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  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
(a firefly)

Put that imagination away before you hurt someone.
"You'll shoot your eye out"
  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
**** phone alarm.
I gulp haste.
I open my school app - like an eyelid.
Invade my sanctuary, virtual tyranny.
Where's my focus?!
looking around for my coffee cup
I feel like a bobble-head.
I dread fire-drill like last minute wake-ups
  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
virtual school moments (in senryus)

I forget that I'm
virtual school, because I'm
really in my room.

And start brushing my
hair or singing a song I'm secretly
listening to - until friends text me!

My mom forgets I'm
in, comes in, to yell
at me about dishes.

My cat walks across
my keyboard submitting "84;'/jifgvbzws"
as a test answer.

"It was a typo!," I complain,
“You still got an "A"," she says.
"But I LOST 4 points!!" Argh!
"Get a life!," she says.
virtual school is so strange, so lonely, so liberating and convenient.
  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
Now I understand
why dogs get so excited
about going out.
***!!! We're going out, Out, OUT!!!
  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
.............I found
    some           words
that                              I
can                         use
       to                 bind
            you with
words can do what rope, or duct tape, or super glue cannot.
  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
Morning's induction act -
the sun breaks cover bright as
Los Alamo's flash.
The sun, rising from behind Mont Blanc, made sunrise seem sudden.
  Jan 2021 Bobby Dodds
Anais Vionet
What do theologians call a life without events?

The lights of my prison-like room dawn before sun's first blush.
I open sand-papery eyes as my AI announces the morning.

I begin the puppetry of morning routines:
I study my pale inmate face as I polish the porcelain.

I look less of a drowsy-angel than a zombie as I splash cold water
on the face with an almost determined lack of expression.

I’m absorbed in an ocean of predawn cold
as I 5-mile-walk away my sleepiness - this small freedom
- keeps me fit and acceptably sane.

Later, bathed in hot indifference,
and clothed in exhausting obligations,
I dine, at my reserved table, with my gang of irritations.

Soon I’m ready for another taxing day
of waiting for the disease to run its course.
Isolation express! Leaving on track... wait - we're going nowhere 🙃
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