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22/F    searching for beauty within simplicity
Willy Shakysphere
M/Georgia, USA    I had never written anything before 1996. I died for 7 minutes, revived by an emergency medical team I awoke to not be quite the ...
20/F/Missouri    I hope you can find the solace in these words that they have given me
Deep Ponderer
F/North East    Lover of written words, a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, with the desire to inspire.
California    Some in satin, some in cotton, and some in nothing at all.
20/M/Dallas, TX    i hate capital letters and i love ice cream :) recently started to write poetry after a tragic heart break :'( on here to make ...
kalica calliope delphine
26/F    ॐ celestial being. infj. word prophet. magical thinking enthusiast. recovering addict. 8 years sober. gsf. dream weaver. midnight songbird. tangent queen supreme. wayshower. knowledge seeker. ...
41/F/Fiji Islands    In solitude, I abide.
Kanak Kashyup
18/F    Poems from the pen with ink of life. Love writing!! It's a passion & peace. For more please do check my instagram ID - @autumnquills
empty seas
15/F/away    Trying my best
Ravindra Kumar Nayak
30/M/India    Loves writing poems, a nature lover,an Engineer and the maximum time a philosophic dreamer.
Broken Arpeggio
Poetry and Music: The emotionally charged passion that feeds the soul!
Nature Lover
New Mexico    I go to a VSA building. VSA'S an international organization of artists with disabilities, I have experience in many forms of art.
14/F/USA    Just a scared girl not knowing what to do. I thought I'd share some of my feelings with you. “From one side I seem to ...
James Jarrett
I am a compulsive writer who will write about anything on any scrap of paper I can find
H A Vitatoe
43/F    Words, Rhythm & Rhyme is available on Amazon
Melissa S
I am from a small town in Alabama. I use to keep a journal several years ago and quit writing altogether when I got too ...
Kayla Flanders
F/East Coast    this is a gentle reminder. that poetry is not in things. it is within us. all written work is © copyrighted.
Kewayne Wadley
30/M/memphis tn    Live to Love, Inspire to Love
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