         my spirit lost without U
i used
                        to believe
                              thru the very core
                        of my being

                        with all i had
                                       could fathom


                          THEN.       ­         

                                         T.         H.         E.         N.

                                  the unfathomable.

      when             faith
                     should have held me








                                   into an a                 s
                                                  b   ­       s

                                                       ­ y

                                    devoid of
                         rope       or.           ladder

             a shift in my gaze

                    carry me

                              out on gabriel’s wings
I'm tied to the chain in the cage
Tear this chain up and break this cage down
to release me forever
Oh set me free, please!

I'm not in the happy mood
I'm soaked in tears,
Turn my tears into joy
and give me some peace,
You give me comfort, please!

Why are you silent again?
You don't see the wrong thing!
Never take the wrong turn in your life,
Just find the right path
and try to release yourself always!

You'll be free to reach the goal,
but I will be there in the jail!
Hey there who are free, I'm the victim
Think about it, just a bit
Oh, release me, please!

I would take the sweet smells
in the morning like you
I want to bloom the flowers too,
I wanna sing the morning song
for you in the cool breeze.
Let the dew of peace fall on me
Oh, lemme make a paradise!
 Jul 2020 Brother Jimmy
Come - Brave this slow dance
Shuffle slowly to the beat
Long are the days
Of high powered jazz
Smiles and trumpet bands
Of tiptoe dancing
Over the concrete rooftops
You make your own music now
Listen to yourself
Try to dance in time
Try hard not to fall
 Jul 2020 Brother Jimmy
Sometimes I touch upon
The rippled waves
And fresh salt smell
Careless and free
I swim
In the blue lagoons
Listening to the hum
Of a busy earth
That passes too fast
Around me.
Sometimes I feel the sun
Its warmth pricking
Against my skin
Reminding me
To breathe spring in.
 Jul 2020 Brother Jimmy
Wind rustled leaves
Are the only sound
In the canopied dark
Concealing memories
Of dizzying nights
Spent wild in the woods
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