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 Mar 2018 Misfired
Just a word of advice
Please be extremely careful
and think twice
Before opening the door to strangers
and never, ever, ever
take any stranger at their word
Some strangers are very deceptive
and so are scammers
especially when they call your phone
and discover you're all alone
We have nothing to agree about,
  there is no common ground

You clinging hard to all excuse
  and me to reasons found

Thirty-five years and nothing’s changed,
   as you relive the past

Our blood runs thin, our names the same,
  you feast on what I fast
With history gone, there’s nothing shared
  except to disagree

You hanging on to a dying past,
  me, dying to be free

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
 Mar 2018 Misfired
Erica O
You never told me
Who destroyed your innocence
and it's too late now

I always wanted
for it to be dramatic
like on the T.V.

but you never did
and you never, ever will
but you had to tell

you divulged to him
it was necessary, thus
you obliged, peaceful

then you threw nail polish
and he said "emotionless"
leave me out of this
****, they were sassy
 Mar 2018 Misfired
Dust Bowl
I don't ******* food when I eat.

Love isn't supposed to make you want to go back to therapy.

I felt good about myself when you held my hand.

My comfort zone was so big with you, I was able to step out of it.

You think I'm stupid for not knowing how to love you.

You think I'm broken because I can't love you.

My bones are so heavy they can't get away,

My heart is so empty it wants to scream.

I don't think this is what love is,

just because you do.
I still don't think I have ever been in love.

— The End —